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Lisanna... Who is Lisanna? She misses him? She wants him to call her? Who? Natsu?

Her thoughts were occupied by Lisanna and it would be a straight up lie if she told herself that she's unbothered by it.

Why would she miss him? Just who is she?

For the past month, Lucy didn't bother asking Natsu what had happened to his life, on how he acquired everything he has now after their last interaction a few years back. She thought it's irrelevant.

But right now, everything has changed just because that woman appeared right outside their gates, looking for Natsu.

Just then, Evangeline's words on their first meeting flashed on her mind.

Natsu's a Casanova.

Evangeline warned her that every week, Natsu would bring girls to his house and Evangeline would rather go home than to bother them. Strangely, he didn't brought girls to his place since she came here.

Deep in her thoughts, Lucy didn't notice the arrival of the former house keeper. She flinched when Evangeline put her hands on her shoulders.

"H-Hey!" She mumbled almost too startled. The old woman let out a hearty laugh.

"Are you alright?" Evangeline asked, "Are you bothered about something?"

"N-No, I'm fine." She stated, letting out an exaggerated laugh. Her right hand scratching the back of her head. The older woman nodded her head but it's still visible in her expression the worry for the blonde.

Evangeline eventually shrugged it off and passed by Lucy so that she could get inside the house.

"A-Actually..." Lucy stuttered, Evangeline halted just so she could glance back to where Lucy was.

"What is it?" She probed.

"Uh... How did... Natsu..." She sighed, puckering her lips as  sudden realization hit her. Evangeline or ever Lisanna... and probably everyone else doesn't know his relationship with Natsu in the past. She couldn't just randomly ask anyone what happened to him after he cut all goes with her family. How he suddenly became a rich bachelor that owns various companies all over the world.

"What about Natsu?" Evangeline asked.

"Nothing... It's just that a girl named Lisanna just came. He's looking for Natsu." Lucy uttered. Evangeline's lips went agape for a second before nodding her head.

"Oh... Lisanna was his fiance."


Lisanna's beautiful face flashed before her eyes. She's like an angel sent from above... She looks so demure and Innocent, she'd be lying to herself if she wouldn't admit that.

She imagined Lisanna next to Natsu and just then, she felt a pang of pain crept on her chest by the thought of how perfectly matched the two were.

Just what the hell is wrong with her?

"Oh... She's beautiful." Lucy could only utter, "They look so good... together." It's if all her strength left her when she breathe the last word.

"They were..." Evangeline sighed, "Just a few days before their wedding, Natsu called off their wedding. Their relatives were surprised because everything's already set and they were-"

"Relatives?" Lucy asked, startled. For all she know, Natsu's an orphan... He ran away from his abusive father and her parents took care of him. He's Nigel Prieto of the streets in Frankfurt!

"Well... yes." Evangeline murmurs, confused by the sudden interruption. Lucy bit the insides of her cheeks to refrain herself from adding more questions. She does not want the older woman to know her relationship with Natsu.

"Uhm... W-Why did Natsu called their wedding off?" She asked.

"No one knows why. I mean, the Strauss and Dragneel are very yood friends. The history between two families goes way back. Lisanna didn't gave up on him though, she's still chasing him, hoping that their wedding will be held someday." Evangeline said, a smile was in her face.

"Does... Natsu... you know intimate to her despite what happened between them? I mean, Lisanna asked me to tell Natsu she misses him." Lucy said, for some unknown reason, she felt a Lang of bitterness dripped at the edge of her voice.

"I believe so. One Friday evening, just a week before your arrival, I was about to leave when Lisanna came... They were kissing on the sofa before I left... you probably know what happened next after that right?" Evangeline giggled, she languidly walked the distance between the front yard to the porch, leaving the blonde flushed as all heat from her body went straight to her face.

Of course she knows what happened after that... No matter how dignified a person is, they'll be tempted by lust from time to time... to time.

The image of Natsu's lips trailing her soft delicate skin as he kissed her collar bone is probably embedded in her mind. Her hand grabbing a fistful of his her as her lips went agape as he kneaded her thoroughly. Their breathing collides making the room temperature a few degrees warmer that it usually is.

Lucy bit her bottom lips as unshed tears formed at the bottom of her eyes.

Just what is wrong with her?

She doesn't know why is she feeling this way? Can someone please enlighten her!

She doesn't know how she managed to go on with her day. Lucy felt as if her head would explode if she doesn't stop thinking of them... She can't stop thinking of them and that's her dilemma!

Evangeline  her farewell  bid when Natsu arrived but nothing seems to register in her mind.



"Lucille Angela!" She snapped in her thoughts as she diverted her gaze towards Natsu who's looking at him worriedly.

"Y-Yes?" She startled, her copper eyes met his onyx one but she couldn't stand the intensity of his glare that she lowered her head.

"I asked you how's your day but you're not responding. Is there something wrong?" Natsu asked. Lucy immediately shook her head as she let out an awkward laugh.

"I-I'm fine. I'm just... tired." She said, flashing him a bug smile but he doesn't seem to buy it.

"Really?" He probed and Lucy nodded.

"Of course! By the way, a friend of yours came after you left..." She started, trying to be as lively as possible, "... She said her name's Lisanna. She told me to tell you she misses you and that you should call her." She let out a heartily chuckle.

Unbeknownst to her, an unshed tear at the corner of her left eyes tricked down her cheeks. Lucy flinched when she felt Natsu's rough hand on her cheeks, his thumb wiping the part where the tear fell.

She hitched her breathing when their gaze met. His eyes hold gentleness in each orbs as he repeatedly caressed the side of her cheeks. She felt pain crawled on her chest just by his small gestures on her.

Her heart literally skipped a beat.

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