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As the saying goes, there's a fine line between love and hatred. This distinction is often mistaken as a way of denying ones true feeling.

Lucy doesn't know how... or when, but she was certain that upon her realization, her feelings towards him is already deep rooted.

It must have been buried to the most bottom part of her heart and she didn't have it a single glance up to this moment.

The funny thing is, she realized the unfortunate feelings before she could fully accept it on herself, not to mention there's a person out there who he truly belonged to. That is without a doubt.

How could she forget? Evangeline clearly told her how big of a Casanova he is.

Well maybe it's her own fault as well.

She knew him way before he became Natsu Dragneel, she didn't realized that her ideals of him were of a decade and more ago. He is no longer the Nigel Prieto whom they met wandering around the streets of Frankfurt.

He's Natsu Dragneel.

Of course everything would change.

She doesn't fully know him, she refused to know him before, so why is so full of her self that she knew every crook and cranny of him?

Besides, even if you looked at the situation in a different angle, a conflict will rise one after another.

First, he is her foster brother. The sound of it alone leaves a sour taste on her mouth.

Second, he was betrothed to her. She is pregnant with their child, it's only a matter of time before the two would announce their rekindled romance to everyone.

Third and last, it may have been his revenge on her because of what she'd done in the past.

The wind blew pass by her, her blonde locks that she kept loose danced through the whispers of the wind. Using her right hand, she tucked the strands of her hair behind her ears, her eyes closing in process to prevent specs of dust from entering her russet ones.

"Oh, you're here early, Lucy..." A low hoarse baritone spoke behind her. Without further ado, the blonde turned to her heel, immediately eyes locking with man in his late Eigthy's.

His blonde hair had faded into white, and his freckled skin is wrinkly due to his old age, but base on how soft his features were, Lucy could say that he's one handsome lad back in his prime years.

"Grandpa August..." Lucy greeted with a warm smile to acknowledge the presence of the old man. He's wearing a black blue button down shirt atop with a thick brown coat, khaki pants and a brown leather shoes to match. Behind his wheelchair is his personal nurse.

She took a step forward and gestured to the nurse that she will aid the old man. The nurse smiled before turning to the side to give Lucy the permission to guide his patient.

"I have nothing to do, besides the scenery calms me." She politely uttered, glancing in front of her. They were at the cliff where the lake view is as magnificent as ever.

She first encountered this place when she drove without any direction in mind, she just wanted to do something that would keep her mind off of Natsu.

The pain she felt were long gone, thus it has been replaced with hollowness and numbness.

The hours turned into days, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months... the last time she ever saw him was the very day Lisanna revealed her pregnancy.

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