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S O P H I A | we go together

A knock startles me from my current position of hovering my head over the toilet bowl. My arm draped over the side as I hurl up my lunch.

"Soph, are you okay." My mom asks on the other side of the door. I'm definitely not okay. It is the opening night of Grease tonight and here I am puking my guts out. No, I'm not pregnant. I've been there.

These are nerves. I haven't performed since Spring Awakening. Also the fact that I've been running on no sleep and iced coffee all week for tech week is finally hitting me.

Oh fuck. I feel more vomit rising in my throat and before I know it I'm puking again. There are four shows I have to get through. Tonight, Saturday afternoon and night which is tomorrow, and one more Sunday matinee. Someone please kill me.

"Sophia, come on. You're going to be okay, just drink some water and take a breath." Liam's calm voice says from the door and he gives it another soft knock.

Then a sharp knock makes me jump. "Sophia get your ass out of there. We have to leave in two hours." Paige snaps in contrast to Liam. I feel like halfway through this year they switched the roles of good cop, bad cop.

I roll my eyes and struggle to stand up. I look like crap. I quickly brush my teeth and let a few nervous tears fall down my cheeks.

Pull yourself together you fucking pussy.

When I open the door I'm met with my siblings and my mom. "Took you long enough." Paige huffs, pulling me out of the bathroom. I love how Paige has changed up her look recently. She's dyed her light brown hair a darker shade of brown and cut it so it just reaches above her shoulder. She's started wearing eyeliner everyday and each of her outfits have fishnet tights included in them.

She's growing up.

"Is she always like this?" My mom asks. She is still trying to adjust to living with us again. So far it's been okay, I'm glad to have her back.

"Oh you know middle school is kicking her ass." Liam says lightheartedly.

My mom helps curl my hair ridiculously tight, to the point where I feel like it's going to fall off. She sprayed an unnatural amount of hairspray and then put them in rollers.

I apply my base makeup and pack everything else. The drive back to school is just full of pent up nerves and the feeling that I'm going to vomit again. When I reach the auditorium I make my way backstage and I go into the dressing room.

Maddie and Kia are already there in the same state as me. Curlers in their hair, the bleak layer of foundation making both of them look pale. Not to mention the twitching hands and shaky breaths both of them let out.

"There she is!" Maddie exclaims drawing me into a hug, her arms gripping me a little too tight. She lets go when Claire bursts into the room holding three racks of costumes for us.

"Claire these are so great." I say and she gives me a grateful smile and mouths a thanks. She holds out what she calls an authentic 1950s skirt. It's baby blue with a white belt. She hands me a white button up and a white sweater. Kia helps tie my curls into a high ponytail while I help Maddie apply some dark purple eyeshadow.

In the middle of our laughter the door bursts open and Eloise awkwardly walks in, silencing the room.

She's abandoned her usual attire and recently I've seen her in comfortable jeans and sweaters. We're not friends but I don't hate her anymore. Maddie awkwardly clears her throat when Eloise takes a seat at her vanity. I hear Kelly, who is playing Jan, mutter "Awkward." And she steps out of the room quickly to do vocal exercises.

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