Betrayal part 3

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The Titans let go of their sceptical thoughts and did what he said. "I don't know how long I can wait, he's taking a long time." Connor said. "Super Boy, he's only been gone for five minutes!" Donna replied. "He said he had a plan." Raven added. "Yeah but Robin's plans are always very complicated and dangerous." Garfield stated. "But they've always worked, have some trust in your team mate, Gar." Raven told him. "Raven's right, Robin has proven himself a very capable trust worthy team mate, he will come back for us." Kori agreed. "At least we haven't died yet!" Donna chimed in. "Don't jinx it." Dick warned.

"I let my guard down for a girl I loved and trusted and I was betrayed in return." Jaime admitted with sigh. "I'm sorry dude, she's not worth it. You deserve a lot better." Garfield replied. "Thanks Gar, that's the most logical thing you've ever said!" "Jaime, you've been through so much shit having a girlfriend cheating on you with our enemy and locking us in a cage with a plot to get revenge. I'm sorry man." Connor added. "I know. I'm grateful to all of you who have been there for me even though I let you all down." "You haven't let us down, it's not your fault. We all trusted her because we are kind people and aliens, I can't blame you for having a kind heart." Kori said. "Come on guys, give me a hug!" Jaime exclaimed pulling everyone in for a group hug. "Lucky Robin isn't here!" Dick joked. "Yeah he would hate this, but I'm still gonna hug him later!" Connor said.

Meanwhile, Damian was meeting an old friend.

"Slade." "What are you doing here brat!" Deathstroke replied, drawing his sword. "That's no way to greet an old friend." "Why are you here?" Deathstroke asked. "I haven't come here to fight, it's actually quite the opposite, we need your assistance." Deathstroke laughed at Damian. "You have some guts showing up here after killing my daughter." "That's the thing, Rose is alive." "Don't mention her name, kid." "Rose faked her death to make you kill us, which obviously failed but now she has a partner, not like that makes much of a difference mind you." "And why should I believe you?" Slade asked. Damian grabbed a device out of his belt and switched it on, playing the recorded conversation that Damian recorded earlier.

"What the fuck, am I hallucinating right now?"
"No, she's alive alright."
"How are you alive? We saw your dead body."
"Well obviously that wasn't my dead body, it was a fake!"
"Of course it was. It's a shame your plan with the suicide squad went to shit the first time round."
"True. Maybe I should of picked someone else to pretend to commit my murder."

"Rose." Deathstroke sighed. "What do you want from me?" Deathstroke spat. "We need a distraction so I can free the others. Now that you believe me, are you going to see your daughter?" For the first time, Slade showed emotions in his face. He was pleased she was still alive, he missed her, he was angry that she would sacrifice seeing  him ever again just for revenge, but overall he was sad that she did this to him and she was becoming too much like him. He put his anger and compulsion to rip Damian's throat out to aside, he knew that in order to find Rose he needed Damian. When it came to Rose, she was his other half, his weakness and nothing was more important than her, not even being the Demons Head. He hesitated, before saying "Let's go."

Back at the old mansion...

"If it wasn't in this circumstance, I would be posting a group hug selfie of us on Twitter." Garfield stated.  "How many followers do you have now?" Jaime asked. "Ten million." "Wow, that's a lot of followers, your like famous."
"Yeah."  "I'm still pissed at you for posting that picture of me and Super boy." Donna admitted. "Why? You and Super Boy are cute together, that post got seven million views!"   "Yeah but you shouldn't just post pictures of people without permission, I had a double chin!"  "Babe, you look hot with or without a double chin." Connor complemented. "Thanks lover boy."
"How would you like to die?" Traci asked rhetorically, strolling towards the trapped Titans. "Well I would like to die being hit by a lorry." Garfield stated. "Sure, we can make that happen." Rose replied. "No that was a rhetorical question you idiots!" Traci said, rolling her eyes. Traci and Rose opened the cage and pulled Garfield out. "Hey! What are you doing!" He shouted but they injected his neck making him fall unconscious. "Beast Boy!" Kori shouted, banging on the cage. They dragged him and strapped him onto an electric chair.
They took Raven out next and did the same. The Titans banged on the cage and tried to open it using their powers but it was no use. "Please don't hurt them, please!" Donna begged with tears spilling out of her eyes. "We'll do anything you want." Dick added. "Oh this is so fun!" Rose exclaimed. Traci expected to be relishing this moment but she felt her heart drop in guilt and unease, but she couldn't back out now, not after all she's been through. After a few minutes, Raven and Garfield woke up. "W-what is going on?" Raven stuttered trying to get out of the chair. "Your not getting out love, any last words?" Rose asked. Raven sighed, remembering what Damian said. He was supposed to come back for them. "I have some last words!" Garfield stated. "Can we just get this over with?" Traci asked impatiently. "Why? This is great, I thought this is what you wanted, to see them have a slow painful death. This is revenge that we deserve after all we've been through!" Rose exclaimed. Traci bit her lip with nervousness that she would regret going this far. Did she really want to murder the heroes she looked up to when she was younger? The heroes who protect and save lives? The heroes who trusted her and welcomed her to their family with open arms?
"Let's hear your last words." Rose said. "Guys, I wanted to thank you for accepting me for who I am when other people thought I was a monster at first, because of you I am famous on social media and accepted by people for being a Teen Titan. You have done so much for me, you gave me a home, a family, a purpose in life and a place to experience my ups and downs and I will never forget that." He said with tears spilling out of his eyes. The Titans couldn't help but cry too. Rose grinned smugly at the pain she was putting them through. Not just physical pain but the pain of watching each other being tortured to death. "How about you Raven? Any last words?" Rose asked cheerfully.
"Like Beast Boy, I'm extremely grateful for you being in my life. You've made me so happy and without you I don't know what I would of done. I know Robin promised to save us and he hasn't but I'm so proud of him anyway."   "That means a lot to me, Raven." Damian said, after breaking into the room with Deathstroke. "Father." Rose exclaimed. "Rose."   "Dad, I can explain - "  "You disappoint me, kid." Slade cut her off.
Whilst the two we're talking, Damian unstrapped Raven and Garfield. Garfield turned into a Gorilla and wrestled Traci to the ground but Traci grabbed the syringe and stabbed Garfield with it. Damian opened the cage, releasing the trapped teens. Dick and Kori lifted Garfield and took him out of the room. "You. You made my daughter like this!" Deathstroke snarled, trying to hit Traci with throwing stars which she dodged. "Father, stop!" Rose shouted. Deathstroke ran towards Traci with his sword ready to attack whilst the other Titans started to leave and Jaime and Donna were last. "We should stop them." Jaime said. "No, Jaime we need to leave, now!" Donna replied, grabbing Jaime's arm. Jaime turned around to look at Traci one last time when Deathstroke stabbed her in the heart. "No!" Jaime and Rose yelled in unison. Traci fell to the floor, her body limp and lifeless. Donna grabbed Jaime harder and ran. When Donna and Jaime got outside the Titans had already guessed what happened by seeing his state. "C'mon, let's go home." Dick said wrapping his arm around Jaime.

When the Titans reached the tower, they sat down and comforted each other. Jaime was crying his eyes out and his team mates were trying to comfort him. They spent the next few days resting and mourning their friend's death.

Deathstroke being reunited with his daughter, decided to take them some where new and have a fresh start. They were fed up of being stuck in this cycle of violence and needed to have decent lives in a different place away from their enemies being constant reminders of their failures, so they decided to move to Japan. "Father, I know I have made unforgivable mistakes and so have you but I would like to make peace with it and move on."
"Agreed. This will be our home from now on and we can do whatever the fuck we want."

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