🛣Road trip 🚐

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The Titans were not doing much lately, just staying at home watching tv or playing games, trying to get their minds off Traci's death. They constantly felt guilt and shame for her death and the grief was hard. No matter how hard they tried, they were haunted with thoughts of what they could of done to change her fate. They questioned their own mindset and let grief get to them. Jaime and Kori took it worst, they felt the most responsible for what happened and spent days just lying around and shaming themselves. Days turned to weeks and even the missions and fighting crime became a massive challenge. Kori came to her senses and had had enough, she repeated the lines of the poem As Imperceptibly As Grief in her head; "The Dusk drew earlier in -
The Morning foreign shone -
A courteous yet harrowing Grace,
As Guest, that would be gone - "  Emily Dickinson poems always made her feel better.

The Titans were in the training room and Kori decided to talk to them. "Titans, it's been hard, I know that we all feel guilty and responsible for our friend's death but we need to move on and make peace with the fact that it was beyond our control and her fate was undeserving and unexpected, but we need to stay strong and stand tall." "I can't stop thinking about what we could of done, despite betraying us, I still loved her and she didn't deserve to die." Jaime responded. "I know, I bare the same guilt as you but we can't bring her back now, we just need to make peace with that." Dick replied. "since we have all been sad, we should do something to take our minds off things then get back on track." Kori suggested. "What are you thinking?" Donna asked. "How about we go out and do something fun together!" "That sounds like a shit idea." Damian said, knowing what Kori is suggesting. "Damian, just hear her out before you share your very much wanted opinion." Dick retaliated sarcastically. "Well I've been thinking, we should go on a camping trip together!" Kori proposed. Damian and Raven groaned at the idea of a "fun" camping trip. "C'mon guys, what's so bad about having some fun, we deserve it!" Donna exclaimed enthusiastically. "Exactly!" Connor added. "I'm not coming." Damian refused. "Damian stop being such a spoil sport, you need to loosen up!" Dick said, liking the idea. "Dick's right, your such a pussy Damian!" Garfield sassed. "How is he a pussy for not wanting to go camping?" Raven asked in an irritated tone. "He's too scared to have fun and enjoy himself." Garfield argued. "I'm not afraid of anything." Damian stated. "Then you will come?" Jaime asked. "Fine." Damian deadpanned in defeat. "I'm not sure that was the best way of convincing Damian to come with us." Kori whispered to Garfield. "It worked, I have a special talent at getting under his skin!" Garfield whispered back. "It's settled then, we are going on a camping trip!" Dick announced.

The Titans packed their bags and loaded the car, Dick recently got a new car with eight seats and drink holders. They all got in and made themselves comfortable, after all, it was a four hour journey ahead. Dick and Garfield sat at the front, Raven, Donna and Kori in the middle row and Damian, Connor and Jaime at the back which they claimed after some pushing and shoving, since obviously the back seats are the the best! After around ten minutes of driving, the Titans were already fidgeting, except for Damian who sat silently sitting in the same position. "Dude, how the fuck can you sit like that for so long?" Jaime asked. "We have only been on the road for ten minutes, fidgeting is for young children who are bored and seek attention. Maybe you should all act your age and stop squirming." Damian responded harshly. "That's impossible, I can't sit still." Garfield stated. "Are you suffering from mental health issues?" Damian asked. "No! I feel offended that you would even ask that." Garfield huffed. "Well it's not like we weren't all considering it." Raven  joked making Donna giggle. "Seriously?" "Then you have no reason to not sit still." Damian said. "Don't joke about mental health, it's a very serious matter." Jaime said.  "I'm not joking." Damian hissed.  "Damian, you don't need to have mental health issues to fidget." Dick pointed out. "You - " "This is a stupid argument, can we just not." Connor interrupted. "Connor's right, how about we play a game!" Kori suggested. "I was actually quite enjoying listening to them argue." Donna whispered to Raven. "Same!" What sort of game?" Jaime asked. "Eye spy with my little eye, something beginning with W." Kori said. "Wheel!" Dick suggested. "No but that's a good one. "wipes!" Connor shouted from the back. "No." "Windex?" Donna said. "Where is there windex?" Raven asked confused. "Oh does it have to be in the car because we've went past supermarkets advertising Windex." Donna replied. "That's a good one but no, I'm sorry I forgot to mention it is in the car." Kori said. "The word is obviously window, which is technically part of the car, not in the car." Damian stated. "Damian's right, it is window." Kori responded enthusiastically. "Did you know that the whole time?" Connor asked. "Yes, but I just wanted to see if you could actually guess but I suppose that was a too high expectation." Damian admitted, making Connor laugh. "You have a very strange mindset." Connor remarked. "I just think things through." Damian replied. "Ok it's Damian's turn!" Kori chimed in. "Who wants my turn?" Damian asked. "Me!" Garfield exclaimed. "That's not the game." Kori mumbled under her breath." "I feel you, sister." Donna said, rubbing her arm. "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with C." "Cake?" Raven asked, looking at the bag of food under their feet. "Nearly!" "Chips!" Jaime suggested. "Yes, you are correct!" Garfield stated. "Why am I surprised it's food?" Dick asked rhetorically. Getting the hint, Kori got a bag of chips out and threw them over to Garfield. "Yay!" "Please can I have some?" Donna asked. "Sure" Kori just threw bags of chips everywhere for everyone. "I will pay you thirty dollars if you give me the original." Damian proposed, looking at Jaime who had the only original flavour chips in his hand. "Sure." Jaime excepted, trading his chips with Damian for thirty dollars. "That's a lot of money for a bag of chips." Raven remarked. "I'm rich." Damian stated flatly with a nonchalant expression.
After eating unhealthy snacks and drinking trashy, cheap fruit juice, Jaime and Raven were asleep against the windows, Donna was painting Kori's fingernails, Dick listening to K-pop, Garfield was playing Sims on his iPhone, and Connor and Damian were talking about things they were interested in. They were all laughing at Dick who was singing along to BTS in Korean. "Will you please turn this shit off?" Raven asked being woken up to the loud music. "I agree with Raven, who listens to this foreign music, most people don't even understand the words." Damian agreed. "Do you?" Garfield asked. "Yes, father taught me and Dick Korean among other languages." Damian said. "That's awesome!" "BTS is the best! Don't hate on their music!" Donna said in an angry tone. "Oh dear, we have an Army in our car!" Connor joked. "I rather like this Korean pop boy band." Kori exclaimed. "Fan girls alert." Garfield joked. "Shut up Gar, we know you secretly listen to Blackpink when you think no ones watching." Donna sassed. Garfield looked away awkwardly. "What can I say, they are hot!" Garfield admitted. "Fan boy alert!" Raven joked. After the song finished, Dick decided to end Raven and Damian's pain and put some Billie Eilish songs on which they preferred.
"So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girl friend mad tight
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy, duh!" They sang along.
After an hour of listening to their favourite music, everyone fell asleep, well, except for Dick since he was driving. When everyone woke up, they were feeling hungry so they went to a McDonald's drive through and ordered a lot more trash food. "Don't touch me with your greasy fingers!" Jaime squealed. "They are not that greasy." Conner replied.  "Yes they are!" "Guys look, I got a furby toy in my happy meal!" Garfield exclaimed making everyone laugh. "I have one to, what is this creature? There are creatures like this on Tamaran." Kori replied. "It is a creepy toy that McDonald's like to put in your happy meals to scare kids." Connor joked. "I wish." Raven mumbled. "Really? That is a not a very nice gesture after paying for a meal here." Kori commented. "He is only joking Kori." Dick chimed in. "Although I do get slightly creepy vibes from McDonald's." "I know right, I think it is the Ronald McDonald clown, speaking of which, did you see that video on YouTube of Ronald McDonald?" Garfield asked. "Omg, yeah! That was banned because it was gross, mature and really graphic." Donna responded. "It's not as bad as Belle Delphine." Raven half joked. "I couldn't agree more!" Garfield agreed.

Finally after another hour and a half, they reached their destination. They all stumbled out of the car and grabbed their bags. "This is going to be the funnest camping trip ever!" Kori exclaimed.

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