54 Battle

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"Your Majesty," Jihyun utters, alarmed as she sees how Akira is already suited up in armour, face sullen as she opens the door to her cell. "Why are you already-" She tries looking around but realizes that she has no idea of the time. "Is it already tomorrow?"

"There has been a change of plans," Akira says, frowning. "Your father lied to you, and we found out almost a little bit too late. They're planning to attack our palace at midnight; that's only a few hours left."

Jihyun scrambles to kneel, afraid of the perception the queen has on her now, before she shakes her head. "I really didn't know-"

"I know," the queen quickly refutes. "Your father fooled you because he had caught up with the game we're playing, and I know that you're still on our side. As an extra precaution, I sent a spy to observe the condition of your father's pact. He had sniffed up on your plan, but if he wants to play this the hard way, we'll play the same. So I need you to be fully on board with me."

Jihyun promptly nods as she stands up, ready to hear whatever the queen has in plan for her.

"You'll be released as of now, so that your father will still think that you haven't caught on his lie. Just act normally, and please, do your best to act surprised when your father shows up at the palace. We need you to be completely taken aback by his sudden appearance." She looks down, already feeling slightly guilty now that there's a possibility that Jihyun's life will be in danger too. She admits that the sudden change has made her feel slightly swayed. "I don't know how your father will react, but even though you'll be by his side during the attack, I'm scared that he has an intention to harm you next." She holds her advisor's stare, "Because I'm scared that he has already felt like his pride is torn after you betrayed him."

"I'll just have to take the chances, then," Jihyun says firmly. "As far as I know, my father wouldn't hurt me-"

"Jihyun," the queen cuts her off, "your father is an ambitious man who is blinded by his jealousy. Once he knows that his own daughter betrayed him, you can never predict his rage. That is why," she looks over her shoulder, and only then Jihyun realizes that Yunho is standing there, already suited up in his own armour, leaning against the wall as he crosses his arms. "General Jeong will look after you. He'll try his best to make sure that your father won't be doing anything to you."

Jihyun's automatic reaction is to look at Yunho, who's looking at her as he nods briskly before shrugging. She addresses Yunho, "I really hope you're going to protect me well."

"It's the queen's orders," he says, "who am I to refute? I'll try."

Jihyun grumbles but doesn't say anything more and Akira chuckles slightly at their banter; she can't guess what there is between the two of them, but there definitely is something.

"Get ready as quickly as you can," the queen says, referring to Jihyun. "Yunho will wait for you and he'll tell you what to do after."

"Yes, Your Majesty," she bows as she's allowed to go out of the cell, and she looks up to see Yunho tilting his head already to guide her to where she's supposed to go.

Akira looks on worriedly, the sudden feeling of nervousness coming to her as she tries to rearrange their plans in her mind. Everything should be the same, it's only the time has been moved forward yet their formation would be similar. She gets out of the underground cell which is now empty, patting the shoulders of the guards outside as she reminds them of their sudden change in plans. After getting the confirmation that they know what they should do once the attack concurs, she goes up the stairs to see Seonghwa waiting for her, leaning against the wall as he twists his ankle, passing time.

Seonghwa looks up and smiles, seeing her alone able to make him feel at ease, even though he's slightly worried of the fact that she's still deciding to go into battle with her condition. He respects her decision of course, though he can't help but to worry as he sees her walking up to her, hand subconsciously placed on her stomach.

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