Chapter 20

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"Are you sure you're alright?" Ali asked helping me get up from the chair.
"I'm alright just a bit bruised from ropes and need water badly" I said looking at him
"Here you go" Ali said handing over me a bottle which he took from a cop.
"Thanks" I replied and drank the water from the bottle.
"So should we go to hospital or are you fine?" Ali asked again looking at me worriedly.
"I sure am alright Ali. Don't worry" I looked at him smiling with assurance.
"Ok if you say so." He still wasn't certain but believed me and suddenly I remembered something.
"How did you find me. I mean we didn't discussed this part" I questioned confused because when I asked him about it earlier he said not to worry about that he has plans. I was sure his men didn't follow us as it would have been suspicious.
"Hmm. You know why I told you to open my gift when you're alone" he said tracing my bracelet and I gasped.
"No way" I said looking at my bracelet.
"It has a tracker inside. I already knew you will wear it always so that's how I found you" he said looking at me in the eyes.
"Where's Feroz? What happened to him?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"As we planned. In prison" He replied cheekily.
"Don't be over smart mister. What did you to him?" I asked smacking his arm.
"Ouch woman. Why do you keep hitting me?" He said dramatically and I rolled my eyes at him
"Tell me what happened?" I asked again.
"Ok. First let's go from here and I'll tell you everything" he said and I nodded at him.

                      Ali's P.O.V

I looked at her and to my relief she was fine. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if something happened to her. She didn't know that but for me she was my world. I really meant that when I said I loved her. I know I messed up real bad.
I shouldn't have said that to her and I don't even know what she must be thinking about me but I wasn't able to stop myself from saying that when we were leaving. I was scared of losing her and my emotions got the best of me. But what shocked me most was her reaction. She was hurt and it proved only one thing that she loves me too but she's married.
I couldn't help but respect her more at her response as I wasn't expecting her to reject me straightforwardly.
I knew she would never reciprocate my feelings even though she had some feelings for me but I wasn't expecting her to react like that. And it made me so guilty that she had to go through it because of me. And about the plan I know it was extremely risky and dangerous. One wrong move and we would've been captured or worse. But everything turned out fine and she wasn't harmed
I have never seen a girl like her. Her boldness,her fierceness,her actions,
her stubbornness,her braveey. It was all so overwhelming. She has the personality that would make you do anything she says. I still remember that day when I entered her office and one look at her and I was sure I have choosen the right lawyer for the case.  And she really did prove me right every time.
"Are you going to tell me anything now or will you keep staring at me?" Her voice broke my chain of thoughts.
"Sorry. I was thinking something lemme tell you everything from start"


"My apologies that your little lawyer left you alone." Feroz smirked and all I wanted to do was to punch his face.
"Shut your mouth Feroz if you want to live some more" I spat at him and he rolled his eyes at me.
"Enough with tour fake threats. Now now you want to sign the deal or not? I don't have time for your shit. Sign the fucking deal and get your brother out or let him rot their in jail. Your choice" he snapped at me
I was barely controlling my anger till then because I could swear that my knuckles were turning red from the force I was clenching them. And to my relief my phone rang indicating that Ayeza has entered Feroz office from the backdoor.
I smirked. It was time for the play.
"I'll sign the deal but after an hour" I put forward my demand to Feroz who looked like a snake has bitten him.
"What? And why is that so?" He asked me suspiciously.
"I have informed my lawyer and he'll take an hour to reach here. I can't sign a deal without a lawyer because I don't trust you" I said venemously
"Your lawyer just left in case you didn't notice" Feroz said raising his one brow
"Not her. This one's is my personal lawyer and definitely not a girl" I smirked.
"Fine. We'll wait." Feroz said and got up and then added
"Would you like some whiskey? Don't think I'm being polite with you. Since you're handing over your business to me so consider it one last time offer as I would never want to see your face again"
"I don't drink some water would be fine" I said glaring at him who shrugged and went to grab a bottle of whiskey.
"Oh sorry" I said as I spilled sone water over Feroz shirt while drinking water. He glared at me and took out tissues to rub the wet spot on his shirt. After fifteen minutes Feroz was under the effect of drugs which I put in his drink while he was busy cleaning his shirt. Now it was time for me to go as Ayeza was on her way to home since my men informed me about her.
While I had half an hour to check out Mir's house which was at  five minutes distance from here but the problem was guards which were all around. If I tried to run they'll know something's off and I couldn't afford being caught. There were no guards in room nor any cameras since the deal was illegal and I knew already that Feroz will not want for anybody to know about the deal since he was already being blackmailed by Aina. He would not want his dirty secret to be revealed.
So I tied Feroz to the chair easily. So he won't be able to escape. We were on second floor and only way out was a window. I jumped from the window and landed on the ground as I had already planned out. My car was waiting for me. I reached Mir's house and started searching the whole house. As we expected I found all the documents in his closet. These proofs were enough to prove the three of them guilty.
The cops were already surrounding Feroz's hotel. As I signalled them they moved inside and arrested everyone including Feroz.
Now I had to deal with the two traitors including Kashaf. When she moved for her studies. I was already suspecting her behaviour.
But I could never think that she was working for Feroz all along and that day in coffee shop when I saw her with Mir I knew she played us. When I told Ayeza she wouldn't believe me saying that I must be mistaken since she had developed a soft spot for her. But I was careful with her from start and in the end I was right.
My man tracked Ayeza through the tracker in her bracelet and she was in one of the properties owned by Feroz. It was half an hour distance. I was scared now. All was well till now. I had everything to prove Feroz guilty and Rehman innocent.
Now only thing I needed was to her to be safe. We surrounded the building. And I ordered them to barge inside and arrest everyone since now I had all the proofs against them to arrest them lawfully for investigation. And the police was with me since I had already sent all the proofs to the headquarters for legal proceedings. The shooting started and we had to deal with almost fifty guards here and there. Ayeza was nowhere in sight but I knew that she was here.
Suddenly I heard her voice and she was saying something. I followed the voice it was a room at one corner of the building and she was inside. I called everyone and then we opened the door and there she was tied on the chair.
After the whole fiasco was done and I dealt with the two traitors. I looked at her for any possible injuries and to my relief she was all fine.

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