25 Ending

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Around a few months ago

Seonghwa tiptoes as he closes the door subtly, face cringing to make sure that he makes no sound. He chuckles to himself as it seems that he's succeeded in making the other person in the room utterly oblivious to his presence. Grinning evilly, he tiptoes again as he approaches the person, who seems to be really absorbed in whatever they're doing. As soon as he stands behind the person sitting, he spreads his arms, intending to hug them before he is halted, the person holding up a hand.

"I could hear you breathing from miles away," Akira comments, looking over her shoulder as she drops her hand. She glances at him, "Trying to sneak up on me?"

Shrugging, he pretends as if he wasn't about to hug her from behind as he takes a seat beside her, peeking at what she's doing. "I wasn't sneaking up on you and tsk," he pushes his lower lip outward, "that's such an exaggeration. Who would be able to hear someone breathing from miles away?"

She makes a face. "I can."

He rolls his eyes, drawling, "Right, the oh-so-great Akira Hwang can do anything."

She smiles before she turns back to the book she's reading, ignoring him as she gets absorbed in the maze of the story again. She doesn't say anything as her eyes flick from left to right, taking in every word as she feels him leaning in, before he puts the side of his face on the book, blocking her view.

"Aish," she complains before attempting to push his face away. "You're blocking my view, I'm trying to read here."

"I am the view," he utters. "Give me attention."

"I can't," she says seriously as she tries to read the sentences under his cheek. "It's the climax of the story; the girl is about to confess to someone she likes."

"Hmph," he breathes as he lifts up his head from the book, crossing his arms and leaning against the chair. He watches from the side as she continues reading, completely staying true to how she said she wouldn't be giving him attention.

She presses her tongue against the inside of her cheek, focusing on reading the last sentence of the chapter. Apparently the girl is about to confess to the person she likes and then... her eyes stop at the period at the end of the sentence. She watches the empty space below and she complains.

"The author made a cliffhanger at the end of this chapter and now I have to read another one. Ugh, I'm dying of curiosity."

"And I'm dying for attention," Seonghwa says, shaking her shoulder lightly. "I came all the way here from the palace to see you but you find the book more interesting."

She chuckles before closing the book, turning to look at him finally. "Okay, I'm not reading anymore." She stares into his eyes, amused by how it's yellow; showing that happiness is his dominant emotion. "Do you have happy news?"

"I'm just happy to see you," he smiles.

She blinks as she tries to digest the compliment; she still feels that it's somewhat awkward to hear someone straight up saying that they're happy to see her. She pushes the book away as she reaches for the mug beside it, but he steals it first.

As he takes a sip hastily, he asks, "What's this, hot choco?"

"It's coffee," she deadpans. "With no sugar."

He looks like he's just swallowed something horrid as he feels the bitter liquid gliding down his throat, his sense registering the taste that he despises. He makes a face as he sets the mug down, regretting his life choices.

"You really need to stop stealing my drink. Last time you did, you got poisoned."

He grimaces, tongue feeling too bitter to give a reply. He just looks guilty before shrugging, "Alright, alright."

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