Chapter 13

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Ali came after an hour. I finished my work hurriedly and asked him for coffee. We were both sitting quietly. Ali asked me what happened. I told him everything.
"I knew something like that was gonna happen. I mean we have one of his men. He must have known about about it all." Ali said after listening to  whole situation.
"Yeah. But now ignoring him is the best option i think. I mean he did threaten me but i think for now it's better that we don't pay attention to him" i replied back
"Ok. But you need to be careful. He's a powerful person with a lot of connections. I don't want you getting hurt because of my enmity with him. As he won't sit quietly after he'll know you're not leaving the case since he already threatened you." Ali said worriedly
"It's ok I'll be fine. I'm a lawyer. This is my work." i replied smiling slightly
"Ok. But be careful please you are more than my lawyer for me" Ali said looking at me softly.
I didn't knew what he meant by that but i smiled at him. He relaxed visibly.
"Are you scared? I mean you can tell me not as a client but as your friend" Ali asked looking at me with his deep blue eyes.
"Not even a little bit" i replied smoothly.
"Really?" He asked me again.
"Yeah. These type of things are common in our line of work you do know that" i replied back to him.
"Yeah i know how can i forget that you're a famous lawyer afterall." He said and i laughed at him and he joined me too.
"Are you going to tease me on that" i asked him.
"Maybe" he replied laughing
"Ok enough with the laughing Mr.Ali we got work to do" i told him getting serious.
"Yeah. So what should we do now i mean we reached a dead end with USB. I don't know what to do next."
Ali asked me.
"Wow! 'Mr.i know it all' is asking me. I must be dreaming right now" i said sarcastically
"Dreams have short duration So tell me before i change my mind" he said smiling smugly.
I glared at him and then we both chuckled at our bickering.
"Wait a second. Why don't we go back to Aina's apartment and check it out again. Maybe we left something out last time. Because we really need any clue about that USB. Also i was thinking that if Aina handed over all the evidence to Mir. She must have it all somewhere too i mean Mir was her safe side. She was very wise to collect all the evidence under Feroz's nose so she must have all the documents somwhere too. So where do you think she kept something that important to her?" I asked Ali thinking about where she must have kept it.
"Definitely not at her apartment. Because she must know that everyone will check her apartment first. If they get to know about the evidence" Ali said thinking deeply.
"Maybe at some other place but we should check her apartment first" i said to Ali who nodded his head and got up from his seat.
"Let's get going then" Ali said and we moved out and drove to her apartment.
"How's kashaf doing?" I asked Ali getting out of the car.
"Barely holding up. Those two are quite attached with eachother. You know Rehman even used to tell bed time stories to Kashaf when she was little." Ali replied reminiscing the good old memories.
"I hope she'll get her brother back" i replied in gruff voice.
"Hope so. That's why i hid the truth from her. I knew i couldn't hid it forever but i atleast tried to kept her away as much as i can. Rehman forced me to do so too. I didn't wanted her to get hurt in all of this because I've done enough damage to my best friend." Ali replied in somewhat sad voice.
"It'll be alright. You didn't do anything bad to anyone. It was fate. You gotta accept it. Let's go and check out the apartment" i said dismissing the topic because I didn't wanted Ali to think about the painful things.
"Let's get going then" Saying that we entered the apartment.
In about an hour, we checked the whole apartment but found nothing. Nothing was out of the ordinary or out of the place which could be assumed suspicious. And it was impossible that she could've hid an important evidence here.
"Nothing is here Ayeza" Ali said still checking out the apartment.
"I know. Don't know where she could have hid the real evidence if she had any" i said thinking deeply but suddenly i realized something.
"Wait a second! What about her university?" I asked looking at Ali
"What about it? Do you think she could've hid something there?" Ali asked me confirming my suspicions.
"Exactly! I think there must be something there. Maybe some clue or anything" i replied back.
We drove to the university. After meeting the university faculty and admin, we went to talk with her and Rehman's class fellows. They didn't knew much about her as we already knew that she didn't get along with anyone. Then one of her class fellow showed us her locker.
Ali opened her locker using the keys we got from the university staff. The locker was almost empty with only a little stuff in it. It had her one suit, a cap and few accessories.
I looked into the locker very closely and i saw an envelope. It was etched to the corner of the locker so it can't be seen unless you look very closely into it.
Me and Ali both looked at eachother and i opened the envelop. But the thing which i saw in the envelope wasn't even in my expectations. I thought I would've found some evidence or anything important against Feroz but the thing i saw was beyond my expectations. Looks like the case wasn't as simple as i suppose it would be. The more i try to solve the case the more complex it becomes. Now it feels like Aina wasn't a simple university girl as i initially thought she would be.

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