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as fine arts majors, mina, hanta and i didn't have much use for the library. most of our finals were performative and most of the information we could just find online. so there was only such little that would keep us busy like the others.

sure, we tried to study but then mina tapped hanta, dragging me away from the table where the others were sitting, shouting "tag!"

we ran down the book aisles and filled the library with giggles. we calmed down a bit after that, deciding to see who could take the ugliest picture to set as the library computers' background.

after a while, it was all of us taking ugly photos together and snorting and cackling.

"shhh!" a student exclaimed.

we stuck our tongues at them but decided that the pictures were no longer worth our time. tired, we headed towards the bean bags. we collapsed and sighed.

"mmm! y/n!" mina shot up, her energy still puzzling me.


"why were you out so early this morning?" she asked, sitting to face me.

hanta raised his head from resting on the bean bag, suddenly intrigued.

"oh, um," i shuffled on the bean bag, "shinso called me this morning."

"ah! shut up! what did he say?" mina clapped her hands together, supporting her head on them.

"wait, who?" hanta asked.

"ah, this totally bangable student from the photography class we were paired up with. y/n and him have history though."

i squirmed under the gaze of my two friends. "um, yeah, so basically... he and i used to bully each other."

hanta's jaw dropped. "wait, for real?"

i nodded my head, flushing.

"and why did he call you this morning?" he asked.

"well, that's the thing. he said it was just to ask about the project, because we were paired together, but he honestly could've just texted me if he need something!" i huffed, still upset at being up so early.

"but you left the dorm, where'd you go?" mina poked.

"oh." i fidgeted with a stray string on the bean bag. "he asked me to meet him at this cafe a few minutes from the dorms."

"ohh, that's where you got the food, right?" hanta connected.

i nodded my head. "yeah, and we just talked."

"about what?" mina gasped, "oh my god, did he buy the pastries for you?!"

"no, i bought those myself. he did offer to buy me a drink though."

"ooo, a gentleman." mina and hanta wiggled their eyebrows at each other.

"but for realsies, what else happened? what did you guys talk about?" mina drawed out.

"i don't know, mina. we just talked about the project and about when we would meet for it and then-"

the flinch.

"and then what?" mina asked, but softer this time, like she knew.

i nibbled on my bottom lip. "um, well, he reached for my hand when i stood up to leave."

my saliva felt harder to swallow and my throat felt like it was closing up. "i, um, i flinched away."

i closed my eyes, needing to take a breath.

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