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G A V I N | major daddy issues

How could she still be so nice to me? I did something horrible and I have absolutely no memory of what happened.

I rush to stand up feeling a little dizzy from the joint but I decide that I have to apologize and thank Sophia again.

I actually did like her, she's cute and also very sweet. She's too sweet for this world. 

"Soph-" I begin but I see her leaving with Carter. My heart sinks a little bit. I think back to the conversation I had with Carter at my party. He said that I couldn't date Sophia. Which pissed me off then but I screwed it up so there's no going back.

I actually did really have a crush on her, but it's too late. 

Her laugh fills my ears as she speeds away on his bike. God I always hated that thing. Carter and I became friends during the first week of freshman year. We met at baseball tryouts. Yes, Carter used to play baseball and football.

Carter, Hunter, Leo, Chloe, and I were inseparable all throughout freshman and sophomore year. Until his dad died and he started acting out, which got him kicked off both sports teams. That was a really rough time. Carter and I started partying a lot after that.

I also had a fling with Chloe that went south and got really complicated. She acts like it never happened but it is what really drove a wedge between our friendship.

I drank and did drugs a lot more than him. I mean Sophia is right. I do need help. My parents would freak out if they knew, but it's not like they care right now anyways. They are always super busy running their company and are never home. It's just me because my brother is in college.

I get into my car but I have to sit there for a few seconds to sober up. I had only been smoking for a few seconds before Sophia found me.

Okay, I'm all good. I start my car. I have to drive up this big hill to get to my house. I type in the code at the gate and they slowly inch open. I'm just going to say it, my family is rich. But money can't buy everything, especially love. No one loves me.

Our butler, Matthew greets me at the door. "Good evening Mr. Parker, dinner is ready and sent up to your room as usual and your mother called to check in."

"Thanks." I mutter and I see him look at me suspiciously because of my red eyes. I slump off to my room. Normally the quiet house doesn't bother me but right now I feel so alone. Seeing Sophia happily be whisked away by Carter just made me sad.

I wanted to do that for someone, more specifically her. I know that getting over her will take time.

I fall onto my bed. I see a covered dish sitting on a tray by my nightstand with a soda and a cupcake with it. I take off the top, it's a pepperoni pizza. I turn on the television, Game of Thrones is playing.

Every night, if I come home. I always have a dish waiting for me in my room because I can't eat alone at the large table. The floor staff give me pitiful looks as I sadly eat my dinner.

So I find that it's better to eat in private. I usually call Eloise or Anthony right about now. Eloise may be annoying and Carter's ex but we've been friends for a long time. We met in 6th grade. We hookup occasionally but it doesn't mean anything. 

I never really understood her and Carter's breakup because all Eloise talks about is him despite the fact that he has told her off multiple times. She never gave a reason she just sent a break up text and then we went to a party on the same night. 

She's always been like that, she never really got attached to someone, but she fell in love with Carter. Who knows why she broke up with him. I finish my food and then dig into the chocolate cupcake sitting there all by itself, huh. Sounds familiar. Story of my life.

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