Star Girl

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Btw, image not mine, credits to original artist.

Raven's pov:

Damian gradually recovered from his back injury but in the meantime he couldn't go on missions so I stayed with him as I was frightened that I might hurt someone, or even worse, kill someone with this new power I possess. I'm guessing it has something to do with father. I've noticed that my father is trying to communicate more, I can feel it in the jewel on my forehead, however I don't know what he is saying yet. Probably something that will drop my self esteem. Damian has been very supportive lately, but I don't know why, if it wasn't for me loosing control of my powers then he probably wouldn't of got stabbed. I feel so guilty for killing someone and in front of my teammates who have taught me so much about duty and justice for this city. I'm so angry at myself for letting the darkness take over me, I should have fought it like I always do, but this time I let it take control and a small part of me let it because I wanted to let go, I was angry. Sitting out the last few missions has definitely helped, I've calmed down and have done a lot of meditation lately. But the Titans need their teammate and my friends need their friend back so I need to get on with my life and pull my shit together because that can't ever happen again. Damian has recovered so I'm going to take part in the next mission with him.

"Titans." Dick greeted us in the training room where we were currently training. "Solomon Grundy has escaped the meta human prison he was held in and there has been reports of him in Jump city, so we are going to take him down before he causes any more chaos than he has already caused." "Seems like the Justice League can't even handle a giant brain dead zombie." Damian remarked. "Actually it wasn't the Justice League this time it was the Justice Society of America." Dick corrected. "Why am I surprised, the new JSA are a disgrace to the old JSA." Damian retorted. "It's kinda true though, the old members were far more experienced than the new ones." Jaime agreed. "Star Girl's hot." Garfield remarked. "Of course you would say that." Raven replied followed with a soft laugh. "Star Girl is a very capable hero, who has created a capable JSA. She deserves a bit more credit and not just because of her attractive appearance." Kori stated. "Kori's right, I teamed up with her on a mission a while back and her combat style is outstanding." Dick agreed. "Why do you think Solomon Grundy has come to Jump city?" Jaime asked. "We are not sure if there even is a reason, like Damian said, he is technically a brain dead zombie so he might just be stirring up trouble. He had been in prison for at least a year." Kori explained. "He is not like the others, how are we going to take him down?" Raven asked. "Well, we can at least use his lack of intelligence to our advantage. If there is something he really wants we can trick him into going into a trap." Kori replied. "Star Girl put him in prison in the first place, so I expect he'll be pretty pissed off at her. Why don't we use his desire for vengeance against him." Donna suggested. "We'd need Star Girl for that, I'm sure she is aware of his escape so I'll contact her." Dick responded. "You have Star Girl's phone number?" Garfield asked. "It's not exactly like that, whenever we need back up, we all have different ways of contacting each other without it getting traced or hacked and listened to by anyone else." Dick explained. A few minutes later, Dick returned with a grin on his face. "We have just got ourselves a team up."


"Solomon Grundy born on Monday!" Solomon exclaimed, throwing a car into a block of apartments. The citizens of Jump city were running around screaming as the giant was trampling on cars and street lamps.

"Hey, over here!" Connor shouted, waving his arms around above his head. Grundy turned around and dropped another car he had in his hands and glared at Connor with a scowl on his face. He then stomped over to Connor who was already flying away.  He growled in frustration when he tried to grab Connor but missed several times.  "Is that all you got?" Connor taunted. Connor carried on baiting Grundy until he got to the coast of Jump city, away from the distressed public. At that moment, Star Girl arrived with her glowing golden staff in hand, landing lightly on the beach. "Star Girl lock Grundy up. Grundy want revenge!" He roared. Star Girl ran up to Grundy and leaped into the air, clutching her staff ready to attack. She blasted him in the head and he was sent stumbling back, clutching his head in pain. She blasted him again, hitting him in the arm. He gave her a scornful look before pushing her towards the ground like he was swatting a pesky fly. She fell and hit the ground with a disconcerting impact. The Titans decided to step in and Blue Beetle and Raven started blasting him whilst Nightwing and Robin wrapped his legs together with a strong cord. Garfield turned into a giant gorilla and punched Grundy, but Grundy punched him back, only harder this time. Connor came in from behind, punching Solomon Grundy in the back of the head and Starfire blasted him in the back of the neck, sending him falling onto his face. Just as he was wriggling out of the cord, Donna wrapped his legs with her lasso, keeping him down. Star Girl regained consciousness and was now looking down on him next to the other Titans. "Grundy want revenge!" He snarled.  "Grundy going to be back in jail." Star Girl retorted.   "Up grading your facilities may be a good idea first." Said Damian.   "Your right. I'll make sure he's locked up for good this time. I'm so sorry for what happened, we will pay for the repairs. It won't happen again." She replied.   "It's okay, we all make mistakes." Kori responded.  "I know but not this big of a mistake. I will keep a closer eye on him this time, it seems I underestimated him."   "I think we all did." Jaime admitted.  "It was good teaming up with you." Donna said with a smile appearing on her lightly bruised and scratched face.  "Yeah, we make one hell of a team."   "Can I get your phone number?" Garfield asked.  "Sure, I think you deserve it." She replied, writing her phone number on Garfield's hand. Garfield beamed with satisfaction. After a little while, the JSA arrived and secured Solomon Grundy in a giant metal box and lifted him into the air. "Thanks for the help, I'll see you around." Said Star Girl before taking off with the other JSA members. Garfield glanced at his hand and noticed that she wrote her name as well as her number.  "Guys, Star Girl's identity is Courtney Whitmore!" Garfield exclaimed. "I recognise her name, I think we went to the same school." Raven responded. "I do to, but I can't remember where." Kori agreed, pondering.

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