Zatanna and Constantine

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Raven pov:

I'm going to meet the magic users in London. I'm taking Damian with me as his support has been the reason I contacted them in the first place. I trust him to be with me as I finally take back my control. I will teleport the both of us there at dawn tomorrow morning and we will be back before breakfast so the team will not know that we were missing. As the time is different in London it will be coming up to lunch time during the day. I feel guilty that we are doing this behind their backs but I want to protect them from being involved with my father and it will put more people in danger the more they know. Besides I don't want them to lose that hope and relief they feel now that they believe that Trigon is at an end and Is safely trapped in my head. But truth be told I'm losing it. My father is much stronger than me and now he has my mind and mental state under his thumb, I don't know how long it will be before chaos beholds the world, my father can cause an apocalypse and I'm the only one in his way.

The next morning...

Damian's pov:

I went to Raven's room after getting some rest. I leaned on the door frame and observed her fidgeting in her sleep, I wanted to stop her discomfort. I wanted to stop her pain and misery but I can't do anything about it. I want to reassure her that everything is ok and she is safe, but I cant, that would be lying and I don't lie. Grayson told me that sometimes you have to lie because it is better than hurting someone with the brutal truth. I think that is bullshit that people say to cover up the fact that they are cowards that won't except the truth so won't tell anyone else. The truth can be painful, but at least it is real. Raven will only hear the truth because she knows that lies won't make it any better. I admire her for that but I hate to see her bearing this responsibility of the fate of the world in her hands. She looked stressed and exhausted, I decided to wake her up. "Raven." She looked a bit concerned. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Sorry, I just had a nightmare, it's my father getting under my skin again." She replied. Why does she keep downplaying what her father is doing to her? "You still look exhausted, should you get a bit more rest before we go?" I suggested. "I'm fine, I should get ready now, we want to get there and back without anyone knowing a thing." She sat up, about to get out of bed and I pulled her in for a hug. I don't do hugs but for once I thought this time it was necessary, she needed one. She wrapped her arms around me started crying. I felt how miserable she was and it made me sad to see her like this. I held her tightly while she let out her tears. I wanted so badly to trade places with her. I will make Trigon pay dearly for this, for making Raven suffer he will wish he could die after I'm done with him...

Raven's pov:

After a mental breakdown in Damian's arms, I felt a little relieved. After I calmed down, I wanted nothing more than to kiss him. I crashed my lips onto his and felt a rush of passion and love. He kissed me back with his soft lips and I felt safer. His minty breath and warm embrace reminded me of how lucky I am to have a boyfriend like Damian. I got a bit carried away and then remembered that we have to meet Zatanna and Constantine in London before our team mates wake up. We parted lips and I kissed him on the cheek before grabbing some clothes and getting in the bathroom to quickly shower. After I came out he was in his Robin suit, waiting for me. I opened a portal and gestured for him to go through. "After you." I said. We arrived on the empty Tower Bridge looking over the river Thames. I was automatically dressed in my suit as that happens when I use my powers.

Zatanna was there to greet us. "Good morning Raven, I see you have brought a friend?"
"My boyfriend actually." I corrected. "Ah, I see, you and Robin are a couple, that's interesting." "Yeah that is bloody interesting, I didn't expect someone so up their own ass to care for someone else other than themselves." Constantine cut in. Damian gave him a warning glare. "If you are here to criticise our relationship then I suggest you fuck off." I warned. "No need for that love, we are here to help you after all so I would watch your tone." He replied. "John, will you please stop, we are here for more important reasons than your judgemental remarks." Zatanna snapped. "Sorry, I will keep my mouth shut." "Thank you, now, Raven I received your message for help, what's going on?" "My father is messing with my head, it is just mental at the moment but we are worried that he will do something that will effect my physical health. I fear I have been consumed with dark magic which I can't control without your help so it will be dire if he used my corrupted state to his advantage to escape or take control of me. You see, if I can't control him, if will be fatal, he could destroy the world." "That's a lot of responsibility for young lass like you." Constantine stated. "Can you help us?" Damian asked impatiently. "I can't stop your father from harming you or stop him from causing an apocalypse, but I can teach you how to control your magic and learn to use it against your father. I'm afraid it is you against him, we can only help you level the playing field." Zatanna explained. "I'm grateful for any help you can offer. Learning to control my powers is how I can stop him from causing any more destruction." "Would you like a cigarette?" Constantine asked. "I disapprove of smoking to feel uplifted." Damian responded. "When you get to my age, there's nothing better." "You are only in your late twenties, Constantine, it's a shame your wasting your life away inhaling that toxic concoction." Constantine just shrugged taking another exhale of smoke. "Have you received any help from your team mates?" He asked. "Well, I haven't told them yet, I don't want to get them involved, they believe that everything is okay so I don't want them to worry." Raven admitted. "Ah, so this is our little secret?" "Yes I suppose so until everything is handled." "Would you like to meet us here to do some lessons then?" Zatanna asked. "Sounds good to me. Damian you can come if you want but I expect you have other things to do so I understand if you can't."
"It is very important that you get taught to control your power, more important than anything I have to do so I can come with you if you like." "I would love for you to come." "You have a lot of work to do love so you will be here often." Constantine added. "How about every other day starting tomorrow?" Zatanna suggested. "Ok, what time?" "At dawn, same as today, and you'll be back for breakfast before anyone suspects a thing." Raven looked at Damian for approval. He nodded. "Alright."
"I'm getting a bit peckish, so see you kids later." Constantine stated, opening a portal to leave. "I'm looking forward to teaching you Raven, there is a lot of progress to make but you are strong willed and have a lot of potential so I trust you over anyone to fight for all of us." Zatanna said. "Thank you." Raven replied. Not a minute later, they were gone. "It's seven o'clock." Damian stated. "Let's get back then." She responded, opening a portal to the tower.

They got back in Raven's room and changed into some clothes before going down stairs for breakfast. "Morning Damian and Raven, you're up nice and early today." Kori greeted them. The other Titans came in and greeted each other before helping themselves to the endless supply of cereal stacked in the cupboards. "So guys, we were thinking as it is Christmas Eve tomorrow, why don't we go ice skating and Christmas shopping!" Dick announced.

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