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She is an only child.

Her parents, much to their want to have another offspring cannot produce any for Layla Heartfilia- Lucy's mother almost died giving birth to her. Their supposedly eldest died because she had a miscarriage, but they knew that it was a boy.

Layla has this rare disease that she cannot have a baby for her life time, but Lucy is their miracle, because when they were about to give up, Lucille Angela Heartfilia came in their life.

She was given that name for she is an Angel who surge in light in their most darkest days. Lucy doesn't mind being alone, her parents didn't made her feel like she's unwanted, they nurtured her with so much love.

She'd never ask for anything for they would give it to her wholeheartedly, they weren't poor, yet they weren't rich either, just a middle class family that could eat three to five times a day.

One day, when they went out of the church and Lucy is in between her parents while holding both of their hands, a boy with shades of pink went near them, his clothes were tattered and his whole physique has grease all over. Lucy grimaced at the sight, an irritation suddenly swell in her chest as she looked at the onyx eyes of the boy who is probably three years older than her.

"Alms. Please, just a little, I haven't eaten since last night." Said the boy, he had a small frame and it is seen in his eyes that he's really hungry.

"What is your name?" Layla asked, in her eyes glimmer but melancholy is seen in each orb, their eldest is the same age as the boy in front of them- that is if he had lived.

"My name is... Nigel." The boy said, Lucy rolled her eyes and tugged her mother's hand.

"Mommy, let's go. I want to eat ice cream." Little Lucy uttered, and much to her dismay when she saw how the boy's eyes glisten when he heard the word ice cream.

"Okay, sweetheart." Layla said, giving her a glance before she gave her fill attention to the street boy in front of her, "Nigel, do you want to come?" She asked.

Lucy was flabbergasted, there is no way she'll let that boy come with them. She looked at the boy, eyes turned into angry slits when she saw hesitation in its deep set eyes.

"I... I don't think I should go with you." Nigel said, throwing a glance to the little blonde, he smiled and shook his head, "I don't think your daughter likes me to come." He murmured.

"What? Lucille? Of course not! It's alright. Right, Lucy?" Layla uttered, Lucy pouted, of course it's not alright, but she doesn't have a choice.

They clamber inside their car, Lucy and Nigel were at the back, at least a foot away from each other. Their gap seems to disgust her.

"So Nigel, how old are you?" Layla asked. Even though her husband- Jude is driving, his attention is with them.

"I, I am ten, Mrs." Nigel politely said.

"Oh, just like our Angel in heaven." Layla mumbled, "Would you mind telling me why you're in the streets?"

"My mother is dead, and I don't want to stay in the house because my father is abusive. That's why I ran away." He said, lips protruding when he pouted.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Layla said. Nigel smiled at her.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. My mother and father eloped, and when my mother said she's pregnant, they neglected her. She really loved my father that even though he's abusive and the reason why she died, she asked me not to hold grudge against him." Nigel explained, but Lucy doesn't care about his explanation.

All she thinks is that Nigel is slowly poisoning her parents mind, he's going to enter their lives, she's certain of it.

It was supposed their bond time, but all of their attention was given to Nigel, and it's not fascinating Lucy at all.

She quickly finished her food when they arrive at the restaurant they're into but her parents are still busy with the newly acquainted boy.

"Mom, I'm finished, let's go home." Lucy said, she looked at Nigel's food and saw that he's still halfway from finishing his food.

Nigel's eyes shot up, his lips parted when she saw the way the blonde looked at him.

"We'll let Nigel finish his food, sweetheart." Jude said.

"No, I want to go now!" She cried, she saw the irritation crossed his father's eyes, and it made her teary somehow, her father never get mad at her... ever.

"Stop it, Lucy. You're not usually like this." Jude murmured, but his daughter just pouted her lips. Lucy saw how Nigel wants to finish his food, but the latter wiped his lips and smiled timidly at her.

"It's alright, Mr. Heartfilia. I'm f-full, anyways. Thanks for the food." He sincerely said. Lucy rolled her eyes.

He's just trying to gain sympathy!

"Really? We can stay and let you finish your food." Layla said, concerned to the boy in front of her, but Nigel shook his head.

"It's alright Mrs., I'm just happy that I can finally eat to my content even just for this day." Nigel said sincerely.

Lucy went to their car first, just a few minutes later, her parents and the stranger clamber in, Nigel is beside her.

"Mrs. Dragneel, you can just drop me in front of the church. I'll be fine there." Nigel said.

"Hm, why don't you come with us in our house?" Layla asked. Lucy's eyes widen, when she looked at Nigel, she saw how same their expression was. Both in disbelief, except her is laced with disagreement.


"Excuse me, Mrs. Heartfilia?" Nigel uttered.

"Jude and I decided to adopt you, Nigel." She said in a delightful time before she turned to her daughter, "Lucy, you're going to have a big brother from now on!"

"What?! No! I don't want him as my brother!" She retorts, she looked at Nigel with pure disgust. Nigel's soulful eyes met her fiery ones, a small smile escaped his lips.

"It's okay, Mrs. Heartfilia. I'm just grateful that you wanted to adopt me, but that's just too much." Nigel said.


"No, Lucy. You're being a brat today and that's a no no. Santa won't give you a present this Christmas if you act like a bad kid. Whether you like it or not, Nigel is going to stay with us and he's gonna be your brother." Layla said.

For the first time in her entire life, Lucy felt neglected. Her parents never scolded her before. Tears started to form in her eyes as she glared to the pinkette her parents were so fond of.

He... he's taking them away from her... she hates him.

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