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Summer had finally arrived, the Titans were having their own summer holiday at the tower, basking in the afternoon sun. Raven was a bit reluctant to go outside but Damian managed to bribe her with a full night of binge watching Game Of Thrones. Now the titans were in their swim suits lying on cheap deck chairs that Kori salvaged in a yard sale.    

Garfield was making another YouTube video for his private channel and filming the Titans which sometimes annoyed them when they didn't feel comfortable being filmed but Garfield's subscribers enjoyed seeing them together.

Garfield's pov:

"Hey my lit fans! Today me and my fellow titans are enjoying life in summer and you guys are gonna join me in a traditional titans summer, being normal grouchy teens being ripped away from devices..."    "I'm not a grouchy teenager, I love going outside in the wonderful summer weather!" Donna cut in, standing beside me in the camera shot. "Ok boomer!"    "I'm not a fucking boomer!" Donna retaliated in pretend annoyance, rolling her eyes. "Ok guys we have a VIP guest, the lovely but bitter Donna Troy!" I announced, gesturing at Donna who had a smirk plastered on her radiant face. "Hi! As you may already know, Gar doesn't really give a shit about our privacy so I'm gonna ask the other titans for permission before we film them,  ok!" She sassed before walking off to check with the other titans about filming them enjoying the summer afternoon. I carried on talking to my dope fans, a little while later she came back with a thumbs up. "Other than Damian and Raven, who never like the spotlight, we can film everyone else." She stated. "That's a little disappointing, who doesn't want to watch Damirae! Never mind, the show must go on!"  "Damirae?" She questioned raising a brow. "That's their ship name, the fans love it!"  "Oh right." "Yeah! Let's go D." I replied. She laughed and sucked on the straw of her strawberry smoothie.

In the titans tower, Damian's pov:

Raven walked out of her bedroom wearing a simple purple swimsuit, she looked breathtaking. She smiled shyly and looked at the ground awkwardly. I walked up to her and grabbed her hands. "You look beautiful." I stated. "You really think so?" She asked looking up from the ground, revealing her enticing amethyst eyes. "Of course, you look attractive in anything." I remarked. She chuckled and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I pulled her close. "Really Raven, you look stunning, you should be more confident in yourself." I stated, cupping her face in my hands. "Ok, I take your word for it."  "Let's go." Raven squinted her eyes to the beaming sunlight. "Oh hey guys!" Connor came up to us wearing swim shorts and sun glasses and holding a mock tail in his hand. Behind him was a hot tub which was currently occupied by Jaime and Dick who were immaturely splashing each other and laughing. Kori was sunbathing.  "You guys bought a hot tub?" Raven asked. "Yeah Kori bought it for a bargain!" Connor replied, handing me and Raven a cold beverage. "Yes, we never had a hot tub in Tamaran, summer on earth is truly magnificent!" Kori added, sitting up from the deck chair and removing her sunglasses, revealing her tanned face and big pale spots of skin around her eyes where the sun hadn't got to because of her sunglasses. Everyone gasped at the extremely visible tan lines around her eyes which made her look strange. Connor started giggling and Raven nudged his arm and gave him a warning glare. "What? What's all those faces for?" She asked with worry clear in her tone. "Errrm.... babe, you may of been bathing in the sun a little too long and you have severe sun tan lines around your eyes.... but you still look beautiful no doubt about it!" Dick tried to reassure her. Then Garfield and Donna appeared, talking to a camera. His pathetic YouTube channel I presume. "And OMG guys! We've got a hot tub! Kori you've really outdone yoursel.....f.....Woah! What happened to you eyes?!" Garfield exclaimed, turning the camera towards Kori who was starting to look even more confused and concerned. "Why is everyone so shocked I got a little tanned, it's no bigy." Kori said in an irritated tone. Donna turned the camera away from Kori and started filming Jaime and Dick who were now sitting in the hot tub awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. "A little tanned?" Garfield asked sarcastically, receiving a light nudge and a disapproving glare from Donna. Raven handed her a compact mirror and Kori examined herself and gasped at her appearance. "Oh dear, I now see what the fuss is all about, I look terrible!" Kori admitted. "It's ok babe, just leave your glasses off and let the sun tan the paler skin." Dick suggested.

Raven's pov:

Garfield and Donna and Connor finished filming their video and went back indoors to shower and most likely edit and post their video. Kori and Dick were eating takeaway pizza with Jaime. Me and Damian were in the hot tub together having more fun than we cared to admit. Damian noticed me in a trance and gently placed his hand on my shoulder. "Raven, are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I reassured him with a smile. He lifted up my chin with his fingers and looked deeply into my eyes. I could never resist those enchanting emerald eyes. They had this effect on me, as if they were magic and I was under his spell. It sounds ironic, I know, coming from the half demon witch girl herself. "We are well aware that I'm not the sentimental emotional type, however I have to say that you do look really beautiful." Damian complemented. "Thanks Damian, is that your way of flirting ?" I giggled. "And if I was, is it working?"  "Yes it certainly is, but you know you don't have to flirt to get my attention. My attention is always on you." I attempted to flirt back. Damian grinned and pulled my face towards his, slowly closing the gap inch by inch. I was starting to get impatient so I pacely  crashed my lips on his, slightly surprising him, however he eagerly kissed me back and wrapped his muscular arms around my waist pulling me closer. Our bodies touched and fixed perfectly together like jigsaw puzzle pieces. His jet black hair was damp and messy so I brushed my fingers through it, probably messing it up even more but we were too fixated on passionately kissing to care. The kissing started to get a bit more heated, I sat on his lap so that I became the highest, leaning downwards into the kiss. "Guys get a room!" Jaime interrupted us, making us realise we had an audience. Kori and Dick faintly laughed in the background. We reluctantly broke apart. "Maybe we should take this elsewhere." Damian whispered in a seductive voice that annoyingly turned me on. In response I grinned and got up out of the hot tub. "I'm gonna have a shower, talk to you later." I stated before walking off indoors.

Nobody's pov:

Damian got out of the hot tub and went up to Kori, Dick and Jaime who were engrossed in a conversation about various songs they listened to and pinched a slice of pizza. He then went indoors and  regarded the three other titans who were sitting on the sofa drinking milkshakes and eating McDonald's with a nod and went upstairs. He went into his bedroom where Raven already was, she quickly closed the door and pressed Damian against the wall. He pulled her into a heated kiss which was burning with a strong passion they never felt before. Raven swiftly pulled his top off over his head and threw it across the floor. In response he aggressively pulled her (dressing gown/robe, whatever you call it) off her and they slowly made their way to the bed without breaking apart. Damian gently pushed Raven onto the bed. "You sure you wanna do this?" Raven asked. "Yeah, do you?"  "There's nothing I'd rather do." She answered, leaning upwards and gingerly kissing Damian's lips again. You can probably guess what happened in the next couple hours...

It was getting late, it was around eight pm and the other titans had gone off to do their own things as the blissful summers day came to an end. Damian and Raven however, were in bed together, only covered by velvety sheets. Raven was asleep and Damian was awake and had his arm wrapped protectively around Raven. Damian was pleased to be the big spoon as they both wanted to be the big spoon but Raven gave in, in the end. As he cuddled his beloved close he processed the heated events of the last couple hours and smiled to himself, surprised and happy that he was loved by someone for who he was. Not the grandson of the demons head and ruthless assassin, not the superhero Robin who was Batman's side kick and later a member of the Teen Titans, but for being himself, just Damian Wayne. He never would of predicted that not only he would be loved by someone, but he would actually have those feelings and love someone else. Raven started to stir in her sleep and showed discomfort in her expression so Damian decided to lightly wake her up from her possibly bad dream by gently kissing her shoulder and neck. Her eyes opened to see her beloved looking down on her with a rare smile on his face. "Did you have a descent rest?" He asked. "Yeah I just had a weird dream that's all. I think I've recharged my batteries. How long have you been awake?"   "Not too long, half an hour maybe."  "Oh ok. I don't want to make this awkward or uncomfortable, but I enjoyed being with you, especially for the last couple hours and I don't regret it or anything." She admitted. "Agreed. For my first time I expected it to be overrated but it was perfect." Damian admitted back, receiving a sincere smile from his beloved. "That was your first time? You were like a fucking professional!" Raven joked. "Yeah, you're the only person I've ever had these feelings towards before."   "It was my first time to so I'm pleased we reached this milestone together." Raven said, grabbing Damian's face and pecking his lips. Raven rested her head on Damian's chest and they took in the moment of pure happiness without any regret or sadness. "Raven....I .... I love you." Damian confessed.  "Damian I love you to!"

❤️Damirae💜Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant