Chapter 41

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Uploaded on 16-01-2016

Edited 28/12/16

Donny dropped to the floor, the knife falling out his hand to clatter onto the grass. I rushed over to him hiking my wedding dress up higher to give me more free movement. I tore off a strap of his shirt holding it over the wound on his wrist.

Donny looked at me stunned his eyes wide with fear. He began to breathe more rapidly.

"Call an ambulance!" I shouted over to Ashley.

He looked over at us with hooded eyes, approaching us slowly. He came to stand directly next to Donny face peering down at him.  

"Ashley!" I waved my free hand in front of him to try and get his attention. "You need to go and get help."

"Oh my..." Donny began to squirm. "The pain..."

"You are going to be alright Donny," I told him holding the bloody shirt tighter against the wound. He needs to get serious medical attention. "Ashley, we need help now before he dies, he is going to bleed out."

Ashley used the toe of his boot to poke Donny on his shoulder. "Let him..." His voice dark. "He obviously wanted to die." He struggled his shoulders calmly inserting his hands into his trousers pockets. "Who are we to not honour his wishes."

My mouth dropped open my tongue hanging out in shock. "Go and get help!" I ordered him. I can't believe he said that. "Don't worry Donny help is on its way."

He groaned rolling towards me. "I think I cut too deep."

"You think!" Ashley shouted. "Get up Katryna." Ashley placed his hand on my arm tugging me to stand up. I resisted trying to detach him from my body. "We have our wedding guests to attend too."

I stood up shrugging myself out of his arms. "How can you be so cold?" I pointed at his chest. Then waved behind him to alert the security guard that was walking around the corner. "Hey!" I shouted waving the man over. "We need some help."

He paused for a moment assessing the situation then said something into his ear phone. Within seconds the place was swamped with security.

Ashley drew me into his arms as his parents came outside to stand beside us.

"What is going on here?" Jasper asked looked on as the paramedics worked on Donny.

"He tried to kill himself since he couldn't have my wife," Ashley answered his eyes never parting from Donny as he was helped on the stretcher.

"What a way to ruin a wedding," Vivienne commented. "I never liked that boy, I always felt that he was too spoilt."

Ashley put his hand around my shoulders. "Let's get back inside to notify the guests that everything is alright. I want me and Katryna to leave for my estate in the Maldives as soon as possible before the press gets a wind of this."

Vivienne nodded. "Don't worry. We make the announcement. You too hurry off around the back and leave. No doubt the press will follow the ambulance to find out who is in it."

I nodded at her reasoning. The press is such a hound. Since I been with Ashley personal space has become a luxury. I let Ashley take my hand leading me around the back of the estate to a waiting car.

I sat silently in the car, not knowing what to say. With Donny coming back on the scene it was like a wall has been built up between us again.

Even though he was only a couple of inches away from me it felt like we were a mile apart. I cleared my throat deciding to go for a safe topic of speak on.

"The wedding was beautiful. The church was amazing." I said, I never knew I would get married like a princess. All of my family was in attendance including my long distance father side.

"It was a cathedral. The same place where Prince William and Kate got married." He told me looking out of the window. "When will Donny leave us alone?"

I shook my head. "I don't know why he is so intent on getting me back. He cheated on me with Lexi and got her pregnant."

"She lost the baby." Ashley looked at me directly in the eye. "That if there was a baby, to begin with." He eyes went down to my rounded stomach his hand coming up to touch it. "I can't wait to see my son."

I laughed. "Who said it is a boy?"

He snorted. "Wentworth's always have boys first." He rubbed my stomach then looked me in the eye. "You're my wife now. You belong to me forever."

"You belong to me forever and ever as well." I declared looking into his blue eyes. The words I love you wanted to fall from my lips but I was too scared to let them.

Everything about our relationship was rushed. The pregnancy was not planned, even the engagement was not planned. For some reason, Ashley does not look like a man that was trapped?

The car came to a halt on a private airfield, where the Ashley family jet was waiting for us. He helped me out of the car and into the plane making sure I was settled before buckling himself in.

I looked around at all the riches of the internal plane, nodding to myself.

I think I could get used to this lifestyle.

Marrying a billionaire certainly have its high points.

I hoped that Donny would be alright and that he didn't damage himself any further.

He showed more motivation in trying to get me back than sustaining our relationship.

Getting back on the plane feels different now that this time we were married. The flight attendant was very attentive towards me. As soon as I sat down I she was there ready to pour me a drink.

Accepted it with silent thanks. My mind was still on Donny. He actually tried to kill himself just because I would not be with him. Maybe he did love me more than I realise.

"What are you thinking?" Ashley sat down next to me placing the seat beat belt on me and on himself.

I took a sip of my drink. "Just thinking about our wedding. It was beautiful." I didn't feel the takeoff. There was no turbulence as we went into the air. "I still can't believe that Charles married Alyssa." I laughed shaking my head. "I still can't believe that she married that old man."

Ashley pressed his lips into a flat line. "I don't know what went through his head. And he didn't even sign a prenup. Now divorce settlement will be much higher."

"So you only signed our prenup so you don't have to payout much to me?" I questioned.

"We are never getting a divorce. So that won't be an option. I honour my vows" Ashley said instead, taking a sip of his bourbon picking up a newspaper to have a read. "I die before I let you go." He clicked his glass with his eyes looking deadly. "To death do us part wife."

"To death do us part." I echoed back at him with a flutter in my heart.


I know a very short chapter but you guys wanted an update and this is as far as I could get without getting another brain freeze.

When they come back from their honeymoon there will be a time jump and I will be trying to wrap this story up.

You will find out who killed the maid.

Who has the camera installed?

And what it is on that disc!

Xx Kayla

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