41 Life

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Yunho steals glances at the black panther, which is dutifully walking beside the young woman as they pass through town, the residents parting to give them way while they look on fearfully at the wild animal. Even his horse is distancing itself from the black panther, neighing everytime the animal seems to slightly divert its course. He runs a hand on his horse's mane, trying to tell it that the black panther is not a threat.

At least, that's what the young woman had promised him. She promised to him that the black panther won't pose a danger to any of their people, considering that it only follows her orders. With that, she also promised that she came to the kingdom under the pretext of peace, and she's not looking to stir any trouble.

What she came for is merely to restore the kingdom to how it is.

That was what she had told him, and he took her word for it.

The general is 100% sure that the young woman is the person Wooyoung and Akira met at the Ileara palace from the description of her appearance alone; striking pink hair, pink nails, white robe over a dress and most importantly - a black panther as a companion. As he subconsciously looks at her longer than he can keep his eyes on the road, he feels a blush coming as the woman catches him off guard.

"Have you never seen a woman as pretty as me that you can't stop staring?" she asks, a smirk on her lips as she turns to look at him.

He blinks, a bit flustered that he was caught staring so he clears his throat, failing at how he's trying to hide the fact that he's not slightly entranced by her. He found it hard to believe that they had told him how this was the woman who had lived in isolation looked like, but now that she's in front of his eyes he can't help but be curious. She looks slightly mischievous, childish, yet there's an aura around her that tells him he should not be taking her lightly; especially for someone who's mingled with magic.

"It's a bit odd," he says frankly, "your appearance I mean."

She laughs, and he could swear there's pink glitter dusting her face. "Why? Did you expect a witch to look old with wrinkles on her face, a pointed nose with an overgrown mole near it? I assume you're one who is influenced too much by the tales you read." She winks, "Don't you think, if I'm capable of magic, I'd make sure that I look youthful all the time?"

"So is your age not as how you look like?"

She chuckles. "You must be a really straightforward and honest person. Perhaps... there's a reason I didn't go down along with the kingdom." There's a twinkle in her eyes as she says it.

"You're invincible?" he deadpans.

"Ever heard of immortals?" she smiles, "Perhaps I'm one of them."

"Ah," he utters shortly. "You're old then."

She glares at him, but he only smirks as he looks forward, satisfied that he has made his way around her dilly-dallying. He finds this woman... unique and he has absolutely no idea on what this woman is planning to do to cure Seonghwa. He can only hope that this woman is not some bogus witch who thinks that she can take advantage of Akira...

"What are you?" she asks.

He scoffs. "Excuse me?"

"I mean... what is your position in the palace?" she grimaces. "I told you that I'm not that good at socializing yet. Living away from people does things to you and you forget how to act."

"Sounds like someone I know," he mutters under his breath. "I'm the general of Lucida's army."

"So you've had direct contact with the queen?" She tilts his head, "The black-blooded queen?" There's a glint in her eyes, and he restrains himself from saying something hurtful.

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