7 W(o/a)ndering

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The road through the forest for them to reach the bridge where they will finally enter town feels so far and anticlimactic, but to Akira, it's something that she may not be able to look at more frequently now, so she perches near the window, enjoying the scenery. Despite the surroundings that look essentially the same with towering trees and filtered sunlight, she finds herself sliding the window open and sticking out her hand, feeling the wind as they track the pathway away from the Nyla palace.

Just as they're reaching the bridge with the sign that says 'Welcome to town' she leans back against the seat, throwing a glance to Seonghwa who's reading a book that she initially wanted to read that she brought from Madam Eurielle's library. His eyebrows are arched, his mouth slightly hanging open as his hand flips to another page, his finger tracing the words.

She's about to close her eyes as she sinks back into the seat, but he puts down the book on his lap, still opened. "Isn't it amazing?" he asks. "That back then, before humanity was wiped out we had these vehicles like birds that could fly and we could travel into another country within a few hours. It's something I can't even imagine now. They had these devices where they could communicate with each other even if they're not in the same place. No letters, no waiting. Like if you're in the residential area and I'm in the palace, we could even see each other." He snuggles up to her, his voice doing this weird cute tone. "So that we won't miss each other that much."

She cringes before trying to wriggle free from his grip. "History is interesting. That was thousands of years ago, and even then, it was the reason for the destruction of humanity. So I think," she knocks his head with her fists, "we're not losing out much. Plus isn't it kind of endearing?" She mumbles under her breath, "When you can't see the person that often you miss them more and the next time you meet them-"

"Is more special, I know." He pulls her and buries her head on his chest, ruffling her hair and shaking her body. "Awh, did my poor wife miss me when I was in the palace and you were in the library? Did you feel like you wanted to meet me everyday?"

"Well for one, I feel like punching you right now," she says. Although her mouth is saying that she's had enough of his excessive display of affection she remains still, taking in this scent that she can't get enough of. As she pulls herself back, she chuckles. "When we went on a rescue mission for Yunho, you couldn't even put your hands around my waist." She smirks. "Shy, weren't you? Why, scared that I could hear your heart beating like crazy?"

He clears his throat, throwing his gaze somewhere else. "I have no recollection of that memory. I don't remember any of our encounters before the ball."

"Sure," she utters before pulling his right hand, inspecting the healing scar that he had gotten when he stopped the blade with his bare hands during the rescue mission. "You were this aloof, scary, awkward guy who wouldn't even want to look in my direction. But look who's begging for my love now."

He laughs, nodding. "Maybe it's because I lack love from the people around me. To grow up without parents, it's kind of lonely, isn't it?"

She sighs, throwing a look out the window, seeing someone selling fresh plucked oranges and calling out to their potential customers. "Are you trying to bond by sharing common tragic events we faced?"

"I really wish the tragic events would stop so we have nothing to share with others except for the happy moments," he utters, putting his head on her shoulder. "We suffered too much already."

"This past year after Yunho and I went back to meet Emira, it was all good wasn't it?" There's something strained in her voice even though she tries to mask it, as if she knows that stepping back into Lucida would bring forth more tragedies, even more that they wouldn't expect.

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