Chapter 10

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Mir started talking and me and Ali both listened to him carefully.
"We were in high school when we first met. Me and Aina we were both in same class that's how our friendship started. She was a good person. We always hang out together. She has only one friend and that was me that's why she used to share her problems with me. She didn't had a great family. Her family hated her and her sister because after their parents death she moved here to complete her studies while her family didn't wanted that. She was only in contact with her sister who was married and couldn't care less about her. So she had no one except me. We used to spend a lot of time together and that's why our whole school thought that we were dating but it didn't matter to us because we were happy together. After completing high school i went in for an engineering degree as i wanted to pursue my career in it while she went into business as it was her desire. Those days were very hard for her" Mir breathed
"Hard for her? What do you mean by that" i questioned
Mir looked at me and Ali and then sighed "She was in need of money. Her family didn't wanted her nor his sister. No one was there to help her financially. The money her parents had left for her wasn't enough to get admission to the top business university where she wanted to go. She was doing a part time job to accommodate her expenses but it wasn't enough. I tried to help her as much as i could but that didn't do much because i didn't had a decent job then and my studies were also incomplete and she needed a lot of money. Then something happened."
"What happened?" Ali asked Mir
"She got all the money she wanted in a month. She paid her university fee got admission there and paid all the loans she had taken for her studies before" Mir said sharply
"What? How? You said it was a lot of money?" I gasped
"Yes, it was and that's why i was shocked that how did she get so much money and that's why i invited her to tea at my house and questioned her" Mir said looking at the wall in front of him.
"So what did she say?" I asked him
"She said her parents left a property for her and she sold it and got money. But i know it wasn't possible because she never told me about it before. So i know she was lying. I asked her many times and in the end she said she didn't want to talk about it. So, i dropped the topic. But it was my worst mistake as a friend. Two months passed by and she bought a small apartment. I was worried that how was she getting so much money that she left her part time job too. It was getting suspicious for me. And then i got all my answers" Mir paused. He got up and drank some water and then sat down continuing his story
"She called me. It was 12am at that time on saturday exactly two and half  years ago. I was sleeping. I got up and attended the call. She was sobbing. I was alerted immediately. She was not the crying type. So i asked her what's the matter and she said help me and the call was cut. I dialed her number again but it was no response. So,I left the house and went to her apartment. But as she opened the door i was shocked. She was in worst state possible. Her hair were disheveled. Her face and body was bruised. Her lips were bleeding. It looked like someone had beaten her badly. She was limping. She told me to come inside but before i could do so she fainted. I panicked. I didn't knew what to do. I put her on the sofa. Her apartment was trashed. Everything was broken and bloody. There was a lot of blood on floor which i assumed was Aina. I sprinkled some water on her face. She wasn't getting up so i took her to the hospital. The dotors asked me what happened to her and i said she was in an accident because I didn't really know what happened to her and that was the only possible excuse which came in my mind. I spend the night at the hospital as she slept after doctors injected her with sedatives. In morning, the first thing i do was check on her. She was awake and looking at the hospital wall. I sat down beside her and asked her what the matter is? She started crying again. When she calmed down she said she didn't want to meet me again ever. I was very shocked. I mean i rescued her and she was telling me to get lost. I got up angrily that she wasn't telling me anything but before i could go she said something which stopped me dead on my track. She said she's working with dangerous people and they'll kill me and her both if they got to know about us. She said they beat her because she wanted to quit but she's trapped there's no way out for her. She couldn't quit because she's deeply into that mess. But she wanted me away from every danger and that's why i should never visit her again nor called her. And she called me only because she had no one to ask for help and now she want to cut all ties with me. I tried to talk to her but she pushed me away saying that if i love her ever I'll leave her on her own. Of course I didn't listen to her and went to meet her again. She threatened me that she'll kill herself if i visit her again. I suggested we should seek help from police but she said it was no use. She started ignoring my calls and i couldn't visit her because of her threats. Six months passed in that way and i got busy in my life. I didn't forget her and tried to reach her again and again but she didn't wanted to do anything with me so i quit too. We didn't hear each other for about two years. I got my dream job and completed my degree. So i bought this house and moved in here with my mother. Sometimes i used to wonder what she must be doing or was she even alive or not but i couldn't do anything. About two months ago, she contacted me. First, i didn't recognize her but then i did. She asked me to meet me in a coffee shop and sent me an address as she wanted to talk to me. I was surprised first she left me two years ago because she was afraid for me and now she wanted me to come and meet her. I was angry no i was furious at her. But After giving it a thought i went to meet her there.

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