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Happy birthday to me


If Lucy learned something from today's event is to not trust someone you just met. It is a common knowledge taught by a parent to a child, because no matter how good a person treated you, you will never know what's hidden underneath the façade he or she is wearing.

And of all people, she should know that... After all, she didn't trust Natsu when they first met, the reason why she hated him.

When Dan successfully lit the candle, he gave Lucy a side glance, a snide in on his face... as if the devil possessed him in the process. Her tears trickled one after the other, her lips trembling as her shoulder shook.

Lucy folded her knees on her chest as she tried her best to cover herself up with her frail arms. Dan on the other hand slowly walked towards her way. His calloused hand gripped the sides of her cheeks and without further ado brushed his lips against hers.

Lucy screamed, her feet trampled as her tears fall continuously.

She doesn't want his kisses.

She doesn't want him.

She wants to go home.

A copper-like after taste began to spread on her mouth, her lips began to throb in pain, slowly feeling numb.

"You taste so good." Dan murmurs between their sync lips. He suddenly stood up, his hand touched the buckle of his belt. When Lucy heard the metal clicked, she mustered all strength she has to give him a final blow. She punched him to the part where men are most sensitive of.

Dan whimpers in pain, he let himself kneel as he clutched for his groin. His eyes tightly shut as he muttered curses underneath his breath.

Lucy took this as a chance to run. It must be the adrenaline that's keeping her from going. She saw his car keys on the table where the candlestick were. Her mind, clousded and hazy that didn't think throughout her next step and took the keys and ran to the bottom of the stairs.

She successfully opened the door knob with her trembling hand, but just as she's about to get out of the gates, Lucy fell on the ground. She didn't mind the pain the fall had caused her, or the pain she felt when Dan's hand gripped her ankles, she's so scared to death that her instincts are getting the best of her. She kicked his face with full force but Dan didn't let go.

"Let go!" Lucy cried completely horrified as she kicked him several times more before his grip loosened.

She hastily stood up, clicking something on the car key remote control and straight up went to the driver's seat, not bothering to fasten her seatbelts up.

She started the engine, she tried to recall the route they went through. She put weight on the accelerator pedal and just as the car started to move, Dan opened the door.

"I'm going to kill you." He darkly said. Lucy screamed and pushed the pedal further just so the car would move faster, however, Dan managed to cling on her legs.

"Let go!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, she moved her feet, trying to kick him once more. She felt like the entirety of her legs will get pulled due to his massive weight and the speed of the car, her heart hammering the insides of her chest. It was at this point that Lucy couldn't see Dan as a person anymore but a demon in a human skin.

"Stop the car!" Dan screamed but Lucy tried to pick up more pace. With one last attempt, she kicked him with all her might and he finally let go. Although that didn't calm the blonde.

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