💥The return of Blackfire🔥

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Picture not mine, credits to original artist.

Nobody's pov/third person:

The Christmas holidays went successfully with the Titans however it was long lived.
"Titans can you gather in the training room." Dick commanded.   "We have a robbery at the local jewellery shop. We think there is around four armed robbers wearing clown masks and around ten shoppers taken hostage." Dick said.  "Why is there uncertainty in your tone?" Damian asked.  "We haven't got a clear description, we are assuming that's because the hostages have been threatened. One of them tried to call for help but was stopped." Kori answered.   "Is the police aware of the situation? Robberies are their specialty." Jaime asked.  "No the police have yet to be informed however the Jump city police are on another case at the moment so we should lend a helping hand and bring down these criminals." Kori explained.  "Finally, We have an opportunity to do something productive." Damian stated with a smirk on his face.  "Now remember, they are armed and will likely harm the hostages if we don't approach them with caution. They may not be as depraved and experienced as the villains we face but that does not mean they are stupid, we need to be careful and prioritise the hostage's safety. We don't have time on our side so let's get going."   "Alright I'm in!" Garfield and Connor exclaimed in unison.   "Suit up!" Dick commanded.
In less than five minutes, the Titans were already at the Jewellery shop.  One of the robbers spotted their presence and grabbed a little boy who was held hostage with his mother.  "No... p please don't hurt my boy... h he is innocent!" The mother cried.  "Don't move any closer or I will kill the boy, I don't have time for you wannabe heroes." The robber threatened, putting his gun to the boy's head.  "No stop!" The mother pressed.  "Shut up!" Another robber snapped.  The Titans stopped in their tracks and put their arms up to prove they weren't going to do anything. However they already predicted something like this was going to happen so Beast Boy sneaked into a window on the side of the building in the form of a wasp. The other robbers finished packing their bags full of stolen jewellery. Beast Boy then turned into a snake to distract the robbers whilst Wonder Girl took advantage of their distraction in that second and used her abnormal speed to grab the boy. "You fools!" The robber shouted angrily at the other robbers trying to shoot the snake. Raven then used her power to envelop his vision in darkness whilst Robin ran in and took him down. The robber shot at Robin multiple times but failed and got knocked out before he could make another move. Meanwhile the other robbers were using up most their bullets on Beast Boy, Starfire and Superboy untied the hostages and took them out the jewellery shop to somewhere safe. Super boy and Nightwing took the robbers out without too much harm being caused.  "Thank you so much for saving my son!" The mother of the boy said, shaking Wonder Girl's hand.  "No worries ma'am."  Wonder Girl replied. The hostages were free to go home safely, all the jewellery was returned and the Titans took the robbers to the police station where they were immediately arrested.

"I'm starving!" Garfield announced.  "Yeah can we please get take out?" Donna asked.  "Sure I think we all deserve it." Dick stated.  "Hey look it's the teen Titans!" A passer by exclaimed, pointing towards the group of young heroes. All of a sudden lots civilians got their phones and cameras out and approached them. "Great, now we are about to get harassed by the paparazzi." Damian said sarcastically. "Hey there, ladies!" Connor greeted a group of teenage girls.  "Please sign my T-shirt!" One of them asked. "Sign mine next!" Another one said. They squealed with excitement. "I'm never washing this T-shirt ever again!"
"Pathetic. Such an attention seeking bastard." Damian muttered.  Kori and Dick laughed. "Looks like someone is relishing the attention!" Donna stated with an annoyed edge to her voice.  "Awww are you jealous Wonder Girl?" Garfield teased.  "I'm not but even if I was I have the right to be, he is my boyfriend, he shouldn't be acting so flirtatious towards other girls."   "Well if you think of it another way, your very lucky to have such an attractive boyfriend that makes girls swoon for him and he is a superhero, he's naturally going to get a lot of attention for his good deeds." Raven reasoned. Damian looked at her in surprise and a slight bit of jealousy at her words towards another boy.  "Of course no one is as attractive as Robin!" She added after looking at his expression. Damian laughed out of discomfort but also amusement at his girlfriends ability to notice his exact feelings and change them. She was an empath however Damian was a very reserved person and hard to read so it impressed him how much she knew about his feelings. Donna giggled at their little interaction and eased up a bit at the idea of the attention Connor was getting from other girls. "I guess your right, I suppose we do also get attention from boys too." She admitted. "True." Raven responded. "How's your relationship status so far?" A young woman asked the young couples.  "Okay this is our queue to leave." Jaime said.  "Answer a few of our questions and you'll get free takeout on us!" A man suggested. "How did you know we wanted takeout?" Garfield asked. "We are going to be here for a while." Raven muttered.

Meanwhile, a couple hours ago...

"What modernised furniture they have here." Blackfire stated, lightly sliding her fingers along the table surface.  "Princess are you there?" One of the guards asked through her ear piece. "The plan has gone successfully. The criminals I have set up have distracted the meritless wannabe heroes. I'm in the Titans tower now.  "Do you see anything that may be  of some use?"  "No, not anything out of the ordinary, I don't need anything in particular, just something that shows me their weaknesses or their strategies, something to help me take them down."     "Shall we send any backup?"  "That will not be necessary. Leave me to look around, I know my sister well enough to find any secrets she's hiding."      "Certainly, princess."   "Now look what we have here, of course she would hide documents on her teammates in the wall of the fire place. How predictable, sister."

The Titans arrived back to the tower.
"The public are so nosy." Jaime stated.  "I'm surprised we haven't had more encounters with the paparazzi. We are heroes who save lives on a daily basis, we are going to get a lot of public attention so we need to suck it up." Connor replied.  "Enough about that. We should get changed and do some training, you can sit out today if you are worn out." Dick responded. "We don't get worn out that easily!" Donna said.  "I'm going to sit this one out if that's ok." Raven decided.   "That's alright, you ok?" Kori asked.  "I'm fine I just want to have a nap."   "Fair enough." Dick replied. Damian followed Raven out the room.  "Raven it is unlike you to turn down a team training session, are you sure your ok?" Damian asked. Raven wasn't sure how she felt, she didn't know what to say. Once they got to her room she sat on her bed and contemplated.  "Raven, you can talk to me, I'm here for you, I'm not an empath but I know you aren't fine."    "It's... it's just that I'm worried I can't stop my father, I'm worried I'll fail and there is a possibility I will and I can't cope with the thought of what will happen if I do. So many people will die because of me, this planet that I call home will get destroyed because I was selfish enough to prioritise my happiness and chose to live here." Raven answered, trying as hard as she could to hold the tears back.  "Let's face it, I'm that weak I can't even hold myself together. I can't even handle the pressure, the consequences of my actions will be fatal. I feel so guilty this is all my fault." She felt the hot tears fall down her cold cheeks. Damian pulled her in for a hug, letting her cry and get it off her chest.  "Damian, I'm so sorry. You've done everything for me, you've shown kindness, compassion and love, you've opened yourself up to me and I repay you by putting you in grave danger, my father wants to kill you himself and if I can't stop him you could die."  "We all are are risk of dying everyday, we put ourselves in danger to help those in danger that are defenceless. I know what's at stake here but I also know that you are one of the strongest people I know and as long as you believe in yourself, you are more can capable of stopping him. He's extremely powerful, but you are his child so you are too. You need to cut yourself some slack, you have learned so much already, and we still have time, you are improving which is the best you can do. Being with you is a blessing and I wouldn't wish it any other way, I'm not worried about being in danger, I'm worried about you."    "You shouldn't be. You should be angry at me for what I have caused, for what is coming."    "I'm not, it's not your fault your father is the way he is,  or what he does. You shouldn't be mad at yourself for wanting happiness, we all want it. And it's not fair that some undeserving people get it and you deserve it more than anyone yet you can't just have it."     "I think we should tell them about what's going to happen, they deserve to know. They need to prepare, after all we need to work together, we are all in danger."

❤️Damirae💜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora