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Her chest is heaving heavily due to her sudden trip from the living room to the second floor of the house where the rooms are. She slammed the door shut as she leaned on it, her heart's hammering so hard that she's afraid she'll have some broken ribs after.

What is she thinking?! Or more precisely, is she even thinking when she said those words to Natsu. Surely, it's just a slip of a tongue, no hidden meaning.

She calmed herself. Just then, she felt sore all over her body. She could still feel Dan's hold on her,  his calloused hands... his lips against hers.

Without further ado, Lucy went to the bathroom. When she saw her reflection in the mirror, tears formed immediately at the lid of her eyes.

No wonder Natsu didn't believed her when she said Dan hadn't raped her. She has bruises and cuts, her hair's dishevelled, her make up is a mess, her lips red and swollen due to the wound from its corner, and the Hem of her dress we're in tatters.

She let her tears fall before she let out a long sigh of relief. An hour ago, she thought that it's the end for her. She realized how lucky she really was for escaping something so dangerous as that.

She languidly let her dress fall, she took her bandeau and her underwear off with a strong will of burning the clothes she used tonight.

She opened the faucet to fill the bathtub, the mixture of both hot and cold water is soothing for her. Lucy decided to dip herself when it's been filled to her liking.

The warm water calmed her further, her tensed muscles began to relax as she closed her eyes. She stayed longer than usual. When she saw her fingers started to get wrinkly, she started to wrapped things up. She then went to the shower nozzle, to further wash herself since she still feel dirty. She wanted to get rid of Dan's touch, rinsing her body thoroughly would suffice it.

Her body is still dripping wet when she heard a knock from her door. She closed the shower and took her cotton robe to cover herself up, she then took the towel from the rack to dry her hair.

Lucy languidly strode her way towards the door only to see Natsu standing outside.

"H-Hey."  She stuttered, opening the door a bid wide so that the pinkette could enter.

"Lucy..." Natsu uttered, Lucy tried to read him but she could not fathom his expression.

"Yes?" She asked before sitting at the edge of her bed right next to the couch.

"Well... It's about-"

"Natsu, if it's about my disastrous date... I already told you, I escaped. I know now how dangerous it is to casually accept someone's invitation based on one good will they've shown you." She said, her frustrations starting to build up once more.

"No, it's... its not about that." Natsu said, he couldn't look at her as if he's bothered over something she's not aware of.

"Then what?!" She asked, she couldn't help but let her voice raise a few intonation higher. Him dilly dallying wouldn't help her figure out what he's talking about.

Natsu cleared his throat, his Adams apple protruded. His dark eyes suddenly met hers, causing the blonde to hitch her breathe. Slowly, Natsu closed the gap between them, sitting just a few inches away from her.

"Do you mean it?" He mumbled in a low voice, his gaze never left hers. It was now her turn to swallow, for some reasons, Lucy felt her heart picking up it's pace.

"When you said earlier that if we are to make love right now... I'll be your first..." He slowly uttered, his eyes trailing her face down to her body. Lucy's mouth fell agape, her heart's in full blast.

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