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Lucy woke up with a throbbing pain pounding in her head. She touched the part where the pain is when she realized that the room is too bright. Slowly, she wandered her eyes inside the four cornered room that is painted white all over. A hospital machine indicating that she's still alive is beside her. Furrowing her brows, she looked at her hands and saw that there's an IV needle attached in her hand.

With her russet eyes squinting in confusion, she wondered why she's at the hospital but later on it dawned her what had happened before she blacked out.

She drank a bottle of sleeping pills and tried to commit suicide!

She's certain that she'll die that moment, but how did she survived? No one's around for her parents and their favorite adopted child went out. She's all alone on her own. No one would come to her aid.

"How are you feeling?"

She momentarily froze for a second when she heard Nigel's baritone voice. She looks at her right and saw Nigel sitting at the chair not so far from her.

She opened her mouth to speak, but her throat's dry that no words escaped her chapped paled lips.

"Why did you do that, Lucy?" For the first time, she saw pain crossed his eyes. His usual gleeful eyes turned sorrowful and reddish. She couldn't bare to look at him.

"Is your life not valuable? Did you ever think of your parents before you acted so rashly? Tell me, please. What can I do to please you? So that you wouldn't be mad at me anymore?" He asked. She doesn't know why but tears slowly swelled in the corner of eyes because of what he said, but she tried her best not to let it fall.

"Do you really hate me that much, that you think it's best for you to end your life than to see me everyday?" Nigel mumbled, but each word he spoke felt like daggers stabbing her heart as it turned to pieces. His voice's broke, but her heart is more broken.

"I want you out of my life. I abhor you, I don't ever want to see you again." Although her voice was hoarse, she delivered the message very well. She was successful to make her voice seem cold but deep down she doesn't know why she felt so broken upon saying those words to him.

Lucy was surprised when he slowly nodded his head, as if he completely get what she meant, "If that's what you want. I already contacted your parents. They'll be here in a few minutes. Take care of yourself... Lucy..." Nigel stated, he mumbled words unfamiliar to her before he left her room.

Just then, the tears she's been holding for so long burster like rain. She sobbed as she clenched the part where her heart is. She doesn't know why she's in so much pain when he finally left, she was the one who wanted him gone ever since then. She was not aware of what's the meaning of the last words he said but she's certain that he's saying goodbye. The words he uttered was marked with finality and she doesn't know why it broke her heart more when she wished for Nigel to leave and disappear from their life all the time.

Lucy was still weeping when her parents entered her room, worry etched their face but instead of making her feel calm, she felt cold shiver ran across her spine when they bombarded her questions about Nigel.

"Where is Nigel?"

"What does he mean by good bye?"

"He texted me, Lucy. Saying that he'll leave and never come back!"

"What happened?!"

"What did you do to him that he decided to leave?"

It didn't matter to her parents as to why she's at the hospital. All they ever think about was the fact that Nigel left. It didn't matter to them that she tried to commit suicide. All they ever want was Nigel. Although at that moment, it didn't matter to Lucy when they were asking her questions about Nigel. She doesn't know what to feel, to be honest.

She was startled when she felt a cold hand hit her across her left cheek. She felt a throbbing pain against her wet, sticky cheeks. When she looked to see whose hand it was, she saw veins protruding in the arms of her father. She looked into his eyes and saw rage ignites in each jet black orbs  he has.

"Are you happy now? You tried to kill yourself just to drive Nigel away! You want this to happen all along! Why are you so selfish?"

"Jude, stop it. She's not fully recovered yet. Don't blame her." Layla mumbled, trying her best to calm her other half, but Jude swept her hands away.

"No! This is all her fault! She's always been like this! We didn't raised her like this! It was Nigel who's trying to understand her all the time! But now, he finally gave up! We lost our son because of her selfishness!" Jude yelled, but it's as if Lucy's numb to all of it. She was still wondering why she's crying for the bastard, she should be happy because it finally happened.

"I won't ever forgive you, Lucy! Keep in mind that you ruined this family! You're the reasons why Nigel is gone." And with that final statement, Jude turned his back from her but even before he could walk another step, he fell down, clenching the part where his heart is.


It happened so fast. Layla called the doctor to help Jude. He suffered from a mild heart attack, making his body half paralyze. It was a huge downfall to their family, the reason why they turn broke in just a few weeks. Although Layla never blamed Lucy, the latter blamed herself... and deep inside blamed Nigel for leaving. If he didn't leave them and she died, they would become a happy family they've always wanted.

Her father never talked to her since then. After she graduated from high school, Lucy entered different part time jobs in the morning so that she could meet their financial difficulties, and by the end of the day, she'll take night classes.

She decided to take Hotel and Restaurant Management as her course for it doesn't have any board examinations even though she wanted to take Political Science or Accountancy as her pre-law course. But two years in HRM class was difficult for her. She didn't know from the start that the course she took needs a lot of money to burn, that's what she doesn't have. Later on, she decided to stop going to college, instead she took a 6 month course for caregivers and domestic helpers.

She worked hard, but it wasn't enough for her father's medical fees. She jumped from one agency to another looking for a job that could pay her enough for her family's needs. The highest payer turned out to be her adoptive brother.

How come he become so ruthless? It was probably her doings. She let her tears flow away as she ran across his living room, but she tripped on the  carpeted floor. She felt pain all over her body, but much to her surprise when Nigel- now Natsu Dragneel scooped her up and settled her down the sofa. Worry etched his face as he looked at him all over, his gaze slowed when it reached her bosom. She quickly covered it with her frail arms.

"Are you alright?" For the first time in five years, she saw what real concern looked like in his eyes.

This is what she hated in him the most.

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