⛸🎁 Tis the season 🎄🎅🏻

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Kori's pov:

I am very looking forward to taking the Titans out ice skating. I have never done it before but in the movies it looks absolutely amazing, the idea of gliding on ice wouldn't of been a thing in Tamaran. Dick told me that he has done it loads of times before and it took him a while to learn to balance on the ice. Ever since I've been on earth I've ticked a lot of adventures and experiences off my bucket list that I didn't do in Tamaran. I have enjoyed the experiences of earth and I want to share them with my friends, they have worked hard and deserve a fun end of the year. Damian doesn't seem too keen on the idea of ice skating but he is good at pretty much everything so I expect he will be an amazing ice skater, he always surprises us with his hidden talents. Raven doesn't seem herself much lately, she is more quiet and distant, she looks as if she's having conflicting thoughts. Something seems wrong, she isn't so happy as she's been before, I don't know why, maybe it's just me? I want her to have a good time, she looks like she could do with it. Contradictory, Jaime has been more cheerful, I think he's starting to move on from Traci's death, I think he has made peace with it and is back to being happy which is all I want for him. Garfield is still the same bubbly person he's always been. He's been through a lot too in his young life but has never let it effect him, I admire his consistent confidence and he is living his life to the fullest. Donna and Connor are still in a relationship but I've noticed they don't do so much stuff together. They used to go out a lot either with friends or on a date but they don't do so much together anymore. At least they spend some quality time sparing together every morning when Damian isn't hogging the training room, which is rarely. They've even made note of the times Damian isn't training so they can sneak in during the day. Speaking of Damian, his relationship with Raven has only got stronger. They seem to do the majority of things together. Although I find their intimate times a bit awkward as I seem to be the only one catching them after, I do appreciate their love for one another, they have developed into these mature, kind and compassionate young adults. As for me and Dick, there's nothing really different, surprisingly we do get a lot of time to spend with each other despite our busy schedules and obviously our alter egos, which we haven't been for nearly a week now, it's weird, it's like the criminals have given us a Christmas break or they are off on a Christmas break. I can't deny that I'm pleased we've had these past days off. I want us to have an amazing Christmas and I hope this year will be the year Damian actually enjoys Christmas, because no matter how hard we try, he still thinks it's a waste of time. Hopefully this year will be different, he is in a relationship this year which was unexpected so there's no reason for him to not enjoy Christmas this year right? I still have doubts, it's Damian we're talking about here.
Me and Dick are currently sitting at the table with our mugs of hot chocolate which I have grown to love, almost as much as my lattes. The Titans are getting ready and we are going ice skating today which I haven't failed to mention already.

"Morning Kori, morning Dick!" Donna greeted us as she walked into the room. She was dressed in a cosy sweater and dark jeans, she looked very nice. "You look nice." I complemented. "Thanks, I wasn't sure what to wear to go ice skating, but I don't want to be cold." "It surprisingly isn't that cold, when you start skating you'll warm up." Dick stated. "Would you like a hot chocolate?" I asked. "I'm alright thanks, I had a cup of coffee not long ago." "Morning." Connor said in a tired voice, walking into the kitchen and grabbing some bread to put in the toaster. "Good morning, you sound a bit tired." I remarked. "Yeah I didn't have a great night sleep to be honest." He replied. After everyone came in and had breakfast, we left the tower at around nine o'clock.
Half an hour later...

Dick's pov:

We finally got there, one of San Francisco's ice rinks. As we waited in line we admired the wonderful Christmas decorations and twinkling lights. It was just like the Hallmark Christmas movies. "I'm so excited!" Donna and Garfield exclaimed simultaneously. "It's nearly as good as kori's decorations in the tower." Damian stated. "Aww Damian that's so nice of you!" Kori piped. Garfield and Jaime giggled. "You all think I'm incapable of being nice?" He said. "Yes." Garfield replied. I laughed. "No Damian, you are very capable of being nice." Kori responded. Kori was probably the one most obsessed with Christmas. She spent hours putting up decorations in every room  in the tower and enjoys doing it. She didn't let any of us help her but I suppose she got it done quicker as she didn't need a ladder to get to the out of reach places, she has her flying abilities. She goes all out and started making Christmas cookies in November, when I say to her it's a bit early she doesn't give a shit, but her efforts pay off and we have a lovely time. She told me that she never celebrated Christmas in Tamaran, so when she heard about it when she moved here she was amazed by the idea and ever since it's became a massive celebration to us in the tower. We normally take the Titans ice skating every year but we missed last year so we all kind of forgot how to do it, but none the less we are here to have fun!

Donna's pov:

I was the first one to step on the ice and completely humiliated myself by falling over. Everyone laughed except Damian because he never laughs at anything, but still at least someone wasn't laughing. "Donna you have made my day!" Connor said between laughs. "Thanks Connor, your a very supportive boyfriend!" I replied in a sarcastic tone.  "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself!" He responded, still laughing. "Are you alright?" Damian asked, helping me up. "I'm fine thanks."   At least someone is concerned. "Sorry for laughing." Raven apologised.   "Yeah sorry Donna."  Jaime said.   "It's fine, but next time if any of you fall, I'm laughing my ass off."   "Fair enough." Dick said. I started to get used to gliding on the ice and it felt magical, I felt like a I weighed nothing, the cold air hit my face and my hair was probably very tangled but I didn't care. The others were getting used to skating too, Raven held onto Damian as she kept slipping. It was a fairly large ice rink but what was great was that there wasn't much people on the ice at one time so we had quite a bit of room to skate. Connor grabbed my hand and gave me a loving smile making me automatically smile back. His hand was warm compared to mine.  Raven yet again kept stumbling and Damian was trying to keep her up but they both ended up falling on the ice. Me and Connor couldn't contain our laughter, it was so funny. Raven and Damian actually fell over, I will never forget that, it was a sight for sore eyes. Damian looked at us and I stoped laughing, he didn't laugh at me when I fell over so I felt bad. Damian gave Connor a death glare  who was still laughing uncontrollably. After our time was up we headed out of the rink and changed into our shoes. Dick treated us all to hot chocolate and mince pies, before we started heading back to the car. The car journey wasn't that interesting, we just listened to Christmas songs and kori and Garfield singing along to them which was a bit cringe worthy until Damian told them to shut up which was quite amusing.

Connor's pov:

The day went by pretty fast, I forgot how much I enjoyed Christmas. We watched a few Christmas movies: The Polar Express, Elf, The Christmas Chronicles, and the Snowman. We ate a lot of sweets and chocolate and were even allowed a bit of alcohol. It is Christmas Eve so we can do what we want. Kori and Dick prepared the vegetables for tomorrow's roast dinner which is my favourite part. Me and Jaime drank most of eggnog that Kori made because the others didn't like it, which is ridiculous, who doesn't like eggnog? Fuck them. After a few hours we decided to go to bed, it was already midnight. I put a mini fridge and a new Xbox on my list so I really hope I get those tomorrow. I sneaked into Donna's room as I wanted to sleep next to her in her bed.  "Donna!"   "For fuck sake, no need to make me jump like that!"   "Sorry. Can you move over?"   "Sure. Just be quiet." 

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