Chapter 25

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I woke up abruptly due to some disturbance and saw a man hovering over me. I panicked and did what any one would do.
I punched his nose hard
"Ow woman! You almost broke my nose. What is wrong with you?"
Came the voice of my dearest hubby whom I had punched in nose. I gasped at him. "I'm so sorry Ali. Are you alright? I thought someone broke into my room. I forgot I was here with you. So sorry. Are you alright?"
I asked panicked as he was still clutching his nose.
"I'm fine but tell me one thing. Where did you learn to punch like that. You sure hit like a man" he said glaring at me.
I rolled my eyes at his drama." My father made me join the self defence classes for a year. He said it was necessary for the girls in my field as I was opting for law and I can see that it well payed off" I said smirking and he huffed at me.
"By the way why were you hovering over me?" I asked frowning.
"I wasn't hovering. I was checking if you really are here or not and you gave me a punch in return. Thank God my nose isn't broken" he yelled dramatically making me roll my eyes at him yet again.
"How's your fever now?" I asked him worriedly as I didn't wanted a repeat telecast of yesterday night.
"I'm fine now. Did you come to check on me?" He asked me raising his burrow.
I shrugged. "I did. Not everyone is like you not checking on their spouse for five months but it's fine"
"God woman!, I was with you all the time and I did call you. Can't you forgive me please?" He pleaded his eyes showing how serious he was right then.
"I don't want to talk about it right now. Can we please drop this topic?" I asked him not really wanting to discuss it.
"Sure. As you wish" he said nonchalantly.
"Do you have anything to eat in breakfast or no? I don't want to die starving" I said changing the topic. And it worked as he raised his burrow at me challengingly.
"We do eat  too you know" he replied scoffing.
"Let's go downstairs otherwise I'll eat you for eating my brain in this fine morning" I said and moved downstairs to prepare something to eat.
I prepared breakfast for him and me. I made fried eggs and toast with coffee since there was nothing much in the kitchen reason being he mustn't know how to cook.
"Smells delicious." Ali said coming downstairs in his casual clothes.
"Are you for real? It's only bread and eggs. What's there to smell delecious" I groaned at him and he chuckled in reponse.
"I know wife but it's still good to have someone cook for you even though they're only eggs and toast." He replied cheekily earning another glare from me.
"Why don't you hire a cook for yourself. Isn't it too bad that a man who earned millions can't even hire a cook for himself" I sighed at him who was devouring his breakfast hungrily.
"I do have a cook Ms. I know it all. But his wife is ill. So he's on leave." He replied sipping his coffee.
"Aren't you copying my names for you now?" I asked him.
"Learned from you" he replied haughtily and we continued to bicker during whole breakfast.
All in while I was thinking that I missed it so much. It felt normal to me like always but then again my life wasn't normal at all.
"Can I ask you something?" I said looking at him.
"Sure. What is it?" He said giving me his full attention.
"Why did your voice appeared so changed whenever you called me on phone" I  voiced out the question which I had in my mind since the very start.
He looked at me like I had grown horns on my head "Are you seriously asking me that? Don't tell me that you still don't believe that you're married to me
I shrugged at him "I know we are. Our parents confirmed it when I confronted them. I just want to know how your voice appeared different. That's it"
"So that mean you didn't believe me so ask for confirmation from our parents." Ali said with hurt in his voice.
"Can you blame me for not believing you" I said looking at him and then continued "But do answer me first"
"It's very easy to change your voice on phone by using voice changer that's what I did because I knew you'll catch me on first call that I'm Ali after all I was dealing with a lawyer" Ali replied explaining to me.
"So Do you believe me now or do we have to do nikkah again for making you believe me?" Ali said playfully.
I scowled at him and nodded my head.
"It's not my fault. It all seems like a movie where heroine falls in love with a guy who turns up to be her husband in the ending" I reply shrugging.
"So you accept that you love me?" Ali asked wiggling his burrows at me. And I blushed red hearing his statement.
"Shut up" I said smacking his head and he chuckled at seeing my red face.
"I am sorry for hurting you like that Ayeza. I didn't mean to distress you ever. It all happened so quickly that I had no option but to lie to you. And then I complicated our relationship more by confessing my feelings to you. I really am sorry. Can we please forget it and move on. Can't you give me a chance?" Ali said pleading me with his eyes.
I got up and replied "I'm going to office. I need some time"
I left his apartment all the while thinking that if what I was doing was right. I mean only I know how I spend the last two months. I missed him every day. Missed our bickering. And I was sure that I can't ever leave him not because I can't but because I don't want to. I really do love him and there was no use of denying it now since we were already married. And to say that I understand him would be understatement.
I know him in and out like no one. I somewhat understand his point of view too. He too was forced in the relationship with me. Though he did wrong to me but still it wasn't his fault entirely. His father was to blame too. Spending the entire week thinking I finally decided what I had to do now.
It was later in evening I was at my office about to leave. Before I could leave the office. The door was knocked. And it was none other than my dear husband "Are you free now?" He asked me when he saw me almost ready to leave.
"Yes" I replied looking at him who was looking at me nervously and I wondered what he was upto now.
"Umm.....mmm would you like to have dinner with me? I mean only if you want." He asked unsurely.
"Dinner? Are you trying to impress me now?" I asked him raising my burrows.
"Is it working?" He asked back.
"Maybe. Let's go." I replied smiling at him who too smiled back.
We went to his car and he took me to his favourite hotel.
"What should we order?" I asked him looking at the dishes in the menu.
"Whatever you like. Although I prefer fish and steaks as they are my favourite.
"Order the same for me" I replied putting the menu back at its place.
"What are you thinking now?" he asked me while I was emersed in my thoughts.
"We don't know about each other much. I mean likes,dislikes,habits, preferences and so much more." I said looking at his deep blue eyes.
"Should we start then? Will you give me a chance?" He asked putting his hand in front of me.
I looked at him smiling and put my hand in his

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