Sibling Rivalry

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(Btw artwork not mine, credits to original artist)

Ravens pov:
"Good morning titans!" Kori announced in her cheerful tone. "Morning." I replied whilst making my camomile tea that I always drink on Thursdays. Donna and Connor were in a very good mood, I wondered what was up with them. They were making fun of Jake Paul. "Jake Paul is an overrated imbecile that is a waste of space." Damian criticised making us all laugh. "Hey! I'm the biggest Jake Paul fan!" Garfield declared, walking in wearing his Team Ten merchandise. After a heated debate about this YouTuber we all decided to get a life and get on with our routines . After getting dressed, we went to the training room to plan the day ahead. "Morning Titans, today we can have a chill day since there is nothing we nee...." Dick was cut off by the sound of the towers security breach alarm going off. "Never mind that." Dick scratched his head, looking at computer screens revealing footage of a certain Tameranian sister breaking in. "Blackfire!" Kori shouted in an angry tone , looking at her sister breaking into the tower. "At least we can do something more productive." Damian said, predictably  preferring to fight Blackfire  than chill. "Titans go!" Kori demanded, all of us changing into our costumes instantly, including Dick and Damian, which was a surprise that they were already in their Night Wing and Robin suits yet they didn't have any powers. We all went to the bottom floor to being face to face with Blackfire  "hello sister , and your costumed super friends." Blackfire snarled. "What do you want komand'r ?" Kori asked. "You know what I want, you stole the throne!" Blackfire replied angrily. "Tamaran does not deserve you, to be the queen!" Kori argued. "How dare you! You abandoned Tamaran to this repulsive planet full of obnoxious humans." Blackfire shouted in response. "They are not obnoxious, you are!" Kori challenged , her hands glowing green.

Kori's pov:

Me and my sister started fighting, she was mainly attacking me with her powers whilst I stayed in defensive, using hand to hand combat when I got the chance as I was more superior at hand to hand combat, learning it on this planet. She mostly relied on her powers which was her weakness. When she blasted my leg, I got slammed to the ground with a nasty wound. Night wing being the best boyfriend ever, intervened, fighting Blackfire and often hitting her with his Eskimo sticks. Robin joined in, using his bat- arangs  and sword and they eventually got her pinned to the ground. The other titans were checking the premises for any explosives or any thing suspicious that Blackfire may have left. Donna wrapped her lasso around Blackfire to keep her down and started asking questions. "How did you find us?" "You weren't hard to find, being Starfire's  sister, I have have many ways of finding her." Blackfire replies. "Like?" Donna prompted. "This is an interesting device, your not really human are you?" She ignored the question, taking an interest in Donna's lasso of truth.  " I'm the one asking the questions here, now tell me how you have many ways of finding Starfire." She commanded in a frustrated tone, tightening the lasso. "Firstly I have two tracking devices on her, one inside her forearm and the other in her necklace that I gave her before she abandoned Tamaran. I have cameras in the tower that I installed on my last visit and I have Tamaran technology that had tracked her Star ship and has all her information." She replied gritting her teeth. "You can't fight against my lasso, it compels you to tell the truth. It never fails." Donna stated. "I'm such a fool. I should of known my sister would find me again and keep getting her revenge. I'm so sorry everyone." I apologised lowly. "Yes your vacuous actions have caused us this inconvenience." Damian admitted, getting a nudge from Dick and disapproving looks from the rest of the team. "Kori meant no harm, it was an accident. The inconvenience is that she has an evil jealous sister, unlike you who has kind brothers." Jaime stood up for me. "Shut up Beetle, you don't know anything about my life." Damian retaliated. "Robin's right.... I have caused inconvenience for you all I'm very sorry." I sighed. "Kori, you didn't know that your sister could find you, how could of you known? Everyone makes mistakes we are humans." Dick reassured me.  "Actually, me, Starfire, Super Boy, Beast Boy, Beatle's alien attachment and Donna aren't really humans." Raven pointed out. "Oh yeah sorry, well you get what I mean." Dick replied. "Yes thank you Night wing." I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "The arrogant human boy  speaks truth, your vacuous actions have caused inconvenience to your home planet as well ." Blackfire taunted. Before anyone could say anything else, Blackfire freed a hand and blasted Donna to the ground, releasing her from the lasso. She then blasted Beast boy, Jaime , Raven and Connor and made a run for it , but flying. Damian and Dick managed to dodge the blasts, following Blackfire shortly after. Raven was mildly hurt so she ran up to me and helped me up whilst the other titans got up . We made our way to the front of the tower next to Damian and Dick. They were looking at a vigilante wearing a red helmet type mask holding the now unconscious Blackfire . "Looking for this alien chick?" He asked. I frowned at him at the way he addressed our species. He looked at me and said "Oh shit, sorry love."    "What are you doing here Red Hood?" Dick asked.  "Errrm I caught your gal pal, a thank you would be fucking nice." The vigilante pointed out. "Thank you!" Connor replied. "No problem kiddo. I'm here cause the Bats forced me to help you lovely bastards." He answered. I was not sure why this vigilante kept swearing. I heard people do this a lot in their cultures on this planet. "Batman coerced you to help us contain Blackfire, Todd?" Damian guessed. "Yes demon spawn." The vigilante responded . Damian scowled at the mouthy vigilante. "Night wing , Robin, how do you know this vigilante?" I asked. Dick nodded at him and he took his helmet off and the red mask he was wearing underneath to reveal a young man, he looked a few years younger than Dick. "The names Jason Todd , Dick's and Damian's adopted brother, nice to meet you babe." He flirted, shaking my hand. Dick gave him the death glare. Taking the hint, Jason replied "ohhh I get it, you two are a thing. Lucky shit." "Errr nice to meet you Jason." Connor said shaking his hand. "I like this kid." Jason whispered at Dick. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Donna." She said. "Hi. You look like the amazon lady in the justice league." He stated. "Yeah she's my sister." Donna replied. "Oh yeah, I'm jealous that you got to live on an a island full of warrior women. could you take me there next time you go there?" He asked. "Sorry it doesn't work like that, they don't let outsiders on the island, especially men." Donna replied. "Oh they're lesbians?"   "That is none of your concern Todd, can we get Blackfire inside before she wakes up!" Damian instructed. "Alright bossy boots!" When we got inside we put her in one of the new and improved jail cells that we updated so Blackfire will stay put. We don't want anyone escaping, just like Rose Wilson did the other day. "Would you like to stick around for a bit, before you leave?" I asked Jason politely. Damian scowled at me for my nice gesture. I thought he would of been happy to see his brother. "Errr Yeah sure, why not." Jason replied before taking a seat on the sofa. "This is a terrible idea." Damian mumbled. The other titans introduced themselves and talked to each other. Me and Dick were in the kitchen making ourselves a cup of tea. "Damian seems to dislike Jason." I pointed out. "Yeah well they are both arrogant in their own ways, they never seem to get along." He agreed. "He seems nice to me, however he doesn't use the nicest language." I remarked, followed by Dick's  laughter, I laughed along unsure why it is funny. "He's always like that. He is a bit of an ass hole either drunk or high. Not that I blame him though, he's had a tough life." Dick reasoned. "Yes, life can make people do weird things." I added.

Raven's pov:

Me and Damian were at the top of the tower where we usually go for peace and quiet. I could sense something was wrong, he seemed irritated. "What's wrong?" I dared to ask. "Todd is just a dick, he shouldn't be getting himself involved with our affairs." Damian stated. "Well if he was forced by batman to come here then you can't blame him for doing what he's told." I reasoned. "He's an adult, he can make his own decisions." Damian argued. "Well you haven't heard his side of the story." I pointed out. "Damian, not everyone is like you, willing to stand up to people and argue."   "You don't know him like I do." Damian stated. "I know but if he wasn't there then Blackfire would of likely escaped, or even worse, hurt you. Damian you mean so much to me, please can you be reasonable. He isn't going to stay for long." I said putting my hand on his to comfort him. Damian looked into my eyes with his piercing green ones. "Fine." He reluctantly gave in. Without being fully aware of what we were doing, we leaned forward, the gap between our faces getting smaller and smaller. I looked into his eyes once more, before closing my eyes and filling in the one inch gap , crashing my lips on his. I naturally moved my lips against his. He eagerly returned the kiss deepening it. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, asking for entrance, I complied and he explored my mouth and our tongues brushing together. He wrapped his arms around my waist  whilst I kept mine around his neck, my fingers playing with his hair. We stayed like that for a good  few minutes before we had to separate to fill our lungs with air. I was stunned at my first kiss. It was strange, I never felt this way before. I never felt this way for someone before. He pecked my lips before we headed inside to join the others. Jason was talking to the others making them laugh. "And then the guy said to him, you look like fuckin Super Mario!" Jason joked.Everyone except Kori and Dick were laughing, she wore a frown on her face. "Kori looks a little mad." I whispered to Damian. "She loathes swearing, Todd is the definition of swearing." Damian replied looking in the direction of Kori and Dick, they didn't look too pleased at the example Jason was setting on the teens. After a couple more hours of Jason's stories which I must say, a few of them sounded made up, He said goodbye to us and left on his motorbike. Damian, Dick and Kori were the only ones relieved at his departure. We decided to do an evening training session together, and then we went straight to bed.

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