2 Vows

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He looks at his own reflection in the clean mirror, someone different staring back at him yet he knows it's all him. His tired and worn face is replaced with a brighter expression, a shine coming together with the thought that he's finally about to tie the knot with the love of his life. Instead of his usual blonde hair, he has returned back to black hair, a symbolism of his big day.

Our big day.

The only trait betraying him is his eye colour, in which he knows that nervousness is what's taking him over now - the grey colour swims around in his eyes overtaking the purple colour that's supposed to be painting his irises. No matter how many times he closes and opens his eyes, the moment his eyelids fly up, the colour remains the same.

His relationship with Akira has never been rocked even with his emotions bare through his eyes - with both of them having been honest to each other how they are each other's first partner, they know that their relationship requires a lot of trust. With her ability to see colours returned, she always likes to say that she can now finally understand the cues he's sending through his eyes.

He's worried that the colour of his eyes would be the reason for their fight one day; he's scared that a misunderstanding could occur if it so happens that the colour of his eyes would not fully reflect his emotions.

"Everything is going to be fine, Seonghwa. You're marrying the love of your life. Someone you love," he says to his own reflection, feeling detached as he sees his mouth moving to assure himself.

"Everything is going to be fine," someone echoes from behind and he turns around to see the blacksmith, already dressed up handsomely in a maroon velvet suit with his hair slicked back. "You're marrying the love of your life," Hongjoong repeats. "Just like how I went through with my wedding, you're going to be just fine. Well, granted that you don't cry like a baby the moment you see her walk to you."

"I haven't seen her this week and that's enough to make me nervous. This is our first time meeting in front of the officiator," Seonghwa reminds him. He smooths down his fringe, taking in careful breaths, as if one wrong pressure could ruin his wedding suit.

It's their wedding tradition where as the couple is about to wed, they won't meet each other for around a few days before the wedding, until they come face to face on their wedding day. They don't know where the tradition stems from, but it helps in making the day more special, the witness of their unification after being apart for some time.

"You're going to be fine," Hongjoong reminds him. "In fact, the only thing on your mind is that you wouldn't want to wait for long to see her again. Go out there and say your vows. She's waiting for you."

"She's going to say 'I do', right?" Seonghwa suddenly turns around before squeezing Hongjoong's shoulders. "If she happens to change her mind as soon as she sees me with this..." he gestures to himself, "grand outfit and black hair, what am I supposed to do?"

Hongjoong chuckles before shaking his head. "Get out there and say your vows. I'm almost a thousand percent sure that both of you will become a lawfully wedded couple even before you know it. Go."

With a nod once Seonghwa walks out with his wedding attire, a white suit with gold embroidered on the front, his white shoes taking careful and planned steps. The suit is tailored specially for him by Mingi's parents, so it fits perfectly, every fold and crease covering his body that's slightly trembling as he keeps thinking about the fact that he's about to become someone's husband.

He nods to the guards who open the front heavy doors for him, passing a quick thank you before he descends the stairs, the simple wedding setup in the garden already coming to view. He sees the few white chairs arranged, the metal archway with fresh delentines - the flowers that only he could raise - lined up beside the pathway leading to the altar. The private occasion only sees a few guests - the Nyla palace occupants, the other young masters, Yunho and Madam Eurielle. The only person who has yet to arrive among the guests is Jongho, who had given his promise to come all the way from Lucida.

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