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Jaime's pov:

I was really excited because Traci agreed to come round later for dinner with me and the other titans. However I had to check with them first to make sure they were ok with it. I turned off my phone and walked into the training room, where Damian, Raven and Donna were training with the holograms, Connor and Garfield were on their phones sitting on a bench with towels around their necks, probably after training and Kori and Dick examining new nunchucks and weapons they bought.
"Guys!" I shouted at the preoccupied titans. "Yes?" Kori replied, looking up towards me. All of the other titans stopped what they were doing and now their attention was on me, except Damian of course who didn't give two shits and carried on training. "Damian!" Dick commanded. "What?" He asked. "Please can you stop what you are doing, Jaime would like to talk to us." Kori replied in a stern tone at the stubborn teen. "It's called multitasking." He remarked whilst roundhouse kicking the hologram and slicing it with his sword. "I wouldn't want to be that hologram right now." Raven joked. "Damian listen to Kori and Dick, after all they are our leaders." Donna chimed in. "I do not take orders, especially from an inexperienced member of the titans." Damian sassed. "Would you like to come over here and say that to my face!" Donna threatened. "And why should I waste my time on someone like you!" Damian retaliated, slicing another hologram with his sword. "Damian!" Connor warned. Donna walked up to Damian and whilst he was not slicing a hologram, she slapped him round the face. Damian scowled at the amazon. Raven went up to Donna and pushed her away from Damian. "Guys, you are teens becoming young adults, stop this stupid behaviour this instant!" Kori demanded, standing in between them. "Sorry Jaime, please proceed." Dick apologised. "All I wanted to ask was if Traci could come round for dinner with us?" I asked anxiously. "I don't know if that's really a good idea." Garfield started "Of course she can, what a wonderful idea!" Kori exclaimed. Damian and Connor groaned at the idea of a normal human girlfriend coming round to the titans tower for dinner. "Are you and Traci official?" Raven asked. "Yeah I suppose so."  "Well that's great!" Dick replied enthusiastically. "Yes, we can welcome her to our lovely home!" Kori added even more enthusiastically. "I agree with Garfield, this is not a good idea." Damian said. "Yeah man, does she even know about us?" Connor asked. "Yes Traci knows about us, you can trust her, I trust her." I stated. "Well if you trust her, then we trust her." Donna said. "Just because you trust her, doesn't mean she's trust worthy. Your emotions towards this girl will cloud your judgement." Damian pointed out. "Like your emotions towards me cloud your judgement?" Raven asked raising a brow. "Obviously you are different as we are both team mates and members of the titans. Besides I've known you for  years and I never let my emotions cloud my judgement." Damian stated. "Look, I know she is not apart of the titans, and I haven't known her for that long, but I love her and I trust her with my life. I won't let anything wrong happen, ok? So please just give her a chance, she's kind and compassionate and the only person who I've felt this way towards, she's no threat." I explained. "Ok I trust you bro." Garfield said. "Yes me to." Raven agreed. "Damian, I know you trust me so trust that we should have her round. Please?" Raven reasoned. "Fine, but she's not my responsibility so you have to watch her." Damian proposed, looking directly at me with an intimidating expression. "She's not a threat, but if it makes you feel any better, sure I'll keep my eyes on her." I said. "Is everyone in agreement?" Dick asked. "Yes." Everyone said in unison.

Donna's pov:

It was four pm and we were getting ready for Traci to come round. After having some time to reflect, I decided to go and apologise to Damian for how I acted this morning. I went to his room and knocked on his door. He opened the door and regarded me with a nod and let me in. "Look, Damian I'm really sorry for my horrible behaviour this morning, stuff has been going on and me and my sister Diana have had an argument and I was angry and took it out on you and I shouldn't of, it was unfair and unkind and I'm truly sorry. Will you please forgive me?"   "Donna I except your apology and I also apologise for the way I acted this morning as well, we've all been going through a lot and I shouldn't of took my anger out on you too." Damian replied. I pulled him into a hug which he really didn't enjoy. "Don't make me take back that apology Troy!" Damian warned, struggling to get out of my strong grip. To be honest I was treasuring this moment of hugging the most un- huggable person on the planet. I finally let the poor boy go and walked towards the door. "So we are good?" I clarified. "Yes unless you hug me again!" Damian half joked. I smiled and left the room, on my way out I nearly bumped into Raven who was about to knock on the door. I gave her a wink and she rolled her eyes at me and proceed to knock on the door. I tried not to predict what the two lovers would do in that same room together and shook my mind off the thought. I went into the living room where Connor and Garfield were playing minecraft and Jaime was on his laptop and sometimes picking up his phone, texting Traci I presume. Dick was cooking dinner because we all know kori can't cook to save her life! Speaking of Kori, she was currently cleaning the tower and preparing it for Traci's arrival so I decided to help her out as she was cleaning on her lonesome and I had nothing else to do. I picked up a cloth and started cleaning the dining table next to Kori who was scrubbing the floors. "Kori I just wanted to apologise for my bad behaviour this morning, I shouldn't of took my anger out on Damian and caused trouble, it won't happen again I promise." I apologised. "Donna it's fine, don't worry about it. Thank you for apologising I really appreciate it. However I definitely don't want to see arguments and "beef" or whatever people call it these days again so I hope you have sorted it out with Damian."  "Yeah me and Damian are good." I told her. "Good to hear! Tonight is very important to Jaime so I want everyone to behave but also feel free to dress up, maybe it could be like a date for you and Connor!" She suggested with a mischievous grin. I chuckled at the fact she always makes every occasion into a date but I kept what she said in mind. "Ok, whatever you say!" I laughed. After we finished cleaning the tower to our satisfaction, we told the titans to get ready and we departed to do so.

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