Part ten

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I'm laying on the bathroom floor, hating myself after throwing up all the food I had just eaten. I hear a slight knock on the door, and Sam slowly peeks her head in. I sigh and sit up on the edge of the tub. She hands me a bottle of water.

Sam- Hey, so I have some news
She says sitting down beside me

Y/n- What's going on? You're acting suspicious

Sam- What do you mean suspicious? All I did was sit down
We both laugh

Sam- I got a DM, and I think you should read it

Y/n- Oh god, it's not another dick pic, is it?

Sam- No! What? No! Of course not!

Y/n- that's the last thing I want to see right now
I laugh, then lean over, feeling like I'm going to throw up again

Sam- Here, just look
She says handing me her phone. My eyes went wide.

He messaged her, But not me? What did I do wrong?

I start to read the messages between them and I feel broken.

I want to see him.

~The DM~

Daniel- Hi Sam. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I believe you're friends with Y/n, we met at the bar after the concert

Sam- Are you dumb? Of course I remember you! You and the boys met us at the bar

Daniel- You messaged Christian, telling me to message you. Is everything okay with Y/n?

Sam- I did message him. I think you should message y/n, she's been trying to get ahold of you, for weeks now. Its really hard to get your attention

Daniel- Thats my fault. I left her a note, but she didn't get it

Sam- Oh, she got your note, dumbass.

Daniel- There was two notes, she just didn't get the second one.

Sam- Just message her, okay? You two really need to talk.

Daniel- I know we do. I'll message her


Y/n- Sam? This was from a week ago. He hasn't even messaged me

Sam- Maybe he's been too busy. They are in Europe right now

Y/n- Maybe I'm just not as important as I thought I was

Sam- Don't say that! Let's go grab your phone and make sure you're following him.

We get up out of the bathroom and make my way to my room.

I grab my phone and lay back in my bed. I let out a sigh and open Instagram. As Sam sits next to me, I see a DM from a week ago.

How did I not see this?

Maybe because it was in my requests. I open the message and I smile, as I read it, my smile starts to fade.

I have to tell him about the baby.

'Hey Y/n, we need to talk. Message me when you can'

I message him back immediately. I don't worry about telling Sam what he said because I can feel her reading it over my shoulder.

'Hi Daniel. We really need to talk. Text me when you can. *random number*'

Sam- Now we wait!

Y/n- We? I love you Sam and I can't thank you enough for getting me in contact with him, but I think I have to do the rest alone

Sam- Oh, right. I understand. I'm just so invested!

We both laugh, trying to lighten the mood but we both know how hard this is going to be for everyone involved.

I take a deep breath and bury my face in my pillow. Sam rubs my back and tries saying comforting things but it's interrupted by my phone buzzing, vibrating my whole bed.

I slowly sit up and grab my phone.

It's an unknown number. It has to be him.


He wants me to fly out there?? I can't fly right now. Not with the baby. I can't fly when I'm pregnant.

I'll have to think of an excuse. I'll tell him I'm too broke to fly or something. I don't know.

I tell him I'll wait until he's back in LA after the tour and I'll take a road trip there.

He agrees but it'll be a few months away. By the time he'll get back I'll be 5 months pregnant. I think I can wait, since I'm almost going on 2 months.

3 months, I can handle that.

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