Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

I placed the knife on the kitchen counter then moved to sit on the chair opposite Lexi.

She was sat facing me on the couch with her legs crossed and a smirk on her face. Her dyed blonde hair was tied into a messy pony tail on top of her head. I leaned back in the chair as I regarded her with a blank expression.

The air was filled with silence. The two of us were locked in a staring contest. I will not look down or away, for some reason I will not submit to this butch bitch. After what felt like hours Lexi started to speak.

"I want you to split up with Donny." She said simply as she folded her hands in her lap.

"You.." I spluttered out on a laugh. "You want me to split up with my boyfriend." I laughed out loud at the ridiculous order. "Why would you want me to do that?"

"I am doing you a favor here Katryna. You cannot handle a man of his standing. Me and him go in the same circles. You seen his friends. Where do you think this relationship with him is heading." She leaned forward on her arms in the chair as if trying to offer me comfort with her words. "He did not even want you to move into his Mansion. That should tell you all you need to know."

"What do you know about me and Donny relationship." I stood up from the chair feeling too restless to standstill. My hands started to gesture wildly around the room as I spoke to Lexi in anger. "Do not think I do not notice the way you look at him. You had your chance and you blew it."

"I know more than you realize." Lexi stood up from her chair to walk two steps towards me. We were stood face to face, eye to eye. "Katryna. I suggest you wake up. Being a ladies maid will open your eyes to how the elite live and then you know that Donny was never yours to begin with. We stick to our own. This isn't lady and the Tramp."

My hands started to radiated with energy. I very much wanted to slap the smile off her face. I took a step back as I gulped in some much needed air. Lexi took a glimpse down at my fisted hand. She gave a snort then walked back to her room. She knew I didn't have the guts to hit her. A part of me wanted to prove her wrong.

When I heard the door to her room slam I crumbled to the floor. Lexi knows just what to same to make me insecure about my relationship with Donny. These were some of the doubts I first had when we first started dating. He reassured me that these were prejudice notions, that he was different from the rest.

Sitting there on the floor I started to think about the first time I met Donny two years ago at the flat warming party Lexi threw to welcome me and Nova to her hometown of L.A.

"Kat, Don't put too much Alcohol in the punch. This is not a frat party!" Lexi shouted at me from across the room.

I nodded back at her as I adjusted my pour of the vodka. The DJ was just finishing setting up his equipment for the party. I checked my wrist watch. The party was due to start an hour ago. This being L.A no one turns up on time. Which is good for me as nothing was ready. Including Lexi herself and most of her friends were coming to this party. Scratch that all of her friends are coming. All of the people that me and Nova know are back at home in Washington.

I gave the pink liquid of the punch a stir with a plastic spoon that would stay in the bowl. I done a quick look around to make sure Lexi was not looking in my direction to pinch a pineapple from the cocktail.

"I saw that." Nova whispered in my ear coming up behind me. "Don't let Lexi see you putting your hand in the cocktail. This is meant to be some high end housewarming."

I turned around to face her with a smile. "I know. Did you see all the decorations." I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous carribean theme. She had fake palms trees placed around the room along with a Hammock followed some coconuts.

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