10 Coronation

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She looks at the scars on her arms, subconsciously sliding her hand over them as she feels the groove of each of them, her mind a jumble of what caused the scars. Some are almost gone, while some look as if they're still fresh even though she has given up her title as the general almost two years ago. She has to accept the fact that she'll forever be reminded of her past for as long as her scars are there, no matter how she has gained the ability to see colours or how she is now about to step up as queen in Lucida.

Today is the day she will finally take the throne alongside her husband, stepping on the pedestal that a black blood like her would never dream of. Her childish idea of revenge is slowly turning to reality, but there's no person that she can say 'look at me now' to, as their absence is the very reason she's even had the chance to wear the crown.

She is sat down in front of the mirror; the maids have fitted her into the ceremonial outfit made especially for her, and is now touching her face up with make-up, making her eyelashes curl more, her round eyes to pop out more and her lips to curve more. She has had enough rest; thanks to Yunho who keeps insisting she needs all the rest she can get before being crowned as queen, and thanks to Seonghwa who keeps singing lullabies to her for her to sleep soundly at night.

Instinctively she looks around for her husband, but of course he's not here. He's in another room, most likely being fussed over just like she is. He's probably being suited into his ceremonial suit, similar to hers.

After her hair is brushed, her makeup is done and the jewellery is put in place, she stands up, taking one last look of herself in the stand mirror. What she sees is a woman full of scars, who looks like she's only playing dress up to hide her true self, not a supposed queen the people need.

I'm not Emira. I can never be like her.

She looks at her reflection; their ceremonial outfits are made up of two main colours: silver and red. The long, silver train of her gown extends until she can't see the end of it, pretty sure that she might even embarrass herself if she steps on it; she has to make sure that they have a good hold on her gown when they walk on the carpet leading to the throne. The red sash slung across her body is their statement for today; a statement to show that these two are the people who will lead the kingdom. The Lucida emblem is carefully placed on the sash, showing that there is no way they could run away from the fact that despite their background, they will now only serve Lucida. Despite knowing that she's not ashamed of her scars, she had specifically asked for a long-sleeved dress to make sure that the people attending the ceremony won't point them out.

She needs to act like a queen, but what difference does it make when she doesn't know how to act?


She turns to look at the doorway, seeing the newly appointed general - although not officially yet - standing there, looking smart in his own ceremonial uniform. Yunho has slicked his hair back, the badges he had obtained during his years as a trusted member of the army displayed proudly on his chest, and another one coming up after the ceremony. A silver belt is secured around his waist, the uniform neatly buttoned up. He gives a salute to her, but she waves it away, saying that it's not necessary.

"I'll have to address you properly now, Your Majesty," he emphasizes with a smile on his face. "I can't simply waltz in and call you 'Akira' now, can I?"

"You can call me by whatever you've called me as in the past," she tuts. "Nothing's changed."

"I really wish it wouldn't." He puts out his pinky finger, and she looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "Promise me that you wouldn't change no matter if you took up the throne." There's a flicker of thought as he utters, "Please don't turn like Emira."

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