Chapter 18 again

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I pushed past Ashley leaving the room. My eyes started watering as I noticed a couple of people standing in the hall way.

I did not know where I was going but I just kept on running, opening numerous doors just to get some distance from them.

I stopped when I found myself in the east wing. My eyes were burning, however the tears would not fall. I felt more angry than grief. I cannot believe she uploaded that video of me auditioning. I swiped back my phone looking at the comments.

Most of them were outraged as they saw the ending of me getting upset that I was tricked.

'Lexi, how could you do this to your friend?' One wrote.

'That's just harsh." I saw underneath that comment.

'lol that was too funny! Lol'

I sneered at that last comment I could not find the funny side to my ordeal. LOL my ass. If this bitch want to play with me. I play with her.

I went back on my profile page to tag her in a post.

'Lexi decided I should do porn. Here a ten second clip of her own X-rated movie.' I then attached a small clip of what I caught the bastards up to when I caught them in bed.

My finger did not hesitate when I hit the submit button. I hope this girl like TMZ. Within moments my video was shared. Damn what the hell have I done?

"You okay?" I felt Ashely hands on either side of my shoulder rubbing me gently. "I cannot believe my mother has been acting this way towards you."

I shivered at his touch. Gripping my phone tightly in my hand I placed it back in my bra. I could feel the heat of his body on back. His fingers trailed down my arms to my elbows as far as he could reach. I felt pressure at the top of my head. I could only assume that I was tucked under his neck with his chin resting on the crown of my head.

I gulped. "I am fine."

He spun me around to face him. I found it hard to look into his piercing blue eyes. They were so blue. "I spoke with my mother and the staff. They should disregard what she has said."

I shook my head. I was not bothered by what she said, moreover what Lexi said. She has been slandering my name in LA. I thought the director said he was going to delete the video.

"You don't get it at all." I took a step back from him wringing my hands together. "This is Lexi's doing. She ruined my life. Got me fired. Tried to get me evicted. Stopped me from getting a decent job, destroyed my reputation. Stolen my boyfriend!" I heard my voice rising after each statement. "She making me out to be.." I cocked my head to the side as if pondering a thought. "What did your mother say? 'A drug user and porn star!' hmm"

Ashley stood up to his full height. "Listen, I will deal with Alexandria." He pulled me closer towards him. "You are mine now. No one hurts what is mine."

Ashley captured my lips with his mouth. My mouth opened on its own, responding to him. His tongue darted into my mouth to clash with mine. I moaned from the sheer pleasure of this kiss.

The kiss was passionate yet gentle, it was so different from the other times he has kiss me. As if he was showing me some other part of himself.

We broke apart panting, drawing a much needed breath into my lungs. I looked to the side of Ashley after hearing someone clearing their throat. I saw Alfred the elderly butler standing to the side expressionless.

"Sir," he began his strong British accent palpable. "They are looking for Ms Adams."

I tried to smooth down my maid uniform to try and come back to some semblance of normalcy. "I should go." I side stepped Ashley to walk back to the double doors that connected to the main house.

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