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Draco's pov

The weekend went by fast, I just hung around the castle like always. I passed by Elle a few times; however, I don't think she even noticed me. She had her head in a different book each day. How can one person read so many books? Granger reads a lot but doesn't even come close to how much Elle reads. She read during supper, lunch, breakfast, class, and in her spare time. That's a lot of words and knowledge going into one mind.

I didn't care for reading, I only read when I had to. Otherwise, I wouldn't be caught dead reading a book in my spare time. Enough about books, quidditch tryouts were this Monday. I was the Captain so I had to be there. We're only going to take 2 more people since our team is already pretty full, so we're looking for the best.

After Sunday supper I went up to the common room, sat on the couch for a few minutes, then went up to my room for bed.

Elle's pov

It was Monday morning, I was really nervous today because it was quidditch tryouts. I had played at my old school before but never against Hogwarts teams. Since I'm a Slytherin I had to join the Slytherin team, I didn't really like that though. I've heard that Slytherins play dirty, I didn't want to be on a team that played unfairly. But that was the only team I could join so I have no choice.

Auditions were after school during 6-8 PM, it was 8:30 AM right now and classes started in 30 minutes. I went down to the great hall for breakfast, it was really crowded. I sat next to Goyle, he looked at me with a straight smile then looked away. What was that about?

"I heard about what happened with Crabbe," he said looking back in my direction.

"How?" I asked him furiously. Had Draco told him, Draco said we would stay silent about what happened!

"Crabbe told me," he said

"What exactly did he tell you?" I asked biting my tongue. "He said that you came upon him. He asked you to stop but then you punched him." Goyle said staring at me. My mouth dropped open, that foul loathsome evil little cockroach! "That's not what happened!" I yelled. Every Slytherin at the table turned their heads to look at me. I was enraged and embarrassed, I was angry at Crabbe for being such a horrible person, while I was embarrassed that I had caused so much attention.

"Go back to what you were doing," I said to everyone, my face turning red.

"I didn't think so," said Goyle looking at me sincerely. "You don't have to tell me what happened though, I have an idea of what actually happened." He said. "It was a month ago, I don't want to bring it back up," I said looking down. "That's okay, I'll leave you alone." He said with a smile as he turned away. After a few minutes, I got up and left, my appetite was gone.

Draco's pov

During breakfast I heard yelling from across the table, it was Elle. "That's not what happened!" is what she said. I think I know what this is about. A few minutes later she walked out of the hall, with an upset expression. I really shouldn't have followed her, but I did. I don't know why, but I just... did.

She was sitting on a bench outside of the great hall. Her head resting against the wall, she was looking up, a single tear rolling down her cheek. That's when I knew my guess's about what they were yelling about, was confirmed.

I slowly walked up to her and asked, "are you okay?"

Once she heard my voice she wiped away her tear, "yeah I'm fine" she said with what was an obvious fake smile. "Are you sure-" I said as she cut me off "I'm fine! It's not like you care." She snapped at me. That made me mad "You know what? You're right, I don't care. I was just asking so that I could make fun of your stupid emotions!" I snapped back.

She flinched at the tone of my voice, she looked down. Another tear rolling down her cheek,
"Go away," she said in almost a whisper.
"Glady, " I scowled. I didn't wait for her to say something else, I turned around and went back to the great hall. Why do I care about her emotions, they're HER emotions. Not mine, hers.

Elle's pov

It was the end of the day and I was going to dinner before tryouts. They started in 1 hour so I had enough time to eat and get a uniform on.

When I got there, Draco wasn't there, which was a relief because I didn't want to talk to him. I sat down in an empty space and ate a light meal. If I ate too much, it wouldn't end well. I also drank a lot of water so that I was hydrated. There were still 20 mins until tryouts began, so I had enough time to change and head over to the field.

I was walking on the field over to the other players when I saw him, Draco... Malfoy.

Draco's pov

We had a good amount of people show up for tryouts. We were about to start when someone else walked onto the field. Elle was walking over to the group when her eyes caught mine. She stopped, her shoulders slouched. She didn't seem happy to see me. Is she going to try out?

"Are you lost?" I asked looking at her.

"Nope, I'm here to try out," she said with a huge grin on her face. "Are you sure? Someone like you doesn't seem like a quidditch type." I said, eyeing her up and down. She looked at me rolling her eyes," Yes I am, now let's get going, I don't have all day." she said joining the group.

Everyone got onto their brooms and flew up about 15 feet. I threw the quaffle, surprisingly Elle caught it. She zoomed past everyone as she made her way to the hoops. The keeper couldn't block it. I hadn't expected her to be this good.

She zoomed up and down with such ease. When she turned I was scared she was going to crash because of how fast she was going, but she never did. After tryouts were over everyone gathered in a circle for the hearing. "Okay, Marcus you're in and...." I said as I looked over at Elle. She was biting her lip with anticipation. "Elle you're in as well," I said looking at her startled face.

Elle's pov

"Elle you're in as well," Draco said looking at me. I was bewildered, did he just say that I was in as well? I realized that he did after everyone looked at me and cheered. "Thank you," I said to Draco "You were pretty okay so I guess we could use you on the team," he said shrugging.

"Okay, practice is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so be here!" He said to the group.
Everyone was heading to the locker rooms, I decided to stay back for a few minutes.

"You won't regret this," I said to him as he was getting his stuff. "You have to work hard." He said looking down sceptically at me. "I will," I said, nodding.

He stared at me for what felt like minutes, "Okay" he said walking to the locker rooms.

"Thanks, see you around," I said walking into the girl's locker room. I didn't hear him respond so I continued walking. I made the team! This is amazing. I ran up to my room and changed. Plopping onto my bed, I took a deep breath.

I was nervous but definitely excited. I went under the covers, falling asleep almost instantly as my head hit the pillow. Ready for what tomorrow has to offer.

A Slytherin Secret; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now