Donna's fifteenth birthday 🥳

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Donna's pov:

"You are the spitting image of your father!" I shouted whilst fighting Rose Wilson aka deathstroke's daughter. It was not exactly the best start to my fifteenth birthday, but it's no surprise. "I can see why he wants you all dead!" She taunted. "Too bad we are still alive and fighting you!" Damian barked, clashing his katana again hers. The two sword fighters battled and continued to bait each over whilst me and Garfield fought the assassins deathstroke most likely ordered as backup. Garfield pinned the last assassin that was not knocked out to the ground and I used my lasso of truth to compel him to talk. "Why did deathstroke send you nut jobs instead of fighting us himself?" I asked, tightening the golden rope, squeezing his torso. "Slade got injured during his last fight with the Green Arrow, he is recovering in a Lazarus pit." The assassin reluctantly gave in. But before we could get any more information, Rose threw a throwing star into his throat . Damian took advantage of her multitasking to slash her torso with his katana and she yelped in pain clutching her bleeding torso. Garfield then turned into a gorilla and knocked her out , earning an eyebrow raise from me and Damian. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." I giggled. Damian then walked up to the six knocked out assassins, a dead one and a daughter of an evil prick and glanced at Garfield expectantly, who took the hint turning into a kangaroo with me and Damian picking up the assassins and putting them in his pouch, I decided to carry Rose. Damian turned to me and spoke "happy birthday." Then walked off wiping his blood stained katana. Me and Garfield shared a glance before following the grandson of the demons head back to the tower.

Kori's pov:

"Titans we have an hour to set up Donna's birthday party whilst Donna, Damian and Garfield are on a mission." I stated unpacking the banners, balloons and decorations. "Dick your on cake duty!" I instructed. "Yes ma'am!" Dick saluted walking into the kitchen. "Jaime your the DJ so you are in charge of music." "Sounds great." He replied. "Connor your present wrapping." I commanded the Day dreaming boy, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Ok I'm right on it!" He complied. "Last but not least, me and raven can decorate!" I said looking in Ravens direction to see her already blowing up balloons, much to my liking. After around three quarters of an hour we all finished our jobs. The training room was decorated beautifully by me and Raven, Connor had wrapped all the presents neatly displayed on a table next to dick's amazing double teared red velvet birthday cake. Jaime had created a soundtrack of all our favourite songs, mostly Donna's preferred pop music. I was very impressed at the Titans hard work. Then we turned the lights off and hid behind the table and waited for a few minutes for the birthday girl and Garfield and Damian to get back.

Donna's pov:

Once we got back to the tower, we locked up the assassins and Rose in the basement cells. I was relieved to quickly change out of my uniform into comfy joggers and my matching Adidas t-shirt. Beast boy got changed into his comfy clothes, and Damian stayed in his robin uniform because for some reason he just wears it 24/7 , he probably even wears it in bed! I then got a knock on my bedroom door and it was Damian. "Errrrr hi." I said , his visit unexpected. "Kori has another one of her announcements in the training room." My heart sank a little at the thought of another mission which I know is selfish but I was disappointed because I wanted the rest of my birthday off. "Yeah ok." I replied lowly. "Wasn't the birthday you imagined?" Damian asked. "I shouldn't of got my hopes up for a normal birthday, that's all." I admitted. Damian gave me a sympathetic look which was warming and much unlike him. We got to the training room which was empty and pitch black, much to my confusion. Damian turned on the lights and I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw the rest of the titans jump out and shout "SURPRISE!" I was stunned that everyone had took the time to make an amazing birthday party just for me. I felt a warm tear fall down my cheek at the thought of all their unexpected efforts." Raven ran up to me a hugged me tight and said "happy fifteenth birthday Donna!" I laughed cheerfully with my shy friend. Then the rest of the titans joined in for a group hug , and Damian was of course forced by Dick to join being pulled in against his will. We all laughed at his discomfort of being hugged close. After an amazing party we finally gathered around for me to open presents. I firstly opened Dick and Kori's and I got some makeup and new hair straighteners which I was pleased about and I hugged them and thanked them. I opened Jaime's one next which was some t-shirts I wanted so I was very happy about those. I hugged and thanked him too. I then opened Garfield's which was an action figure of myself which was really amusing and I secretly loved the idea of having a figure of myself as Wonder Girl in my bedroom. I thanked and hugged him as well. Then I opened Damian's and Ravens which was a beautiful charm bracelet with the W for Wonder Girl and lots of cute things I liked. I thanked them and hugged them using my strength to force Damian into the hug because I wasn't gonna let that bastard get away without another hug. Finally I unwrapped Connor's that revealed a magnificent sword with Wonder Girl engraved on both sides and the Amazonian W at the base of the handle. He said he had a little help from my sister Wonder Woman , they had the sword specially made from themaskara. I thanked him and gave him a massive hug.

Damian's pov:

After an eventful day I decided to train with my sword fighting styles in my room as the training room was occupied by Grayson and Kori . I heard a knock on my door so I answered to a surprise of seeing Raven. "Hey are you ok?" She asked with a facial expression of concern. "Yes I have been training." I replied. Her expression of concern vanished and was replaced with a smile that lit up her features. "May I come in?" She asked politely. Remembering my manners I let her in and we sat on my bed. "Birthdays aren't really your thing are they?" She said. "I have more important things to do than celebrate getting a year closer to my death." I stated. She laughed lightly at my comment, I allowed myself to smile in response. She was the only person I felt comfortable to feel happy around. "I must admit, I'm not the party type either, I feel more at ease reading a book with my earl grey tea." She admitted. Her antisocial tendencies reminded me very much of my own, another thing we had in common.We decided to take our conversation down stairs over a hot beverage. We also picked at the leftover red velvet cake. I was impressed by Grayson's baking however he would never beat Alfred Pennyworth.  "Your daily meditation seems to have made a difference." I complemented. "Yeah thanks, it has. It really calms the mind and keeps me in control." She stated. "Your father still being a bastard?"I questioned. "Yes he always has to taunt me repeatedly." She replied placing her hand over the majestical red jewel on her head. "He used to conquer worlds and now he is powerless enough to resort to baiting you." I pointed out. "Karma is a bitch." She said in response. "That figure of speech does hold truth." I thought out loud. I sympathised for her, having an evil demon as a father who killed her mother is a tragic outcome. "Yeah your right." She agreed. Jaime walked into the kitchen and made a coffee and sat down next to us. "What are you amigos up to?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. "Just talking about my dad, karma is a bitch." She answered. "Yeah, He was a nasty piece of work." Jaime admitted. "He still is." Raven added. "Well, if you need to talk, we are all open ears here for you." He replied , then chugged down his coffee and washed up the cup and put it back in the cupboard.Raven smiled at me and strangely my heart missed a beat at her comforting gesture . It was then that I noticed the melancholy in her amethyst eyes but also the love and compassion. Like something was triggered inside my body, I put my hand on hers. She looked at me, surprised by my bold gesture but before I could take my hand away out of awkwardness, she put her other hand on top of mine and smiled again, but this time it felt like more. I felt myself smile in return but this time I didn't try to stop it. With her I didn't need my pride.

Dick's pov:

Me and kori had just finished tidying up the training room and Donna was talking to Connor, so I thought I'd ask her about her day. "Hey guys, mind if I join?" I asked sitting down next to them on the sofa.  "No problem at all!" Donna replied, followed by a nod of agreement by Connor. "How was your fifteenth birthday Donna?" I asked. "It was amazing thank guys for being amazing friends and doing this for me!" She replied graciously. "No problem." Connor said fidgeting on the sofa. "How did the mission go earlier?" I asked. "It went well, slade was a no show but his brainwashed daughter fought us instead with her goons . We locked her up with the assassins in the basement cells, would you like to look?" Donna explained. "Alright." I answered, Donna leading the way and me and Connor followed. Kori had nothing better to do so she came with us. When we got to the basement , the jail cells were unlocked and no one was there except for a dead assassin. "Where the hell did they go!" Donna shouted looking into the cells flabbergasted. "It seems that they have escaped." Kori concluded . "Except for this poor dude." Conner pointed out, looking over the corpse of what once was deathstroke's assassin. "Have you put any tracking devices on any of them?" I questioned . "Well Damian claimed he put one on Rose whilst fighting her, but look...." "it has been removed." Connor finished. There was indeed a broken tracking device on the floor. "Well that's our lead gone." Kori stated. "Then deathstroke is gonna have to come to us."

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