F O R T Y - O N E

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Draco's pov

When Elle said she needed time to process, I didn't think it would feel this endless. I know it's selfish of me to say but, I had expected her to be out of my reach no longer than a few days.

But, that's not what has happened.

Each second without her has felt like an eternity. As cliche and cheesy as my words sound, it's true, that's the effect she has on me. She owns me, my whole being, it all acquires to her. With my situation, and now that she isn't here by my side, I've been a slum.

When we're in classes, she tries to avoid me. Though she doesn't look mad or anything, she's just— distancing herself. I try to understand, I do. But it's hard for me, I'm not her, I can't always be a compassionate person.

But she deserves this, time to rejuvenate. She has the right to anything she acquires, and I would always give it to her, even if it pains me to do so.

So that brings me to where I am now, ten days without Elle comfortable in my vicinity, almost falling asleep in the middle of a Defense Against the Dark Arts lecture.

"As I told you all, this information is crucial, so make sure you pay attention, " I heard Snape say through obvious clenched teeth. I had my head rested against my crossed arms, my face in a twist. Without registering the sudden movement, I heard a loud bang beside my head. I sprung up, my eyes snapping open to the sight of a pissed-off grease ball.

I licked my lips as an awkward silence flooded through the classroom. My eyes darted to the book in his grip, the back of it resting on my desk. I then slowly looked into his eyes, his pupils dilating in a quiet rage. "Mr. Malfoy, what have I told you about paying attention?"

I lightly shrugged, leaning back in my chair as I crossed my arms. Snape's eyes narrowed, "any reason why it seemed as though you were sleeping in my class?"

"I'm just tired, I suppose."

Snape scoffed, picking up his book as he stood up straight. "I suppose, " he muttered in mockery, shaking his head. I rolled my eyes, looking off to the side. I froze. She was staring at me from across the classroom, a pitiful expression across her face.

My lips parted at the sight of her, her enchanting blue eyes, and her long blonde hair, now weaved into a loose braid, some strands escaping from the tangle. Her eyes met mine, our eye-contact causing a feeling to explode inside my heart.

This girl, no matter the scenario, never ceases to take my breath away.

Elle suddenly looked down, however; my eyes stay glued on her. She narrowed her chin, flipping through her book. Most likely to incite whatever Snape had been talking about. I would've stared at her during the whole class period, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Snape brought me back from my trance, his deep voice bellowing into my ear. "Now, you better not doze off again," he ordered, sending me a glare before going back to the front of the class.

"Will do, " I said, doing a quick point with my finger. Snape turned around quickly, scowling. I cleared my throat, sitting up from my slouched position. "I mean, " I began, "will not."


I sat in the stands during Quidditch practice, watching Elle's every move.

I earned a few glances from the people around me, they probably have picked up Elle's and my behavior lately. It was a weird feeling, their eyes on me for this reason. I always loved eyes on me, being the center of attention, but not like this.

A Slytherin Secret; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now