Chapter 9

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Ali was driving the car while i was looking out of the window thinking about what's gonna happen next
"So what do we know about this Mir guy? Ali's voice broke my chain of thoughts.
"Not much. Just that he was in high school with Aina and both were good friends. He was the only one Aina used to hang out with and so everyone thought that they're dating. Now this guy's doing a job at a construction company. That's the only thing i found about him and we don't even know that if they were still in connection before her death or not. "I explained everything to Ali which i found out when i was checking background of this Mir guy
"One more thing his real name is Mir Raza" i said finishing up
"Hmmm so we apparently don't know a thing." Ali said thinking
"Precisely. And I'm not even sure if it's safe or not but guess what we still gotta check on him. Maybe we can get a lead from there" I said seriously
"Yeah that we do. On the other side can I ask you a question?" Ali asked me
"Sure. What is it?" I asked him
"Why do you threaten to leave the case whenever you get angry at me.
I know i did torture the guy but it was in our best interest. He was never gonna confess to whatever he told me if i didn't. Every investigation firm work like that. Altough we don't prefer it and do our best to avoid it and also it's immoral but still it's the last option at our sleeve if things doesn't go the way we would like them to go. Being a lawyer don't you know that how investigation woks?" Ali said looking down on the road
"As you said it's immoral to torture someone and i do agree to it that's why i hate it .And i threaten you to leave the case because i know you don't want me to leave it so in this way there's a bigger chance you will be careful next time or maybe i can hope that you listen to me and didn't do anything reckless" i said smirking at him.
"You know you're bad really really bad" Ali replied horrified
"I know i am" i chirped
"So can i say that we're friends now because i like you i mean you're a great person" Ali said looking at me
"Sure. I'll really like that but still i won't permit torturing People" i said looking at him sharply
"Fine mam!you won I can't promise but I'll try" Ali grumbled
I smiled at him and he returned it. We were about to reach his house. It was a two hour ride in total. Finally, we reached there. Ali parked his car and we got out. It was a small yet beautiful house.  The nameplate said Ali Raza meaning we were at the right place.
I rang the bell. An old lady opened the door after ten minutes.
"Hello! What can I do for you people?" The old lady said politely
"Hello mam. I'm Ayeza I'm a lawyer and that's Ali from investigation department." I said pointing at Ali
"We need to talk to Mir Raza. It's his address isn't it?" I askes the old lady
"Of course it is. I'm his mother. You can come in." The old lady said giving us the space to enter the house.
"Can i ask you why do you want to talk to my son?" The old lady said after we sat on the sofa
"Do you know Aina? Maybe your son told you about her. She was murdered and we're investigating what happened to her." I told her
"Aina! I know that girl. She was a friend of my son when he was in high school" the old lady said thinking deeply
"Poor girl. May Allah bless her paradise. But why do you need to talk to my son about it. He hadn't met her for about two years" the old lady said gravely.
Before we could reply to that a voice interrupted us
"Mom! Who are these people?" A boy said which i assumed was Mir
"Mir! Son they're here for questioning you about Aina's murder. Do you remember that girl. She was your friend" the old lady spoke up.
Mir visibly paled. And he started sweating and shivering.
"W-w-what do y-you mean by m-m-murder?" He said stuttering as if we were speaking Arabic to him which he didn't understand
"That's exactly what we meant Mr.Mir She was murdered a month ago in her apartment. And guess what it was your name which she uttered while she was taking her last breath while your mother say you didn't meet her in what like two years or so. So what will you say about that now?" Ali questioned him while raising his perfect brow
"Mum! Can you leave us alone for a moment. I promise I'll tell you everything later" Mir said to her mother
"Sure son but you better answer all my questions later" she said walking away
"Can we go to my room to talk. Please!" Ali said to us
"Sure" Ali said and we both follow him to his room
"So tell us Mir what's your connection to all of this otherwise we'll make sure that you're going to a long long vacation to prison"Ali said in his thick intimidating voice
"Ok I'll tell you everything but please I'm assuring you that I'm not a part of it not even a single bit. I promise I'm not involved in it. Please believe me. " Mir said pleading us
I glared at Ali for scaring the boy and sat down on the chair beside him and said "Look i know you're scared and you have every right to be scared but you need to tell us everything you know because i know Aina was your friend. Don't you want justice for her. An innocent man's life is at stake because of it. If you didn't tell us everything maybe we won't be able to save him. Please co-operate with us and i promise nothing will happen to you"
"Ok I'll tell you everything i know from start" Ali said looking at me timidly
"Ok. Start talking then" Ali said and Mir began his side of the story

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