Vengeance ⚔️

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Damian's pov:

"So where are we looking?" Raven asked following close behind me. We left the Tower ten minutes ago and have been walking a while. "Barbara Ann Minerva joined the Squad a couple years after becoming Cheetah. We are going to A.R.G.U.S headquarters in Washington DC where Amanda Waller recruited the Squad members. However she has died and the Squad have taken over the headquarters. How predictable of those lunatics." I said. "So why are we walking, can't I just take us through a portal?" "I have took that into consideration but the building has alarms advanced for meta humans such as yourself so if we go through one of your portals anywhere near the building it will trigger the alarms. So we are walking to a computer shop so I can hack into their security system and deactivate it so you can then take us there through one of your portals." I explained. "Wow this is a complex mission. The Titans will find out we are gone sooner or later and come looking for us." She replied in a worried tone. "Not if they're distracted." "What? Damian do you know something?" She asked. "Well I may of put on the Titans social media page that they are having a funeral for Rose, creating a perfect opportunity for Deathstroke to get vengeance at his daughter's funeral. Don't worry, Dick was annoyed that I put on the social media page that we are having a funeral for Rose and told us all to be prepared for him to come tonight. He actually believed that I would do something so ignorant."
We managed to get to a shop and I took down the security system with ease. Raven took us to the building shortly after and we went inside through a window without a sound. We went down to the basement and found our target. "What do you think your doing mates?" A strong Australian accent spoke behind us, none other than Captain Boomerang I assume. I turned around to knock him out before we drew too much attention but he shot us in the neck with tranquilliser darts.

Nobody's pov:

"Wakey wakey sleepy heads!" Harley shouted in the teen's faces. Damian and Raven woke up to being sat in chairs against each other, bound with rope. "That plan went to shit." Damian admitted. "How long have we been out?" Raven asked the suicide squad who were finding this scenario rather amusing. "An hour, mate." Captain boomerang answered, sharpening his metal boomerang knives. "So what exactly did you kiddies come here for?" Cheetah asked with a cunning grin appearing on her face. "You. We know you killed Rose and framed us so Deathstroke would come after us." Damian snarled. "Actually we all participated, don't give her all the credit I helped kill her too!" Harley exclaimed, laughed tauntingly. "You psychopaths! Why would you kill her instead of joining forces with Deathstroke and killing us all together?" Damian asked in an angry tone. "Cause that wouldn't be very fun! I'm the Squad's new leader so I call the long shots and killing a young girl and framing you guys and getting you killed is so much more fun to watch!" Harley explained. "She didn't deserve to die. We didn't deserve to be framed and even after everything you've done, you all don't deserve to die when Deathstroke finds out it was your plan all along." Raven stated. "Well that's the problem, no one will find out that it was us because you aren't going anywhere!" Cheetah said. "Let us go or I will kill you all!" Damian threatened. The suicide squad just laughed at the tied up titans. "Even mista J is more scary than that, in bed!" Harley announced, getting disgusted looks from everyone else in the room. "Ewwww, I'm just gonna forget you just said that." Raven said. "How did you escape Arkham asylum and become leader of the Squad anyway?" Damian questioned the pesky clown. "Well basically I escaped cause everyone who goes in that shit hole always escapes, especially me! The suicide squad killed poor old Amanda Waller and helped me escape and I left my dear friends behind which pissed them off, but keep your friends close but your enemies closer, am I right!" Harley explained. "King Shark....... is a shark!" King shark chimed in. "Yeah no shit Sherlock." Captain boomerang said sarcastically. "King Shark is not a Sherlock, he's a shark!" King Shark remarked. "For fuck sakes!" Captain boomerang snarled, rolling his eyes. "Of course you are, sharky." Harley said patting King Shark on the shoulder. "So what are we going to do with these parasites?!" Cheetah changed the subject. When the suicide squad turned around to look at Damian and Raven, they were gone. "Wow guys, wow! You were so busy arguing that the mother fuckers escaped!" Cheetah told them off. "Whilst we were arguing, what exactly were you doing, obviously not watching them!" Captain boomerang retorted. Cheetah scowled.

Outside the building, Raven's pov:

"We need to go back and get Cheetah." Damian stated. "What? Are you being serious? We just escaped and they are gonna come after us." "Raven, you just gave me an idea, we are going to let them follow us back to the titans tower where Deathstroke is." "How do you know that Deathstroke is definitely there?" "Look." He said whilst showing me a message from Nightwing:

Nightwing: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU! Deathstroke decided to pay us a visit and we need back up! NOW!!! 😡

"When did he send that?" I asked. "A minute ago. Now let's go!" Damian demanded. I opened a portal as the suicide squad ran out of the building and were close behind us. "Quick the mother fuckers are leaving!" Captain boomerang yelled and they followed me and Damian through the portal. We arrived in the tower just in time. Damian used Deathstroke being distracted to his advantage and ran up behind him and attacked him. I created a trap with my powers and trapped the suicide squad inside. Kori came up to me with a confused expression. "Where did you go? Why is the suicide squad here?" She asked. "No time to talk, I'll explain later, the suicide squad killed Rose." I replied. "I take your word for it, let's put them in the basement cells." She said, shortly after we had them locked up. Kori stayed in the basement whilst I went upstairs to help Damian and the others with Deathstroke. Jaime and Garfield were knocked out so I took them to the living room out of the way so they can wake up. Donna had Deathstroke wrapped in the lasso and Connor was punching him in the face. An idea came into my head and I went downstairs to the basement. "Kori if we get the Suicide squad wrapped in the lasso they can confess to killing Rose!" I said. "Yes, let's show Deathstroke the truth." She replied. A little while later Damian and Donna and Connor took Deathstroke to the basement against his own will and Donna went into the cells and wrapped each member in her lasso and they all confessed to killing Rose, even King Shark. Deathstroke wanted to kill them but Nightwing had already called the GCPD and they showed up and took the suicide squad away. Of course Deathstroke got away.

A few hours later me and Damian got lectured by Dick and Kori about leaving without telling them.
Jaime and Garfield woke up and had ice packs to their heads. "Dude, that old man is a tough cookie to crack!" Garfield remarked. "Yeah I'm kinda ashamed I had my ass handed to me by like a sixty year old bloke." Jaime replied. They always made situations into jokes which is why everyone loves them so much. Once the other Titans heard their familiar laughs from the other room they came in to check in on them. "You guys ok? You took quite the hit back there." Dick said. "Yeah we're good. Just our pride is hurt." Jaime replied. "Your lucky he didn't kill you." Damian stated.   "Deathstroke really is as highly skilled as people say, I definitely underestimated him." Donna admitted. "Yeah it's good that Damian and Raven got there the time they did cause otherwise I don't know wether we could of handled him." Connor added, looking towards Damian and me with a grateful smile. "You nearly left it too late, we were looking every where for you and worried something happened to you." Kori said. "I find it a little offensive that you think something bad happened to us that easily." Damian stated. "Well you didn't give us a heads up which you would of done if you weren't so stubborn and naive so of course we worried something happened to you." Dick sassed back. "That being said, let's just forget about this evening and move on." Kori ended the discussion. The titans decided to have a small memorial for Rose to say goodbye and burry her outside the tower but when they went to get her she was gone. "Deathstroke took her." Dick said. "Well when I die I'd want my father to take my body and burry it outside Wayne manor." Damian stated. "Damian don't talk like that." Kori snapped. "Your too optimistic, it's unrealistic. You should be taking notes, this is important information for how I'd like my funeral to be." Damian replied getting strange looks from the rest of the Titans. "I think what Damian is trying to say is that it's Slade's daughter, so he should be the one to have her body and have a personal memorial for his own daughter." I said.  "Yeah That does make sense."  Connor added.

Meanwhile, Deathstroke's pov:

"Why didn't it work? why is Rose not resurrected and restored to health? The Lazarus pit failed me..."

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