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If there's one word she could describe Dan, she would go for fun. Hans Daniel Straight is so friendly, and is fun to be with. In the short span of time that they have been together, he had made the blonde laugh as if they've been friends for such a long time.

With his thick Texas accent, each joke he throws at her sounds a lot more fun than it originally were. He called the Towing Service on her behalf as well and he waited with her on that isolated parking lot until the rescue arrived.

"So, Lucy... It seems that you're not from here, I could see that you're not familiar in the area." Dan uttered after awhile, Lucy could only nod her head.

"Well, you're right. I'm not from here. I'm actually from Germany." Lucy stated, earning her a side glance from the brunette.

"For reals? No wonder you're so pretty. Caucasian beauty really strikes different." He murmurs, chuckling a little bit. Lucy couldn't help but giggle back.

"Is that so? I'm pretty sure I'm just an average woman from Europe." She mumbled. Dan pulled a lever on his old pick-up truck, signaling that he'll turn left in a few second. They're almost in the subdivision. She saw how the barrier from the gates opened when Dan pressed the horn, indicating that the guards probably knows who the owner of the said vehicle.

"Nah, I think you're the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen in my entire life– well, except to my ma, you know... anyways, we're here." Dan chuckled. He put his car on Hazzard mode when they were already in front of Natsu's house. Lucy giggled as she tried to take off her seat belts but it seems that the belts we're stuck.

Dan helped her and in just a few seconds, he successfully unbuckled it. He is a few inches closer... He is good looking, she'd be a liar if she wouldn't admit that. His deep set eyes, narrow nose and thin lips compliments his face very well... But there's something that lacks about him that she couldn't name.

"Thank you." Lucy mumbled.

"You're welcome." Dan murmurs before flashing her a smile. Lucy opened the door and quickly went to the back to get what she had bought form the supermarket. Dan clambered out of the driver's seat to help her unload. When finished, she looked at Dan with a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much, Dan. I don't know what's going to happen to me if you didn't helped me." She sincerely said. Dan smiled back.

"Well, it may be too much to ask but, if you would allow me, can I have dinner with you tonight?" Dan mumbled, hest scratching the back of his head as if he's some lovesick teenager who just confessed to the campus queen.

"Sure." Lucy didn't hesitate, after all, she likes his company... plus he helped her. Consider this as a payback.

"For real?" She saw how his eyes glimmer and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"For real." She said, a smile was still on her face.

"So, I'll pick you up at five? Sounds good?" Dan asked, mirroring her expression. Lucy nodded her head. Dan bit his lower lip as he jogged towards the driver's seat, "It's settled. It's a date." He added before starting up the engine. Lucy waved her hand to the moving vehicle.

"Who's that?" She was startled when someone talked to her, to glanced to her right only to see Natsu looking so dangerous.

"N-Natsu..." She Stammered, clearly shocked that her boss is here in the broad daylight. Natsu raised an eyebrow looking more menacing than when she first saw him.

"I asked you, Lucille Angela... Who's that guy?" Natsu asked. His hands were inside his khaki pants, he's wearing a black button down long sleeves that's been tolled to the elbow.

"W-Why are you here?" Was all she could utter. He's supposed to be at his office in his company.

"What do you mean? I'm not allowed to be at my own house?" Her darkly growls. Lucy furrowed her brows to masked the sudden fear that run in her veins.

"I mean, you're supposed to be at work. Why are you here?" She cleared her throat.

"I didn't left this morning. I was at my office inside the house. Now answer my question. Who was he?" Natsu asked once more.

"He's Dan. We met at the supermarket." She causally uttered but deep down, she's having a panic attack.

"You went to the supermarket? Why didn't you tell me, I should have driven you there!" His voice thundered, making Lucy flinch. He is scaring her.

"I-I didn't know that you're here!" She yelled back, rolling her eyes before picking up a few paper bags from the pavement to occupy herself other than him. She then entered the gates, she didn't know if Natsu took the other bags outside or he straight up followed her inside.

"Then you should have driven there yourself! What's the use of the car in the garage if you're not going to use it?" Natsu asked.

"I did use your car! But the tires were flat and a screw has burrowed its way at the back tire on the right! It was Dan who helped me! Dammit!" She yelled once more.

"You should have called me, something dangerous happened today and you didn't call me? You made me so worried Lucy!" He argued, Lucy groaned in annoyance.

"Oh my goodness! For Fucks sake, Natsu! Why would I bother callinh you when all this time I thought you're in the middle or your work, probably in a god-damned meeting for such matter?! I wouldn't dare disturb you!" She snapped, her heart beating fast.


"Not another word, Dragneel! You should be grateful for Dan because he helped me a lot!" She cried, raising her index finger to stop him from saying another word.

She walked passed him to went straight on her room. She needs to calm herself. She doesn't want to bring her foul mood in her date later. She let out an exasperated sigh before laying on her bed. Looking at her wristwatch, she saw that she only has three hours to prepare before Dan arrives.

Lucy closed her eyes, she didn't want to go later, now that Natsu had ruined her mood, but she can't cancel that. She needs a few minutes to rest, her row with Natsu made her exhausted.

Once she's done with her rest, she'll prepare for her date.

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