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Hello, dreamperfection here :>

I've been really inactive here and I missed out a lot of your messages and comments (I'm really sorry ;-;) because I had to focus on my studies since I was about to enter my final year. A lot of things happened but I couldn't stay away from writing because it's one of the things that makes me happy. The idea to make a sequel for Ishihara actually was initiated by hanji_rises since we were discussing about their 2020 MAMA stage!

So this story will take place around 2 years after the beginning of Ishihara (technically a year after the last chapter of Ishihara), and of course since we need Akira to be alive it's a continuation of the second ending.

Considerations for this story:
- Seonghwa has yet to propose to Akira while San has yet to officially become king.
- This story will be almost entirely made up of Seonghwa, Akira and San since they're the main focus of the story. The other members are also in here, but maybe not as much scenes as them.
- A lot (and when I say A LOT so I have to apologize before hand) of cheesy and cringy scenes between the married couple 😂😂😂
- It probably contains a lot less action than Ishihara... but idk, we'll see.
- There are some scenes that are similar to those in the first ending, but I tried to modify it so it won't be exactly the same.
- The rules of the kingdom (who's next in line to become king, the coronation ceremony etc.) are not reflection of real life situations; they're all made up with references to some real events.

As always, the characters do not reflect how ATEEZ are in real life ^^ Updates may be irregular depending on how busy I am...

I haven't written in a long time (so if there's just anything different please bear with me I'm still adjusting myself) but I hope that you'll still enjoy it :>

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