Chapter 21

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                       Ayeza's P.O.V

I looked at him and he explained how he dealt with Feroz and everything and to my relief all was fine now. I can't believe that we finally put an end to everything. I mean we were successful in end. I was finally happy that no innocent would be punished now and Rehman would be out in two days.
But I don't know why I had this feeling that this mystery still has some unspoken truth which needed to be revealed. But what that could be?
"Are you planning on sitting here all night or will you really move?" Those words of Ali brought me back to reality from my wild thoughts.
I looked at him and he was already looking at me in amusement.
"Are you sure you're alright? Since we've returned you're in some other world deep in thoughts."
"I'm alright. But don't know why I had this feeling that there is something else I need to know. I mean something is still hidden from me. Don't you think that?" I asked looking at him with questioning eyes.
He gulped visibly and spoke after a while "You and I already know what was there to find. What could possibly be hidden from you now? You're just being paranoid and you need good night sleep."
"Probably you're right" I sighed.
"Ayeza about earlier. I don't know how you took my words I just wanted to say that......."
"It's fine. Can we not talk about it right now? I'm happy finally after four months. Can't we just keep it that way." I cut him off in middle.
He sighed and then grumbled a small
"Fine". And I sighed in relief.
I really didn't wanted to talk about his love confession or my reaction on it. I was hella tired and I needed sleep. He dropped me home and I finally slept in peace after months.
Two days passed in legal proceedings and it was the day of final hearing. Everything goes as planned. After hearing the confession of Kashaf and Mir. The judge declared them and Feroz guilty. Rehman was proved innocent.
The judge announced lifetime sentence to Mir and Kashaf. While Feroz was charged with multiple drugs cases and illegal property doings and muder. And a separate case was to be held against him for all his illegal doings in multiple countries . The case was finally
"Congratulations." I said to Rehman immediately when I met him.
"Thanks a lot. But all congratulations belongs to you as it was only because of you that I was able to get out of that prison." Rehman replied smiling but the smile didn't quite reached his eyes and I knew the reason.
"I'm sorry for Kashaf" I said sympathetically ad I didn't know what to say to him.
"It's fine. It isn't your fault that she sold our relationship for money" Rehman replied in hard voice.
"I know"  I replied shortly
"Atleast I got another sister even if I lost one" Rehman said with a twinkle in his eyes and my heart melted at him calling me his sister.
I gave him my full blown smile and he too grinned at me
"Yeah you definitely got one" I said and before we could talk more I was called for some legal work. I pat his back and gave a small smile to Ali and went away.
After an hour I was finally free. I went outside and the media was present there waiting for me. After all I proved a business tycoon guilty of so many crimes. So media definitely wanted my statement over it.
I gave answers to some of their questions and ran away from there. I hated that limelight.
I had always liked to keep my personal life away from media. Being a lawyer it wasn't easy and now when I had won such a big case I already knew it was gonna be more difficult.
I looked up when I heard some familiar voices and there were those two bickering with eachother. I approached them while they seem to be in a heated discussion.
"What's wrong?" I asked Ali
"I'll see you two later. I need to go" saying that Rehman was about to go when Ali caught his elbow and I looked at both of them wide eyed as they were creating a scene in front of the media.
"You aren't going to talk to that bitch" Ali spat and I gasped at his vulgar language. He never use that even when he's angry and right now he seemed extremely furious.
"Don't create a scene here you two. Let's go sit in the car and discuss everything like adults" I scolded both of them and they both rolled their eyes and followed me to the car.
"Now. What's wrong?"
"I want to meet Kashaf. And he doesn't want me too" Rehman said in sharp tone sitting on the back seat of the car.
"Why? What's wrong in that?" I asked Ali raising my burrows.
"I don't want him too. She betrayed us. She'll just hurt him more and I don't want that." Ali replied huffing
"Rehman go and meet her. Get your closure. I'll deal with him" I said nodding at Rehman who left the car immediately.
After he was gone I looked at Ali with questioning eyes
"Why weren't you letting him meet her?" I asked him
"He's hurting and I don't want him to get more hurt because of her. Her chapter is closed from our life and I would want to keep it that way" he replied in hard tone.
"How're you Ali?" I asked him in a rather soft tone.
"I'm fine Ayeza." He said looking at me and then sighed "I guess I'm not fine. I'm being unreasonable."
I smiled at him sympathetically.
"Everything will be alright Ali.  Have some faith."
"I don't know who to trust anymore Ayeza. I guess I can't trust anyone after her. How can she possibly did that to us? I..... I don't know what to think anymore. I just......"
His voice cracked at the end and I definitely knew how he was feeling because I felt the same way for five months.
My family married me to an unknown man and they never checked on me either he was treating me right or not. We did talk with eachother on daily basis but it was always me telling them about my day and our usual talk. We faced same kind of betrayal just from different persons but mine was blood relationship and his was friendship.
"It's going to be tough but it'll be fine" I said after some moments of silence.
"Will you be with me Ayeza? I can't loose you too?" He asked looking at me and that was the question which I was avoiding since ages.
"I will be with you as your friend but I can't be more than that" I replied avoiding the eye contact.
"Or you don't want to or maybe you don't wish to" Ali replied in curt voice.
My head snapped towards him and I lost all my self control.
"What do you want me to do huh? You want me to leave my husband and be with you. I can't even believe you right now. For me loyalty and trust is much more than love can ever be. I maybe love you.
But we can't ever be together but you won't get that that's because you don't want to. I'll forever and ever will choose him over you not because I can't leave him but because I don't want to. I'll always be loyal to him no matter what. Thank you for your time. I won the case and now I wish to never see you since we can't be friends anymore. We've reached that line"
I looked at him who was looking at me shocked when I spat my words at him. I looked at him for the last time before banging the door shut and went away from there.
I reached home after taking a cab. Amma bi congratulated me on my victory since she got to know about it through news but I wasn't happy any more  because I may have won in the eyes of the world but I lost.
                          I lost him.

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