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Lucy poked her head out of the door frame, her cheeks flushed in beet red as she puckered her lips childishly, her russet eyes narrowing when she scanned the entirety of the hallway.

When she saw that it was completely deserted, she quickly opened the door widely before marching her way down the grand staircase. She could hear the sizzling sound of the bacon being fried from the kitchen indicating that Natsu is preparing their breakfast.

The moment his figure came in full view, the blonde stopped in her tracks, her hands reached for her hips as she glared him daggers. Natsu looked at her when he felt her presence, an innocent snide lifted on his lips as he looked at her from head to toe as if checking her out.

"Hey..." Natsu called, raising a brow at her stance.

Lucy parted her lips, disregarding the fact that the man in front of him is not wearing anything but a gold cross necklace on his upper extremities. In normal days, she might caught herself ogling but deny it to herself but this isn't one of her normal days.

Especially that he has done something to her.

"Don't 'hey' me so casually, mister. I  know you're very much aware as to why I'm here." She said, still glaring at him. Natsu turned the bacon from the pan before blinking his lids innocently.

"I suppose you're here for breakfast? You're welcome." He murmurs, flashing her a lopsided grin before winking at her.

Lucy clicked her tongue as she let out a scoff. The audacity of this man!

"No, do you want me to elaborate what you've done?" She asked, folding her arms in front of her chest. The pinkette looked at her languidly, his arms resting on the countertop. Lucy gulped, hoping that he wouldn't notice the gesture she just made.

He looks so dashing. Like a model straight out of the GQ Magazine.

Oh God!

What is wrong with her?!

"What did I do?" Natsu asked, his hawk-like eyes boring at her. It took every will power she has to not gawk at him. She bit the insides of her cheeks before pointing at her turtleneck sleeveless top. Blush emanating her face and she's afraid her head would caught fire in the process.

"You put hickeys in my neck and the entirety of my chest!" She cried in embarrassment. His laughter roared out of his lips, engulfing the whole of the kitchen as she strode his way towards the blonde who's eyes wide with his sudden movement she couldn't avoid him in time.

His warm embraced enveloped her. She hitched her breathe as her heart began to thump in a fast manner. She's afraid she felt it skipped a beat or two.

"Aww, my Lucille is so cute when embarrassed." He chuckled, resting his chin atop her head.

She was completely taken aback with his sudden affection. She couldn't remember the day they were this close— moreso this affectionate... well, except the prior night if that counts. She could subtly hear the beating of his heart.

Her lips parted, quivering in process when she felt his hold of her tightened. The beating of her own heart syncing to what she could hear in his.

"N-Natsu..." Her voice quivering. She heard him hummed in response.

Letting out a sigh, Lucy tried to break free from his grasp but his iron-clad arms won't let her.

"Natsu!" She cried, wriggling her way out but the male just let out another set of heartily laugh, "Ugh! The bacon is burnt!" She added.

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