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well, that was a lie.


saturday soon came around the corner and along with it the recital. mistress kayama had been very proud and promised almost perfect marks to everyone. the class had gone out to celebrate in a diner near the auditorium but i declined. it wasn't that i was tired but i had wanted to get home, the group was planning a movie marathon and i wanted to join them.


the group of nerds had argued over the movies that we should watch. three nerds argue for a movie franchise while two idiots argued for a scary movie, in the spirit of halloween.

"you guys know damn well you won't be able to handle the scary movies." i teased, katsuki and mina gasping.

in the end, we ended up binge watching the half of harry potter movies and going to sleep pretty late.

the next morning i woke up with a headache. but that sunday was quiet however, and it seemed like a filler. everyone seemed sluggish and looked excited for the week to start.


waiting for shinso to text was pathetic but texting first wasn't an option. that was until tuesday, a whole six days since i had heard from shinso, and still no text.


10/26 - 2:27 p.m
hey <<



10/27 - 1:19 p.m

let me know when ur free! <<



10/29 - 10:01 a.m
or don't <<
that's cool too <<

it was now friday, and had been nine days since i had last seen or heard from shinso.

'whatever, it's not like it fucking matters. not like my grade is riding on this fucking project.'

"y/n, stop moping." mina came through our dorm's door. "he's probably busy, or something happened to him."

i groaned and turned to face away from mina on the couch. she had a good point, i was being completely unreasonable and was probably overreacting.

"look, there's this party that denki and i got invited to. some pretty, rich girl is throwing it off campus in her, like, really big house. if you want to go, to get your mind off things, we'll go." mina sat down next me.

"is it a halloween party?" i asked, voice muffled against the couch's material.


"do we have to wear costumes?"

"only if you want to."

"can we dress up really hot?"

"when have i ever dressed any differently?" mina giggled.

"okay, let's go to the party."

mina clapped and dragged me off to go find outfits for the party.


mina's favorite thing seemed to be putting me in dresses. we had gone through about 8 before she finally put me in a sparkly, purple dress.

it was tight and hugged really well. the straps were thin and it only reached about my mid thigh. the back was open, covered by the intricate crossing of the straps.

"mina, isn't it a bit.. uh.. revealing?"

"it's halloween! and plus, you're hot and have a banging body. show it off a little, babes."

i considered it. i was getting older and when would i ever have a chance to dress like this again?

"can you at least give me something to cover up, at least on our way there?" i asked.

"fine, but you better not be wearing it the whole party."

mina gave me a transparent, purple tulle cardigan.

"oh! look, if you were these shoes i'll wear my pink pair and we can kind of be matching!" mina exclaimed, handing me purple heels, with small butterflies laced on the straps.

"okay, yeah, i think i could wear 'em." i mused. "so, what will you be wearing?"

mina squealed and put her outfit together. if i said i was surprised i would be lying. the outfit screamed mina and honestly, no one but her could pull it off.

mina was wearing a pink, metallic mini dress with thicker straps. when she moved and the light hit the dress right, it would paint her dark skin pink. over that, was an obnoxiously gorgeous, pink fur coat; it swallowed her already small figure. and finally, at her feet were a pair of, you guessed it, pink velvety heels. the heels were adorned with pearls and small heart charms.


"so, what do you think?" mina asked, giddy.

"you're so hot."

she laughed, pearly whites peaking out. "i know, babe."


mina and i had made dinner after our little fashion show. we ate on the couch and watched some tv. the night was quiet, the absence of the boys apparent. like always, we said our goodnight's and got ready for bed.

the next morning i woke up to a text notification. i opened the chat to see.


10/31 - 3:13 a.m
>> hey
>> call me

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