Part twenty-three

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It's officially around my due date, Daniel and I couldn't be more excited. Everything's ready for the baby to come, we're just waiting on the, well, baby!

It was your typical Wednesday afternoon. I'm sitting outside with Daniel and Christian while they work out.

I decide to get a nice tan when I start getting weird cramps in my stomach. I think nothing of it, this has happened before. But then it happens again, maybe 15 minutes later but much worse.

I sit up in my chair, leaning forward when the pain gets stronger.

Y/n- Ouch, fuck!
I scream, sitting back down in the chair. Daniel quickly runs over from working out

Daniel- What's wrong? What's going on?? Are you okay?

Y/n- Yeah, I think I'm okay. The pains gone now. I think I should go inside

Daniel helps me up and all of a sudden I feel like I just peed my pants. Christian walks over laughing

Chris- Y/n, you couldn't have peed inside?

Y/n- Shit. I think my water just broke

Daniel- What?! Now?! I'm not ready! I need to shower! I need to get changed! I need to-

Y/n- Daniel! Stop talking! You have time to do that stuff, I can't go to the hospital until contractions are 5 minutes apart. Go shower, just be quick!

Daniel- Are you sure? I don't want to leave you just in case!

Y/n-Yes, go shower. You stink!
I laugh and he rolls his eyes at me

Daniel- Christian, stay with her, if anything happens, come get me immediately!

And with that, Daniel runs inside.

Christian grabs my hand and leads me inside as well. He sits me down at the kitchen table and runs to get me a glass of water.

Y/n- Hey Chris?

Chris- Yeah? What do you need? Are you in pain? Should we do breathing exercises??

He starts breathing extra quickly and I get worried that he'll hyperventilate. I laugh and it immediately turns into a groan as another contraction hits.

Y/n- Can you help me upstairs so I can change out of these wet pants? And can you time between contractions?

Chris- Yes! Let's go, I'll pull out a timer when the next one hits.

Christian grabs my hand and helps me up the stairs and to the bedroom. I find some comfy sweat pants and change while Christian waits outside the room.

As I'm walking to the door to let Christian back in another contraction hits and I scream out in pain.

Christian opens the door and runs in to help me sit back down on the bed.

We hear the shower shut off and Daniel quickly runs into the room with just a towel around his waist and he's dripping wet.

Daniel- What's going on? I heard screaming!

Y/n- Sorry, didn't meant to disturb you, just having contractions here
I say rolling my eyes and we laugh

Chris- Hey, I don't think these are too far apart now. Should you go to the hospital?

Y/n- Not- Fuck
I scream in pain again

Daniel- Look baby, I love you, but I don't want you having the baby on our bedroom floor, we need to go to the hospital

Y/n-Okay, fine, but- wait, you love me?

Daniel- There's no time for this, let's go!

Daniel runs out of the room and Christian and I look at eachother then laugh. 30 seconds later Daniel comes back in, still with just his Towel on.

Daniel- Let me change, and then we'll go

Y/n- I'll grab the over night bag, and I'll meet you down stairs

Daniel- Whoa, no way. I'll grab the bag, you go wait downstairs. Christian, can you help-

Chris- I'll help her down the stairs. Now hurry up!

Christian took my hand and put his other on my back while he helps me down the stairs. As we make it down, Daniel runs past us to start the car.

I couldn't help but laugh at how much he was panicking. I was surprisingly the calmest one out of everyone, yet, I'm the one about to go through all the pain.

Chris- I'll be right behind you guys in my car. You're going to do great, y/n.

Christian goes to kiss my cheek but I put my hand out to stop him. Daniel runs back in the house to help me to the car.

Daniel- Chris, I called Tyler, he'll meet us at the hospital!

Daniel helps me in the car and starts driving us to the hospital. I accidentally scared him every time I screamed out in pain. I'm lucky we didn't crash.

We make it to the hospital in record time. I think Daniel was speeding, but don't tell anyone I said that.

He was scared because of the pain I was in, so I love him for that.

He pulls the car to the front doors, parks and then runs into the hospital. I laugh watching him run in, I have no idea where he's going. A minute later he runs back and opens the door for me.

Y/n- Did you forget me?
I joke, laughing, he rolls his eyes but turns red

Daniel- What? No... of course not...

Y/n- Just get me inside please

I hold my stomach as more contractions come. A nurse runs over to me with a wheel chair and I immediately get sent to the OR to have this baby.

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