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Music- Winter at Hogwarts music & ambiance

Tw: Violence


Night of beginning Christmas break

Elle's pov

  Draco and I said our goodbye's as he headed off to Malfoy Manor. I went down to the train station and rode the train to Kings Cross where my mum, Floris Dollia Miles, and my dad, Gregart Lukshire Miles awaited.

I hadn't seen either of them since September and I really longed for their touch. I haven't hugged them in ages.

As the train came to a halt, I grabbed my bags and stepped off. A lot of students were on the train, ready to see their parents and loved ones.

I didn't have any siblings, and I was fine with that. But I was really close with my four male cousins, they were all like brothers to me. I was also close to my aunt Emmy, on my mum's side.

My uncle wasn't in the picture anymore, he was an Auror and was killed by You-Know-Whos henchman a year ago as he looked for answers.

My aunt and mum don't like to talk about him, they're too broken up about the touchy subject.

We always gathered at our house for Christmas break every year, it was a family tradition.

I had always admired my parents, their looks, their kindness, and their attitudes.

My mum was a curvy woman, she had wide hips and thick thighs. She was around 5'4, only an inch taller than me. Her hair was long, wavy light brown with fringy bangs. Her eyes reminded me of doe eyes with long lashes and full pink lips. Her skin was freckled and lightly tanned, covering her softened round face.

My dad was a lean, tall man, he was much taller than me and my mum, he was roughly 6'1. His hair was blond and short, with a slight curl at the ends. His eyes reminded me of Harry's, emerald green. He was light, with a bit of warmth. His face shape was more chiseled than my mum's, but not too harsh.

I ran out of the train whilst I dragged my heavy bag. I looked around for my parents, but it was too crowded to see anything. I stood on my tip-toes, trying to look for my dad's hair. When suddenly, I bumped into someone.

I fell backward but was caught by someone else behind me. "Found you." said the two male voices in unison. I recognize those voices anywhere.

"Daniel, Harvey. What are you guys doing here?"

Daniel and Harvey were my eldest cousins, they were both 20 years old and twins. They had short fluffy brown hair and brown eyes. Them being the 6'4 giants they were, they always towered over me. They always loved playing pranks on me growing up and we're very mischievous. Now that they had jobs of being Aurors, I don't see them as often as I used to.

"We came to see you of course," said Harvey.

"We all came, " said Danial as he pointed to my parents, my aunt, and my two other cousins.

My two other cousins looked the same as the twins, just younger. Elijah was the middle child, he was 14. We got along, but we're not as close as me and the twins are.

Then there's Max, he was 7. He was a silent little boy but was always affectionate towards me. He was definitely the sweetest out of the bunch.

Then there was my aunt, she had dark straight brown hair, that cut off at her shoulders. 5'9 was her height, yes, she got the taller gene. She was slim and had an hourglass shape. Her face was a heart shape and had the same freckles my mum had. My aunt was mum's older sister by 5 years, but they got along very well.

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