Betrayal part 2 🔒🗝

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"So...who wants to go first?" After a pause of hesitation, Garfield spoke up. "I'll go first!" Garfield started going down the steps then a spider dangled from its web in front of him, making him yelp. Damian and Raven snickered only to be hushed by Kori. "No... fuck that, I change my mind!" Garfield said, making his way up the stairs "Anyone wanna go first, caus..." but before he could protest anyone, Damian pushed him down the stairs. "Robin!" Kori told him off as the other Titans laughed in the background. "Ouch, you motherfucker!" Garfield shouted. "Grow up!" Damian hissed. "Robin, how about you go next?" Dick said. "Fine." He replied, making his way down the steps, followed by the rest of the Titans. The narrow passage way was dimly lit by a few lamps on the walls. "I'm guessing you guys must have known about this secret passageway." Connor said. "Yes, we used to use them as part of the training years ago." Kori stated. "You trained your fellow Titans like Boy Scouts." Damian mocked. "We trained them in many different ways. It is very useful training and preparing for different situations and places of attack, we used methods that didn't require just straight away killing people. But of course you wouldn't know anything about that, being trained as a ruthless assassin." Dick retaliated. "Nightwing!" Kori warned nudging him in the arm. "And that is why you are very inexperienced compared to myself in combat." Damian snarled. "Stop it you two! We have bigger things to worry about!" Donna told them off. "I can't think of anything more important than annoying Grayson." Damian stated. "For starters, rescuing Traci!" Connor replied. "If I had it my way, I would be training at the Titans tower right now. Traci is useless and a liability." Damian admitted. "Damian!" Raven hissed, shaking her head. "Don't talk about her like that, you arrogant son of a bitch!" Jaime snarled, walking towards Damian ready to attack him. "Oh boy, not this again." Raven muttered. Kori stood between the angry teens. "That's enough! Pull your heads out of your asses and stop acting so immaturely. You are wasting our time and an innocent girl could be being tortured right this minute and you are arguing for fuck sakes!" Kori told them off in an angrier tone than she ever used before. The Titans were stunned at her outburst but also a little in awe. "Girl, that was amazing!" Donna stated. "Profoundly done, Starfire, I didn't know you had that in you. Seems your not so soft after all." Damian complemented. The Titans were reminded of their mission when they heard another shout for help. "She's near by." Garfield stated. "Let's go." Dick demanded. They made their way into a large empty room where Traci sat, tied to a chair. "G-guys... I was s-starting to lose hope, I'm scared." Traci stuttered. The Titans made their way towards Traci, but all of a sudden a meta human power dampening cage came down from the ceiling, trapping the Titans. They heard footsteps coming towards them from the entrance of the room. "Hi there, did you miss me!" Rose Beamed. "What the fuck, am I hallucinating right now?" Connor asked, pinching himself in attempt to bring back his senses. "No, she's alive alright." Raven replied. "How are you still alive? We saw your dead body." Jaime asked, confused. "Well obviously that wasn't my dead body, it was a fake!" Rose said. "Of course it was. It's a shame your plan with the suicide squad went to shit the first time round." Damian remarked. "True. Maybe I should of picked someone else to pretend to commit my murder." Rose admitted. "You think?" Donna chimed in sarcastically. But what they didn't know, Damian was recording the conversation on his device in his belt. "It's pretty lame that you were so desperate to get revenge that you would make a classic shitty trap for us." Garfield remarked. "Yet here you are, trapped in my classic shitty trap. Maybe it isn't so shit if it worked." Rose laughed, then towards Traci holding a knife in her hand. "Wait! Please don't hurt her!" Jaime begged. "This is just between you and us, leave her out of it." Kori said. "But is it?" Rose asked, fiddling with the knife. The teens had puzzled expressions. They prepared for the worst but instead Rose cut the rope tying Traci up. Traci stood up and pulled Rose in for a kiss. The Titans gasped in horror and surprise that their friend who they went to rescue betrayed them. "You betrayed us!" Damian snarled. "Betrayed? That's assuming I was on your side in the first place." Traci pointed out. Deja vu hit Damian, bringing back memories of Terra's betrayal. The Titans were ashamed of Traci and partly themselves, for believing she was a kind person like Terra years ago. "I'll let you lot have a chat." Rose said, before leaving the room. "Why Traci? Why would you do that?" Jaime asked with tears in his eyes. Traci glared at Kori and Dick with anger and sorrow in her eyes. "It all started when I was a young girl who wanted to belong somewhere, and when the Titans started, I was inspired, they were my role models so I wanted to be apart of the team..."

[Flash back] A few years ago...

"Hello, what's your name?" Kori asked.  "My name's Traci, it's so cool meeting you!" Traci introduced herself. "And what brings you here Traci?"  "I would like to join the Teen Titans!" "Aren't you a bit young, it's a team of teenage heroes."  "You guys are my role models, I've always wanted to be a Teen Titan!"  "Well for starters, what special abilities do you have?"  "I don't have any yet but you could train me!" "With all due respect, we recruit teens who have special abilities or experience in combat, and feel alone and out of place because they are different. This is not a fan meet and greet." Dick chimed in. "But.."  "This is for teenagers with special abilities only."  "Please, I want to protect and save people, just give me a chance." Traci begged. "I'm sorry sweetheart but it's a no." Dick stated sadly.  "Please!"  "You don't have powers and you never will. You should be grateful that you are not burdened with these abilities."  Kori said truthfully.  "If you want to meet the Teen Titans we have a meet and greet next week."  "Yes, Nightwing is right. I'll lead you out." 

[End of flashback]

"After I left, I was so sad that you treated me that way. You were my role models and I respected you. You ruined my life!" Traci shouted angrily. Kori and Dick started to remember Traci and that day and felt a tinge off guilt. "Sorry but what the fuck is she talking about?" Connor asked. "We are very sorry Traci, we didn't mean to hurt you, we were having a stressful day and the way we brushed you off was very rude and we very much regret it." Kori apologised. "We shouldn't of acted the way we did." Dick added. "I'll never forgive you for what you did." Traci snapped. "This is irrational, there is no proper reason to kill us just because of rejection. You are way too over sensitive." Damian stated. "It's disappointing that my father hasn't killed you yet after all your shit. Well, I'll just have to finish the job for him." Rose stated, walking into the room. "I need some fresh air." Traci said before leaving the room. Rose followed her out the room. "What if this is the last mission we go on together?" Raven asked with a worried expression. "Raven, we have been through far worse shit than this. Trust me, this isn't going to be our death." Damian replied. "Maybe but know one knows of this place or where it is, we can't get backup."  "We don't need backup because this is backup." Damian said, finding a lock pic in his boot. He started picking the lock of the cage. "Dude. Why am I surprised you have a lock pic?" Jaime asked rhetorically. Damian opened the cage and got out. Raven went to do the same but was stopped in her tracks. "I'll go, it will be far more obvious if we all leave and we need more time, just act like I'm here." Damian said. "But Damian, we should all escape now we have the chance." Donna chimed in. "No I have a better plan just sit tight."  "I trust you." Raven stated. "I don't, we should all leave now." Garfield argued. "I'll come back, I promise." Damian said before pecking Raven on the cheek and closing the cage door. The Titans decided to let go of their sceptical thoughts and do what he said.

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