Chapter Twenty Six

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Uploaded 07/04/2015
Edited on 4/12/16

Chapter 26

I put my hand up to try to shield my eyes from the ray of sunlight that was streaming through my room. I groaned in pain as the light still made it through the gaps between my fingers as I rolled onto my side. That is the problem with having blinds in your bedroom; you need to constantly change their position in regards to the sunlight. It was then that I noticed a cool patch on the bed. I peaked open my left eye to a squint to see that Ashley was not in the bed with me. I flopped back on to my back squeezing my legs together.

Last night was amazing. That was the first time that I had sex with anyone in my bedroom. My mother has forbidden me from having any boys over in the house. Even when she was at work me and my sister was too afraid to have people come over especially with the old woman next door that loved to snitch on us to our mother. I remember back to my senior year in high school when I was persuaded to throw a pre-prom party. My mother was going away for the weekend and I and my sister would be staying over a Nova's house. That meant that my house would be free. To cut a long story short the police soon turned up to the party which caused the end to my social status in school.

"Katryna," Sam knocked on my door again. "Mum says hurry up. It is almost midday and she wants to go shopping."

I groaned again turning over to pull the covers up over my head. Hoping that five more minutes can give me more of a boost of energy.

Those five more minutes of sleep did not help at all. I thought darkly to myself. I had on dark shades to cover my eyes. Last thing I needed was for people to comment on the baggage that they can see under my eyes. For some reason I felt more tired than I normally do. I checked my Dior wristwatch which showed that it was almost three pm; my mother had dragged me around four different high streets in an attempt at bonding with me. Retail therapy is not a solution to making up lost time. I made a mental note to make more of an effort with her in the future by sending her more texts and travelling to see her. She is the only parent that I do have now time for me to show her how much she means to me.

We got on to Main Street to see a group of people outside a well known restaurant waiting in an orderly queue. We walked to the front door past two beefy looking security men, one of them was pleasant enough to open the door for us to past through to the maître D.

He looked up from his standing desk that had the logo printed on it to look at us. My mother walked to the front clearly impressed with the place looking around at the décor.

"We are here under reservation from Ashley." She announced with a big smile on her face.

"Ashley.." He drew out the long name with a pronounced British accented. He pushed back the glasses up his nose in the way that reminded me of the dragon lady back at work. He peered back at his book for a moment that looked back at us with blank face. "With have no Ashley on here. When did you make this reservation."

My mother looked to me but I shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea when he made this reservation. "Probably today." I told her.

She turned back to the man. "He made the reservation today. Just after breakfast around ten am. I remember him on the telephone telling you to get the side table by the main window ready."

The man sniffed looking behind us as we heard a car pull up. "We have no one by that name. Reservations are made in advance we take up to a year in bookings."

He nodded his head to the security officer that stepped forward to us. "Ladies I suggest you wait in the queue outside. If someone does not attend the reservation that it goes to the next available person in line."

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