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Author's Note: Hi I'm just starting off this chapter to say that driving under the influence is a very dangerous and that no one should never, ever get behind the wheel intoxicated. This is a very important thing that we need to talk about more. Approximately 10,000 people die impaired behind the wheel every year in the USA. I am spreading awareness and you should too. Be safe loves.

Xoxo, Lulu

S O P H I A | alone

The cast finishes the end of Act 1 and exits off stage. Everyone rushes to get on their outfits for the prom scene of the show. I'm not in the actual prom scene but I do sing It's Raining on Prom Night to open Act 2. Intermission is 15 minutes long and I'm just in nightgown for the next scene so I have a lot of time to kill.

"Shit my zipper broke! Claire, can you come here?" Maddie fusses aggressively over her zipper and yells for Claire. Kia left to get some adjustments as well so it's just Eloise and I left in the dressing room. We sit in silence, she pins her hair up, spreading a pink lipstick across her lips.

My phone pings from inside my bag. We're not supposed to be using them during the show but it could be Paige or Liam who have been acting really strange all day. I would enter the room and they would leave or ignore me. The message is from an Instagram DM on some random account.

Did you miss me Sophie?


Only one person in the world calls me that.

I actually feel the wind get knocked out of me. I lose all feeling of where I am and what I'm doing. This isn't happening.

This isn't real, this is all a dream.

I look down at it one more time. No. It can't be Owen. He's in prison. My phone falls out of my hand and hits the floor with a thud.

Eloise's head shoots towards me at the sound, concern on her face. I ignore all of that and sprint out of the room. The dark thoughts immediately consume my mind.

I look like a huge mess as thick, hot tears pour down my face. I feel like my world is crashing down on me. I was finally starting to move on and be happy, but considering my luck I knew it wouldn't last long.

I run outside behind the auditorium and I throw my head into a bush, my throat stings as I vomit into the bushes.

"Sophia are you okay?" I hear Eloise ask from behind me. "Do you want me to get Maddie?" She continues but I shake my head. Maddie wouldn't understand. I feel like Eloise would and plus we talk occasionally. When either of us have bad days we text. She knows my pain. And I know she won't tell anyone because she tells me stuff that is equally as personal.

Believe it or not, I trust her. It may be a bit premature given our history but for now I'm hedging my bets.

I just hold up my phone in her face. "Is this from who I think it is?" She looks nervous for me. I nod, sniffling in some tears. "Oh shit I thought he was in prison."

"Well clearly not anymore." I scoff, slamming my back against the wall, collapsing to the floor. "What am I going to do?" I choke out. "I'm so sorry." Eloise whispers, joining me on the floor. She wraps an arm around my shoulder in comfort. The feeling is unnatural but then it's slowly welcomed and I lean my head against her shoulder. It's strange how far we've come.

"Shit we should go, places are in two minutes." She rushes to stand up. "I look horrible, my makeup is ruined."

"Eh, just use it as an acting choice. It matches up with the song." She makes me feel better for about 10 seconds but then I remember what just happened. "Hey wipe those tears until you go on stage and then you can cry some more." She wipes the tears away from my cheek.

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