❄️Do you have a death wish?❄️

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"This is unlike you of all people to be getting drunk on champagne, this is never going to happen again or you will be in deep shit. Do you understand?" Dick told Damian and Raven off. "I'm sorry, your right it was not like us." Raven apologised. "I too apologise for my nonsensically reckless actions. It won't happen again however I am curious as to what the punishment would be for doing it again." Damian admitted. "Pull any more stunts like that and you will find out, so I suggest you behave yourself." Dick snapped in annoyance. "Dick, calm down, they said they were sorry and they have learned their lesson." Kori reminded him. "Your right, I appreciate your apologies." "May I also add that I appreciate that you are lovers but I would rather you have your passionate affairs a bit more subtlety, I cannot shake off the thought of walking in on you two undressed in bed this morning." Kori added bluntly. The Titans looked at kori with a hint of humour in their expressions at her bold statement. "We were drunk, it was out of our control." Damian replied. "For future preferences." Dick responded. "I'm sorry about that." Raven replied to Kori awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck. "No worries."
"Who wants to play Minecraft with me?" Garfield chimed in.

After a little while the Titans went on a mission to capture killer Frost who mercilessly killed a group of Girl Scouts on a camping trip for unknown reasons. When the titans arrived at the crime scene, the whole field was frozen, including the girls' camping tents and equipment and their bloody corpses. "This is vile." Damian muttered, examining the bodies for anything useful. "This is truly awful, these poor children have lost their lives." Kori stated with a deeply sad look in her features. Dick rubbed her back as a comforting gesture. "These girls must have been really excited to go on this trip, how could someone be so evil." Donna responded as she grouched down next to the girls' bodies. "Err guys, I think I found their leaders." Connor said. The Titans came over to see two middle aged women decapitated and frozen lying on the ground. Kori gasped. "Holy shit." Garfield exclaimed. "Killer Frost needs to pay for what she did." Jaime said. "She wouldn't normally stoop this low." Damian stated. "Robin's right, she has never murdered anyone on purpose like this before." Raven agreed. "How do you know it was on purpose?" Garfield asked. "I don't think she accidentally decapitated these women, Beast Boy." Damian replied. "She could off just lashed out and caused more harm than she meant to." "I highly doubt that." "To be fair, Beast Boy has a point, it could be true, I think all of us know from experience that when we've lashed out in anger we have caused more damage than we intended to." "Not stabbing kids with ice pops and cutting off heads though." Donna replied sarcastically. "I don't know what happened but either way she is a murderer on the loose and we need to take her down. Based on her tendencies, I'm guessing that she is going to be fighting the suicide squad again as they've pissed her off so much they've got a life time of vengeance coming their way." Dick said. "I don't know where else she could be." Jaime agreed. "Where are the suicide squad?" Connor asked. "In prison, which is where we are going to go." Kori responded.

The Titans arrived at the prison only to find a lot of dead security guards in a winter wonder land. "This is sick!" Garfield exclaimed. "It's not Gar, lots of people have been ruthlessly murdered out of cold blood." Raven replied.  "Cold blood, good one Raven!" Garfield responded.  "That pun was not intended."    "I don't think this was an accident this time." Connor said with a sigh.   "She just left a trail of blood for us to follow. I'm very unimpressed." Damian remarked.  "Let's go." Dick spoke up, reminding the teens what they were actually here for. The interior of the building mirrored the outside, frozen furniture, prison cells and people. Lots of the prisoners were dead however the ones that were alive were cradling themselves in the corners of their cells, trying to hang on to the last bit of body heat they had left. "Ppp- please help me." One of them stuttered.  Connor melted some of the ice with his laser beams and Dick and Damian lit fires in the cells with the new technology they had. "Those torches are epic." Connor said.  "I bet father doesn't have this in his collection." Damian remarked smugly.
"Do you have a death wish?" Killer frost chimed in with a cold voice. "No, but neither did the people you brutally murdered." Dick snarled. "Oops, I must of forgot to dispose the bodies." "Your fucked up." Donna shouted. "Maybe I am, I don't have a guilty conscience. I turned it off." "What do you mean you turned it off?" Damian asked. "My powers have been changing, the more people I kill the more powerful I get and the more I really don't care." "Your humanity is lost." Raven responded. "Quite so." " loosing your humanity doesn't just stop your guilt, but also stops your ability to care, to love, to feel happiness, you don't feel anything." Raven replied. "Having emotions cloud judgement, they make you weak." "No they make you stronger, they give you something to fight for." Kori argued. "That's sweet. But we don't live in a world of unicorns and rainbows. People like me have to fight just to survive because people don't want meta humans like us in their world. It's ok for you with your popularity and fans and high reputations, but for us, it's kill or be killed." "That's not true. When I first came to earth I was judged. People prejudiced me before they even knew me because I was different but I proved to them that I was going to use my abilities for good, to make this city a better place and right people's wrongs. I didn't have to use violence and neither did they. Violence doesn't make you better, it just makes you lonely." Kori replied. "I'm sorry that you have been through shit, but we all have. That is no excuse to violently kill people." Donna added. "You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through. I was not raised by some pretty amazon warriors on a Luxury paradise. I have come here for vengeance, the suicide squad deserve to rot in hell, and I'm gonna put them there. So if you are in my way then I will kill you just like the others." "We are not going to let you do that." Dick stated. "You fools, don't say I didn't warn you." Killer frost ran towards the Titans with ice blades appearing in her hands. She threw them and the Titans dodged them but they had a lot more coming. The corridor was like a battle field but even against the eight heroes, killer frost was quickly defeating them. Connor pinned her down but she stabbed him in the gut and took advantage of his distraction to stab him again in the chest. Donna managed to wrap her lasso around the ice queen's neck and she pulled as hard as she could whilst dick weakened her by punching her multiple times. However frost froze Donna's arm and it spread to the rest of her body until she was lying on the ground, paralysed. Just as frost was about break Donna's arms and legs, she started to scream in pain. She fell to the ground clutching her head like a child having a temper tantrum. Raven was chanting a spell as her eyes glowed red. Her words were unrecognisable as if she was chanting in a language that no one understood. Black veins started to make their way up Raven's face as the chanting got louder as well as killer frost's screaming in agony. "Raven, what are you doing?!" Damian said. She didn't reply, she carried on chanting. "Raven I think that's enough." Dick added. "Stop, your going to kill her!" Garfield yelled. Jaime went closer in attempt to make her stop but she put her hand out and made him fall to the ground heavily. "Raven, your loosing control, don't let it overtake you. You need to stop, whatever it is, fight it. Don't be as bad as the reckless lunatics we take down." Damian demanded. Raven's nose started to bleed and she started to get weaker, she stopped chanting and fell to her knees as Damian caught her. He hugged her tight as she cried softly in his arms. With anger in her eyes, frost got up and stabbed Damian in the back. Raven snapped, she had a furious rage she never knew she was capable of having. She grabbed frost and snapped her neck and before she knew it, she blacked out.

Raven's eyes slowly opened. She was lying in what looked like a hospital bed, but she knew she wasn't at the hospital, she was back at the tower. She looked beside her where Damian was lying on another bed, looking at her with tired eyes. Suddenly realisation hit her, she killed killer frost. She was ashamed of herself for committing the very crime she stops other people from doing. She was surprised that Damian could even look at her after what she had done. "Damian..." "It's ok, I know that you did it to protect me and you were scared and angry and what she did was unforgivable- " "No Damian, what I did was unforgivable. I killed her for being a murderer, but that makes me a murderer. What have I done?" "Raven, she killed people out of cold blood and relished in the power it gave her. She turned off her emotions and escaped the guilt. She was a monster, you aren't." "Am I not? Am I really that different from her?" "Yes because I know you and I know that you are a hero who saves lives and protects your city, you can't change what you did but you can learn from it. At least you did it for the right reasons. When I was younger, I killed people just as part of my training and I never gave it a second thought. Now I remember those people I killed who could of had families and I took their lives away. I never felt guilt then but I do now. I regret a lot of things but I can't do anything about that now except move on and never do such wicked things ever again. You have to move on and make sure you let go of that dark side of you that wants to take control or you will do it again and next time it might be someone innocent. You don't want to lose your humanity like Frost did, I know your better than that." Raven felt the hot tears spilling out of her eyes and didn't know whether it was because of the guilt or admiration for her loving boyfriend who is always there for her through her darkest times. She went over to him and got into his bed and he enveloped her in a warm hug. He was always there for her when she needed him most, no matter what he always had open arms for her and he was the biggest comfort and support she ever had. She felt safe when she was in his arms and she never wanted to let go. He made her whole and the love she felt for him was so strong that nothing could get between them. "I love you, Raven." He whispered softly. "I love you more!" She whispered back.

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