Chapter 15

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The Maid

Chapter 15

I have been sneaking around the mansion un-noticed for nearly five days now. The east wing was virtually enormous. On my second day here I found an un-used kitchen that was attached to my bedroom. At first I was too scared to use it. It was small with only one window and a small kitchenette. Even though the room was small to these mansion standards it still had room for a sofa and a TV. I had a feeling that these room were someone getaway once upon a time.

I stayed in these two rooms when I had my days off as I couldn't be seen around the mansion. I quickly realised that was the downside to squatting at work. I gave a sigh as I checked my bank balance. It was virtually nonexistence. However I am due to get paid in two days and I will be able to put a down payment on some apartment. I know that I would not be able to afford the good neighbourhood where I was previously living but as long as it was not in any unsavoury area.

I pulled out my laptop to go on the Internet to search for a property. There was not many on the market that I liked. The ones that peaked my interest I sent an email to the realtor to request a viewing.

My phone started to flash on the side. I swiped the screen to see that it was a message from Donny. After almost a week it is now that he texted me.

'I am sorry that you found out about me and Lexi. I was going to tell you. I just want to know that you are safe. Lexi only told me now that you have not been home these past couple of days.'

I laughed as I read his message. He does not care about me. I should text back saying I am a killer and that the person who you think you got is dead! That should shake him up. I felt my anger at him come back in full force. Small dick Donny I do not know why I wasted my time with him. I ignored the text, trying to push it to the back of my mind as I put the television back on.

'I miss you.'

I looked back at the screen to see another message from Donny. He must not have known that I know about him and Lexi getting engaged. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

I ignored the last text as I started to feel anxious. Feeling cooped up in once place. I wanted to stretch my legs. I doubt that there would be anyone about in the east wing. The staff were too afraid to come here. I basically managed to retrieve the last of my stuff from the apartment and come up here without any hassle.

I opened my door a crack to see if there was anyone on the floor. There was no one there. Great! I felt giddy as I walked out. The hallways were bright with light. The décor appeared 19th century, British. Something you find in the Queen of England palace. My hands were trailing along the walls. Touching each ornament, fingering each vase. I could imagine myself living in a glorious place like this.

Once I make a few Hollywood movies I could afford to live in grand mansions like these. Set my mother up with early retirement; help out Steph so she doesn't have to work at that run down bar any more. After over an hour of not getting caught I began to feel quite bold so I opened the doors to couple of rooms. Most of them appeared to be small apartments. This house must have been built for a large family. I do not know why the rich always feel the need to live in a big house when they do not need the space.

"Sir, if you let me call the tailor."

I was just about to leave the new bedroom that I found when I heard the butler walking down the corridor. I left the door opened a crack, too scared to close it fully as I did not want to alert them to my presence.

I stood beside the door with my heart in my mouth. I could hear their footsteps approaching closer towards me.

"It is okay Alfred." I heard Ashley voice says to his butler. "I am capable of ordering myself a suit." The footsteps came to a stop outside the door. I tilted my head to listen to them as their voice appeared to be lowered.

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