Chapter 14

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In the envelope, there were the photographs of Rehman at different occasions. All of the pictures were taken from different locations like his university, office, home. And it felt like someone was keeping eyes on his every move. But the most intriguing thing was it contained all details of Rehman's daily schedule.
"What was Aina doing with all this info and how did she get it all?" Ali asked me looking over the pictures.
"No idea. Maybe Feroz put her to this" i replied looking at him because that was the only possible explanation i could think of.
"As she was his class fellow so it must be easy to keep an eye on him" Ali said nodding at me.
"But still i think Aina was innocent. I know she choosed wrong side but that was because she had no option left and she had to get money. But when she realised that she's doing wrong. She tried to leave but Feroz didn't let her. So she started gathering evidence against him and he somehow got to know about that. So he got furious and murdered her by using his men and put the blame on Rehman to take revenge from him and you.Everything is crystal clear but what i don't understand now is what was she doing with Rehman's info" I said to Ali who was listening to me silently.
"I didn't know that a person can be this complicated. I'm getting mixed vibes with all this. Sometimes i think Aina was wrong and sometimes it felt right. I don't know what to think anymore and now this...... I literally had no clue" Ali said in gruff voice.
"Let's go from here" i said and we left the university.
I called my friends and we went to shopping. I had invited kashaf too. We had become good friends and girls also liked her. I didn't wanted her to fall into depression. She didn't wanted to come but i also dragged her with me. We did the shopping and then had dinner at my house. Hina was the joker of the group. We laughed a lot at her lame jokes. At night, after dinner Ali came to pick up Kashaf. I showed kashaf out. Before she could go she hugged me and thanked me for the good time. I also had a good time. I guess i needed that time because i was getting worried about the next hearing which was after two days. She asked me how the case was going? I didn't wanted to lie to her but i didn't had any courage to tell her the truth so i just smiled weakely and reassured her that all was going fine but from her expressions i knew that she didn't believe me. She too smiled back and left.
After everyone was gone i went into my bedroom. After doing my night routine i was about to sleep when my phone rang. I smiled at that because i thought it must be Harim. But when i received the call i got the second shock of the day.
"Hello dear lawyer it's feroz" came the voice of the man whom i didn't want to hear especially after this tiresome day.
"Hello Mr.Feroz! What can i do for you?" I replied in bored tone
"Hmm i told you what you can do for me but it seems like you don't want to listen" Feroz replied in somewhat threating tone.
"Look if you called me to leave the case. I already told you I won't be doing that" i replied in same tone.
"I already know that but right now i have a proposition for you. If you're interested, come with Ali at the address I'm sending you. And don't you dare try anything because it won't end good for you" saying that Feroz hang up.
I huffed in annoyance. Don't know why but I didn't wanted to go. Call it a sixth sense or whatever but i knew already whatever he had to propose it won't be good for us. I called Ali. He immediately recieved the call. I told him about the call and he had the same thoughts as me. Thinking of everything i drifted off to a dreamless sleep
I got up in the morning and went to office. Ali picked me up from my office and we went to the adress. It was an adress of a  famous hotel.
"Why do you think he has a proposition for us?" Ali asked me while he was driving the car
"No idea. He's your friend. You should know. By the way i was thinking you have a poor choice in friends." I said rolling my eyes at him.
"Don't forget you and Rehman are also my friends." Ali replied playfully.
I glared at him and looked out of the window.
"I don't think he want to murder me because for that purpose he wouldn't have invited us to a famous hotel" Ali chuckled.
"Shut up Ali. This is serious." I said glaring at him.
"I know but i don't want you to explode in anger because you're getting angrier by the minute. That's why I was trying to relax you" Ali replied looking serious.
"Let's just be silent for some time please. I need to think" i sighed.
Ali looked at me and nodded his head.
We reached the hotel. Feroz was inside the hotel in a private room. His men took us to him. We sat down in front of him beside the table.
"What do you want from us?" Ali asked Feroz who was busy glaring at him.
"Hmm. Straight to the point just like before my dear friend." Feroz chuckled.
"I'm not your friend. And don't try to play games on us. We don't have time to waste. If you have nothing to say we're leaving" Ali said in sharp tone.
"You can't insult me when you're standing on my grounds. I'm being good to offer you a proposition. Don't make me change my mind" Feroz replied in hard voice.
Befor the both of them started fighting. I intervened in middle and said "We didn't come here to fight. Feroz what's your proposition?"
"Alright. Straight to the point I'll have Rehman out of the prison in twenty four hours but you have to do something for me in return. I know you're trying to prove him innocent but you can't and you know it already. You're just moving in circles" Feroz said looking at me.
"I can and i will" i replied in curt voice. I hate it when someone judge me.
Feroz chuckled and Ali looked like he wanted to choke Feroz right at the moment.
"You can try" Feroz replied chuckling.
Before i could say anything else Ali asked in his thick intimidating voice
"How're you going to get Rehman out and how can we trust you?"
"If you agree to my terms and conditions in next twenty four hours a man will claim that ge murdered Aina with evidence and Rehman will be proven not guilty and you can trust me as I'll sign a contract with you" Feroz said explaining.
I looked at Ali with questioning eyes. It was wrong and we both knew it. And we had faith in law. More like i had faith in law. I already knew that Ali was ready to go to any lengths for Rehman. That was bad and i knew i had to do something
"What do you want in return?" I asked carefully because i knew it wasn't going to be good.
"You transfer your company ownership to me legally" Feroz replied in curt voice.
"What?" Ali said in somewhat menacing voice.
"Yes. You return what you and Rehman took from me and I'll return his freedom. You have three days to think. Hope to see you after Rehman's hearing after two days." saying that Feroz ordered his men to escort me and Ali out of the hotel.

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